HS317b - Advanced Health Informatics
Neoplasms Chapter II
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Cancer - see also Neoplasm, malignant(8000/3)
Carcinoma In Situ
- Refers to neoplastic cells in a preinvasive stage of cancer
- Other terms: intraepithelial, noninfiltrating, non-invasive, preinvasive
Morphology Classification
- Describes the cell of origin (histological type)
- Describes the behaviour of neoplasm
- Optional to use
- Consists of five digits:
- First four identify histological type of neoplasm
- /Fifth indicates behaviour
- /0 Benign
- /1 Uncertain whether benign or malignant
- /2 Carcinoma in situ
- /3 Malignant, primary site
- /6 Malignant, metastatic site
- /9 Malignant, uncertain whether primary or metastatic
The ICD-O behaviour digit /9 is not applicable in the ICD context, since all malignant neoplasms are presumed to be primary (/3) or secondary (/6), according to other information in the medical record.
A coding difficulty sometimes arises where a morphological diagnosis contains two qualifying adjectives that have different code numbers. An example is "transitional cell epidermoid carcinoma". "Transitional cell carcinoma NOS" is 8120/3 and "epidermoid carcinoma NOS" is 8070/3. In such circumstances, the higher number (8120/3 in this example) should be used, as it is usually more specific
- Note MRDx definition – code based on what they are treating. A secondary site can be MRDx if it is accountable for the patient’s LOS
- Specificity Standard
- Assign a separate code for each primary and secondary
- Includes Lymphatic & haematopoietic tissues if documented in more than one site
- C80 Malignant neoplasm without specification if documentation vague in identifying a primary but a secondary was clearly diagnosed.
- Morphology optional
Primary Neoplasm:
- Invasion extending into adjacent tissue, still connected to original site
- Code to point of origin
- Overlapping Boundaries (Contiguous Sites)
- Within a 3-digit category, point of origin undetermined
- Classify to subcategory .8
- Separate 3-digit category, point of origin undetermined
- Code Ca of overlapping site
- See notes at the beginning of Chapter II for overlapping code
- If documentation not clear whether malignancy is primary or secondary Q 4024
- Always presume to be primary
- Exceptions: bone, brain, diaphragm, heart, lymph nodes, mediastinum, meninges, peritoneum, pleura, retroperitoneum and spinal cord
- These are presumed to be secondaries
Follow up admissions
- Recurrent Malignancies
- Previously eradicated but recurred in same organ or tissue
- Code as primary + personal history of malignancy
- Admission for definitive intervention after diagnosis of cancer made
- MRDx: primary neoplasm
- Also when pathology is negative for malignancy and the intent is to remove cancer
- Observation for suspected malignant neoplasm
- Z03.1 Observation for suspected malignant neoplasm
- Malignancy ruled out
- No further treatment is necessary
History of Malignant Neoplasms
- Personal history of malignant neoplasm Z85.~
- Never to be used as MRDx
- Assign diagnosis type 3
- Not assigned for secondary malignancy
- Assign only for primary neoplasm when:
- The malignancy has been completely eradicated or excised
- No further treatment is being directed to primary site
- There is no evidence of any remaining malignancy at primary site
- There is a recurrence at the same site that was previously excised
- Follow up examination after treatment for malignant neoplasm Z08.~ when no disease is found
- Family History of Malignancy Neoplasm
- Never used as MRDx
- Denotes reason for prophylactic organ removal
Prophylactic Organ Removal Z40.~ ~
- No disease is present
- Family history of malignancy
- Tests PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) or CA 125 (Cancer Antigen) positive
Complications of Malignant Disease
If complications are the cause for admission
- Code as most responsible diagnosis
- Code malignancy as diagnosis type 3
- Common complications:
- Bacterial sepsis A40.~ or A41.~
- Chemotherapy induced neutropenia D70.0 with Y43.~
- Febrile neutropenia D70.0 (Q 7676) + Fever, unspecified R50.9
- Dehydration
- Hypercalcemia
Neutropenia: an abnormally low level of neutrophils in the blood. Neutrophils are white blood cells producedinthe bone marrow that ingest bacteria. It is sometimes called agranulocytosis or granulocytopenia. It is a serious disorder because it makes the body vulnerable to bacterial & fungal infections.
- Anaemia
- in neoplastic disease NEC (see also Neoplasm) (8000/1) D48.9 D63.0
- Pathological fracture
- Bone - – – in (due to) neoplastic disease NEC (see also Neoplasm)D48.9 M90.7
- Has the malignancy been either excised or eradicated (surgically or non-surgically)?
- Is no further treatment being directed to the primary site?
- Is there no further evidence of remaining malignancy at the primary site
- MRDx is Z51.1 Chemotherapy session for neoplasm
- Neoplasm (active & historical malignancies) may be coded as diagnosis type 3
- Intervention: 1.ZZ.35.~ ~ (identify specific drug) for systemic or total chemotherapy
- Radiation therapy Z51.0
- Neoplasm (active & historical malignancies) may be coded as diagnosis type 3
- Intervention 1.~~.27.~~~~ Radiation therapy includes anatomical site + type of radiation
- Brachytherapy 1.QT.26.~~.~~ (implant of radioactive material)
- MRDx is Malignancy
- Therapeutic – destruction, excision partial, excision total, excision radical, Excision with reconstruction
- Diagnostic – inspection, biopsy