Race Car Review Game
Materials Needed:
-Different car pictures printed and displayed using a magnet on the board (number of cars depends on how many groups you want)
-10 envelopes numbered (number can vary based on time)
-10 questions printed small enough to fit in the envelope (one copy for each group)
Set up (Based on six groups)
-Put a one on the outside of envelope one. (you will not fill this envelope because you will pass this question out to the students, this eliminates chaos when starting the game). You still want and envelope there to create a starting point for your cars.
-Put all six copies of question two in an envelope and label the envelope with a two. Continue for each question until all envelopes are filled. You should have six copies of the same question in each envelope. Adjust the amount of copies to match the number of groups you have.
-Place the envelopes along the board. I always use my dry erase board and place the envelopes on the bar and then put the cars up using magnets.
-Place all six cars lined up with envelope one as a starting place
-Group students. I like to ability group if I have time. I like to put a high, low and two average students together in a group.
-Have groups chose a car
-Assign a “driver”. I always chose a low/medium performing student in hopes that being forced to listen and explain the answer he may remember the process better when it comes to the test.
-Pass out the first question face down
-Each group will work together to solve the question
-Only the “driver” can get up to give the groups answer to the teacher (I always make them explain why). If the driver does not explain the process correctly, he must go back and discuss it with the group.
-When they have the correct answer they move their car and get the next question. Continue until one group has finished the race. (I always tell my kids if they knock and envelope over and do not pick it up I will move their car back one space so they need to be careful, I also do not make them put the questions back into the previous envelope until the end of the game).