Unit IV: Digestive and Urinary Systems
Objective and Assignment Sheet
Chapters 23-26
Objectives: The student will be able to:
- Describe the general functions of the digestive system.
- Name and describe the locations and major functions of the organs of the digestive system.
- Trace the path of food traveling through the digestive tract/alimentary canal.
- Name the 4 basic tissue layers of the GI tract that are commonly found from the stomach to the anus.
- Define and compare mechanical and chemical digestion.
- Discuss the chemical and enzymatic constituents of saliva and their actions on ingested food.
- Define peristalsis.
- Discuss the components of gastric juice and their actions on ingested food.
- Discuss the components of pancreatic juice and their actions on ingested food.
- Discuss the chemical digestion of carbohydrates in the small intestine and the end products of this chemical digestion.
- Describe what happens when the intestinal cells no longer produce lactase.
- Discuss the chemical digestion of lipids in the small intestine and the end products of this chemical digestion.
- Discuss the chemical digestion of proteins in the small intestine and the end products of this chemical digestion.
- Identify and discuss the absorption of nutrients resulting from the digestive process and the structures into which they are absorbed.
- Describe the general functions of the urinary system.
- List and describe the general functions of the organs of the urinary system.
- Describe the locations and structures of the kidneys.
- List the function of the kidney.
- Describe the blood vessels carrying blood into, through, and out of the kidneys.
- Name the parts of the nephron and describe the role of each component in the formation of urine.
- Discuss how the kidneys form urine and trace urine from its point of formation to the exterior of the body.
- List the hormones that affect Na+, Cl-, and water reabsorption and K+ secretion by renal tubules.
- Explain what dialysis accomplishes.
- Analyze the homeostatic nature of the urinary system.
- Describe common urinary system disorders in terms of origin, symptoms, and treatment.
Root Words:
Amyl=starchaliment=foodchym=juicedecidu=falling off
Peri=aroundvill=hairycalyc=small cup detrus=to force away
Af=towardcort=coveringglomer=ballmict=to pass urine
Digestionabsorptiongastrointestinal tractmechanical digestionuvula
Chemical digestionchymeperistalsisemulsificationduodenum
Nephronglomerulusglomerular filtrationtubular reabsorptionfiltrate
Tubular secretionaldosteroneADHdiureticstrigone
Detrusor musclemicturition
Self Review Questions (answers in the back of the textbook)
Chapter 23: Self Quiz #1-17-pp.940-941
Chapter 24: Self Quiz #1-15-pp. 995-996
Chapter 25: Self Quiz #1-10-pp. 1033
Chapter 19: Self Quiz #1-13-pp. 1063
Review activities at
Unit IV: Digestive and Urinary Systems
Objective and Assignment Sheet
Chapters 23-26
Objectives: The student will be able to:
- Describe the general functions of the digestive system.
- Name and describe the locations and major functions of the organs of the digestive system.
- Trace the path of food traveling through the digestive tract.
- Name the 4 basic tissue layers of the GI tract that are commonly found from the stomach to the anus.
- Define and compare mechanical and chemical digestion.
- Discuss the chemical and enzymatic constituents of saliva and their actions on ingested food.
- Define peristalsis.
- Discuss the components of gastric juice and their actions on ingested food.
- Discuss the components of pancreatic juice and their actions on ingested food.
- Discuss the chemical digestion of carbohydrates in the small intestine and the end products of this chemical digestion.
- Describe what happens when the intestinal cells no longer produce lactase.
- Discuss the chemical digestion of lipids in the small intestine and the end products of this chemical digestion.
- Discuss the chemical digestion of proteins in the small intestine. and the end products of this chemical digestion.
- Identify and discuss the absorption of nutrients resulting from the digestive process and the structures into which they are absorbed.
- Describe the general functions of the urinary system.
- List and describe the general functions of the organs of the urinary system.
- Describe the locations and structures of the kidneys.
- List the function of the kidney.
- Describe the blood vessels carrying blood into, through and out of the kidneys.
- Name the parts of the nephron and describe the role of each component in the formation of urine.
- Discuss how the kidneys form urine and trace urine from its point of formation to the exterior of the body.
- List the hormones that affect Na+, Cl-, and water reabsorption and K+ secretion by renal tubules.
- Explain what dialysis accomplishes.
- Analyze the homeostatic nature of the urinary system.
- Describe common urinary system disorders in terms of origin, symptoms and treatment.
Root Words:
Amyl=starchaliment=foodchym=juicedecidu=falling off
Peri=aroundvill=hairycalyc=small cup detrus=to force away
Af=towardcort=coveringglomer=ballmict=to pass urine
Digestionabsorptiongastrointestinal tractmechanical digestionuvula
Chemical digestionchymeperistalsisemulsificationduodenum
Nephronglomerulusglomerular filtrationtubular reabsorptionfiltrate
Tubular secretionaldosteroneADHdiureticstrigone
Detrusor musclemicturition
Self Review Questions (answers in the back of the textbook)
Chapter 23: Self Quiz #1-17-pp.940-941
Chapter 24: Self Quiz #1-15-pp. 995-996
Chapter 25: Self Quiz #1-10-pp. 1033
Chapter 19: Self Quiz #1-13-pp. 1063
Review activities at