Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease and Pulmonary Disease (CCPD) Grants Program

FY18Continuation Planning Guidance


This Continuation Planning Guidance is issued for the Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease and Pulmonary Disease (CCPD) Grants Program by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). The CCPD Review Committee is recommending continuation funding up toamounts approved by the CCPD Review Committee and Colorado State Board of Healthfor FY18 for all grantees.

The CCPD Grants Program will be awarding continuation grants for current grantees for the period of July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018.

The overall purpose of the CCPD Grants Program is to reduce chronic diseases in Colorado by building a cohesive, comprehensive approach that focuses on prevention, early detection, and treatment for cancer, cardiovascular disease, and pulmonary disease. The overarching goals of the CCPD Grants Program are to:

1. Reduce the number of new cancer cases as well as illness, disability, and death caused by cancer.

2. Reduce cardiovascular disease and related risk factors.

3. Reduce pulmonary disease and related risk factors.


Grantees have until Friday, January 13, 2017 to prepare and submit a Statement of Work and Budget for FY18 (July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018). CDPHE staff will review submissionsthrough February 6, 2017and contact grantees with any clarifying questions to begin the negotiation process.

CCPD funding is contingent upon funding availability and approval by the State Controller or their designee.

(7/1/2017start date)
CCPD Staff sends FY18 Continuation Planning Guidance to Grantees:
·Continuation Planning Guidance including Schedule
·Statement of Work template
·Budget template
·Any other resources/documents / by December 9th
CCPD Staff conducts FY18 Continuation Guidance Webinar (webinar will be recorded and posted on the CCPD web page) / December 15th, 12:00pm-1:00pm
Grantees develop FY18 Statements of Work and Budgets with assistance from CCPD and program staff / December 10-January 13
FY18 Continuation Applications due from Grantees / Deadline: January 13th
CCPD Staff reviews and negotiates SOWs and Budgets with Grantees / by March 30th
CCPD Staff negotiates and finalizes SOWs and Budgets with CDPHE Staff and Grantees / by April 20th
CDPHE staff sends Contracts to Grantees for signature (LPHAs need Board approval and signature) / by May 19th
(LPHAs get on May or June Board agenda)
Grantees return signed Contracts / LPHAs have one month from date received*
All others have two weeks from date received
Official Contract Start Date / July 1st

*Reminder! Please request to be placed on your County Board’s May or June meeting agenda (depending on the week it falls) to have the Contract signed in time for a July 1ststart date.

Submission Instructions

On or before close of business on Friday, January 13, 2017, please email all required documents directly to your assignedProgram Contract Coordinator.

Required documents:

  • Statement of Work for period July 1, 2017 –June 30, 2018
  • Budget for period July 1, 2017 –June 30, 2018
  • CCPD Grantee Contact Information Form

Required documents due upon request:

  • Financial assessment
  • Signature Authority Letter or Corporate Documentation
  • Proof of Insurance
  • Secretary of State Certificate of Good Standing

Statement of Work Guidelines

Utilizing the attached Statement of Work template and Statement of Work Development Checklist, propose a work plan forFY18 (July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018). Develop the Statement of Work in the context of your current project outlining the deliverables that will be achieved during FY18. Planned activities should be within the project scope and consistent with your current project progress. Deliverables should express the intended results or accomplishments of program or intervention activities.

Please review the guidance(see Statement of Work Development Checklist) on how to complete the Statement of Work (SOW) using the template provided.

Resources & Technical Assistance

To expedite the process, you are strongly encouraged to work with CDPHE staff as you develop your FY18Statement of Work and Budget. For program questions, contact your assigned Program Contract Coordinator. You will be directed to the appropriate CDPHE staff person, as needed.

Budget Guidelines

General Instructions

A Budget worksheet template is provided and is required for use in this submission.

Prepare a Budget, not to exceed your agency’s funded amount for FY18, consistent with the proposed Statement of Work.A detailed Budget is required for the period July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018. In the column provided (column E), please confirm each item in the Budget is related to the Deliverable(s) and/or Activity(ies) from your Statement of Work by entering “Yes”.

For each Budget category, guidance is offered regarding acceptable types of costs and what to include in the Budget justification.

Please note that at least 10% of your proposed Budget (excluding indirect costs) should support time and resources for evaluation activities, such as working with the CCPD evaluation contractor (Kaiser Permanente Institute for Health Research). Please build-in this allocation in applicable line items such as staff/contractual salaries, etc.Please note: all expenses charged by subcontractors must be invoiced through subcontract line items.

Personal Services

The Personal Services section should only be used for Agency employees. Services provided by individuals who are not employees of the Agency should be listed in the Contractual section. Use one line per employee. List all personnel employed by the applicant to perform work for the proposed project(s). Include:

  • Position title,
  • Name of Key Personnel Only,
  • Description of Work,
  • Confirmation that the Budget item supports the SOW,
  • Gross or salary, fringe benefits, time and effort percentage on the project (for salaried employees),
  • Hourly wage, hourly fringe benefits, number of hours on the project (for hourly employees),
  • Total amount requested, and
  • Total personal services.

The Budget Description of Item column should address the role and expected contribution of budgeted personnel. The time commitment of each individual, expressed in percentage of time on the project, should be justified as a reasonable estimate for the work to be performed. Please do not use pronouns (i.e. he, she, I, they) or name the person performing the work in the budget description.

Supplies & Operating Expenses

Supplies and operating expenses may include, but are not limited to:

  • Postage,
  • Office supplies,
  • Paid Media,
  • Education Materials, and
  • Copying.

The Budget Description of Item column should describe the rationale, necessity and reasonableness of the operational costs budgeted. Include a description of how the cost estimates are calculated.

Unallowable Expenses:For 3-year grantees, please reference page 22 of the CCPD FY16-18 RFA (. For 2-year grantees, please reference page 18 of the CCPD FY17-18 RFA ().

Screening and Provision of Medical Services:For additional guidance, please reference the RFA for your project using the links above.

Grantee shall provide documentation of all patient care costs charged to the grant and any associated patient eligibility screening processes. If screening and/or treatment activities are to be performed by the grantee or a subcontractor, and reimbursed with CCPD funds, please clearly specify the screening and/or treatment activities and budgeted expenses for these activities in the Description section of the Budget.


The Budget Description of Item column should describe the necessity and reasonableness of all estimated travel costs. Indicate the project personnel who will be traveling and describe their anticipated contributions. Describe cost estimates for airfare, mileage, ground transportation, lodging, meals and any “other” travel costs. This section should include all in-state and out-of-state travel expenses. All requested out of state travel must be pre-approved. Justification for out-of-state travel must clearly demonstrate a direct correlation to the SOW and must also clearly demonstrate a benefit to the State of Colorado.

Include costs for project personnel to travel to the Denver metropolitan area for one, one-day training for the CCPD program. Applicants out of the Denver metropolitan area may include lodging costs. Grantees may also include one other in-state professional development event related to the project (if interested).

  • Lodging

Budgeting with the current government rates published on the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) website is strongly recommended. Lodging costs should be reasonable and follow the travel policies established by your agency/organization. Current per diem rates can be found at:

  • Meals

Budgeting with the current government per diem rates published on the U.S. General Services Administration website is strongly recommended. Per Diem costsshould be reasonable and follow the travel reimbursement policies established by your agency/organization but cannot exceed the current U.S. government rate. Current per diem rates can be found at:

  • Mileage

Mileage may be reimbursed per the agency’s policy but not to exceed the current U.S government rate. The government mileage rate can be found at ($.54/mile as of January 1, 2016).

  • Airfare

Airfare may be budgeted for travel only at the coach rate. The government mileage rate for airfare can be found at ($1.17/mile as of January 1, 2016).

Contractual (payments to third parties or entities)

The Contractual expenditure category should describe costs for all subcontracts planned to complete the proposed work in the SOW. The Description of Item should specify the need for the subcontractor, the selection process, the work to be performed, how costs were calculated and the expected deliverables or end products. Restrictions outlined in the RFA, including cost reimbursement terms, shall also apply to all subcontractors. No subcontractor may be pre-paid for services.

Indirect Costs

Definition: Indirect costs are those that have been incurred for common or joint objectives and cannot be readily identified with a particular final cost objective or grant account. Typical indirect costs include depreciation or use allowances on buildings and equipment, the costs of operating and maintaining facilities, and general administration and general expenses, such as the salaries and expenses of executive officers, personnel administration, and accounting. Indirect costs are also called Facilities and Administration costs (F&A) at some agencies. Indirect costs are allocated in a variety of methodologies in order to compute an indirect cost rate and differ from administrative costs in most cases. A program employee, for example, can be considered administrative and not be included in an agency’s indirect costs.

If your agency maintains an indirect or F&A rate and you choose to include this cost on the application Budget, it is expected that the amount budgeted will reflect the agency’s approved rate. Be prepared to submit one of the following if you are a successfully awarded applicant:

1. Federally Negotiated Indirect Rate Agreement – An entity that receives funding directly from the Federal government is eligible to recover indirect costs by using a federally negotiated indirect cost rate from their Federal cognizant agency.

2. CDPHE - Official and Approved Negotiated Rate Agreement with CDPHE – An entity that receives no funding directly from the Federal government is eligible to recover indirect costs by using an indirect cost rate negotiated with the internal audit department at CDPHE.

3. Indirect Cost Allocation Plan – In the absence of an official Federal or CDPHE negotiated indirect rate agreement, indirect expenses are limited to a maximum of 10 percent of direct costs. CDPHE requires all rates (federal, CDPHE or capped rates) be supported by actual agency costs. Agencies that do not have indirect costs greater than or equal to the 10 percent cap, should reflect their indirect costs at the actual rate, even when it is less than 10 percent. Contractor’s method of allocating indirect costs (overhead to be allocated and the basis of allocation) must comply with generally accepted accounting principles that are consistently applied.

Continuation Materials

(Due after the continuation application deadline)

Financial Assessment Questionnaire

The Financial Assessment Questionnaire is designed to assess the administrative structure of corporate entities.

For nonprofit entities and corporations, a financial risk assessment is performed annually. If your agency is required to complete the assessment, you will be contacted by the CDPHE Contract Compliance Officer prior to the expiration of the current assessment.

Local Public Health Agencies (LPHA), school districts and political subdivisions are exempt from this financial assessment.

Signature Authority Letter or Corporate Documentation

Please attach if Contract is signed by someone other than the apparent authority.

Insurance Coverage

You will be required to provide evidence of insurance prior to contract execution. Proof of insurance is not required for governmental or political subdivision entities. Do not submit your proof of insurance with the Statement of Work and Budget submissions. You will be prompted to submit the insurance certificate with signed copies of the Contract at a later date. A sample of standard ACORD form is provided on the next page for your reference.