1. The Executive Board, in accordance with New Castle Babe Ruth Baseball League, Inc. consist of President, (3) Vice Presidents, Secretary/Treasurer.
  2. Rules Committee shall consist of (7) members; President, (2) Vice President, Umpire-in-Chief, (2) Board Members at-large, and Tourney Director. The President will be the Chairman. No manager who it part of the Board of Directors may participate on the Rules Committee.
  1. It shall be the duty of the Rules Committee to periodically review the LeagueOrganization, Rules and Procedures and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
  2. It shall make recommendations to the Executive Board in the selection of managers and coaches based upon baseball knowledge, a positive personality,and willingness to abide by league rules, league policy and the capability to represent the league in a positive manner.
  3. Select and monitor the umpires.
  4. Be the Protest Committee for the League.
  5. Monitor all requests for trading players among teams in the league.
  6. Make sure the league is run within these League Organization, Rules and Procedures.
  7. Shall meet at the request of the Rules Committee Chairman.
  8. The Board of Directors shall include the following:
  9. President
  10. (3)Vice President(s)

Vice President / Insurance Representative

Vice President / Player Agent / Rules Committee

Vice President / Facilities / Team Manager

  1. Vice President Emeritus
  2. Secretary/Treasurer
  3. Concessions Manager
  4. Umpire-in-Chief
  5. Equipment Manager
  6. (2) Board Members at-large
  7. Tournament Director
  8. Manager’s Representative – Selected by his peers
  9. Parent Representative/Assistant Concessions Manager
  10. Safety Director / Team Manager
  11. Facebook & Action Shot Director
  12. Team & Players Pictures Representative
  1. The Executive Board shall meet a minimum of one time per month. It shall be their duty to execute the purchase and payment of equipment, supplies and services for the League.
  2. The Board of Directors shall meet a minimum of one time per month(except the months of NovemberDecember).These meetings will take place on the 2ndThursdayof each month, 6:00 p.m. at the Babe Ruth Meeting room, unlessotherwise changed.
  1. It shall be the duty of all BoardMembers to be present at the BallPark at different intervals during the season.
  2. A schedule will be made to allow for all Board Members to make plans for the times and dates they should be in attendance.
  3. All Board Members are expected to participate in all Local All Star tournaments.

F.League Finances

  1. New Castle Babe Ruth League will have only one checking accountincluding concessions. All checks willrequire the signature of at least two people. President, Vice President(s) and Treasurer are the only authorized signatures.
  2. Any expenditure over$1000.00will take Executive Committee approval except when orderingconcessions.
  3. New Castle Babe RuthBaseballLeague, Inc. will provide liability insurance for all of itsBoard of Director, managers, coaches, umpires and concession manager.
  1. Babe Ruth Booster Club - Each Team will select parent representative(s). The Team’s Parent Representatives is expected to help with fundraising, schedule their team parents to work in concession stand at appropriate times, provide help with Local All-Star Tournaments and other duties, which may be requested.
  2. Concession Stand
  1. The Manager will be assigned a Bank Debit Card for purchases and will supervise the ordering of all supplies for the concession stand.
  2. There will be an Assistant Concessions Manager to help with the supervision of the concession stand.
  3. Each team representative is expected to have a least two parents to work in the concession stand during the game their team is playing. Help should report 15 minutes before the start of the first game. Help for the second game needs to be available before the end of the first game to assist with the between games rush.
  4. The team’s parent representative will provide the concession manager with a schedule of their teams dates, times and who will be working prior to the beginning of the season. If changes are necessary, the parent representative will notify the concession manager.
  5. No person under the age of 18 will be permitted to work in the concession stand.
  6. All umpires and scorekeeper will be paid each day at the end of the games through the concession stands.

I.Yearly Canvass

1.New Castle Babe Ruth League will conduct a yearly fundraising canvass throughout the community under the direction of the Board of Directors.

2.Each player is expected to participate both days during this event.

3.Parent participation is needed to assure that we have can achieve optimum fundraising and safety. This is our main fundraising for the league.

4.Board of Director Members’ will be available to help oversee each team duringthe canvass and help the parents to achieve a safe and successful canvass.


A.All players must be registered and approved by the Player Agent. The By-Laws will be on the League Website for Players and Parents to read.

B.To be eligible to participate a player must give his name, birth date, address, telephone number, the name of his parents or legal guardian and their telephone number, if different from his own and the parents e-mail address. All players must pay a registration fee of Seventy-Five ($75) dollars. The registration fee covers shirt and insurance. Players may request a hardship grant. The Executive Board will appoint a committee to investigate and approve applications for hardship waivers. New Castle Babe Ruth League WILL NOTdisqualify anyone from playing because of an inability to pay the registration fee.

C.Order of Draft: Each manager shall be numbered in reverse order of the position which his team held in the final league standings at the close of the preceding season; i.e., last place team shall be first, next to last position shall be second, and so on until first place team shall hold last draft number.

D.Each Manager shall then proceed to select in order of his number from the Player Agent’s List. After each manager has had an opportunity to draft one player, the selection shall be repeated in the same order until all teams are filled or until all candidates are selected.

E.It is recommended that for an optimum balance each team should carry 5 players from each age group. However, a team may only carry maximum of (5) 15 year olds in accordance with Babe Ruth League Rule 0.05.1.a TEAM COMPOSITON.

  1. There may be a supplemental draft held each year, after the regular draft, for players who were not able to sign up during the regular sign up period. The placement of players will be made at least two weeks prior to the regular season starting. After that period, no player will be placed on a team. Any Manager / Coach or Player who attempts to use this supplemental draft to play on a certain team will be disqualified.


A.Sons of Managers, Sons of Coaches, and Brothers of players already on a team shall be considered Option Players

B.The Managers son is a second round draft choice.

C.The sons of Coaches are treated in the same manner except that to be eligible for an option the father must have coached the full previous season in New Castle Babe Ruth League.

D.Brother options will be treated as fifth round picks.

E.A manager may exercise options only to the extent that such option will fill his team in accordance with the composition requirements of Babe Ruth Baseball.

F.Options must be announced prior to Player Draft. A manager may deny any option.

G.Any disputes of eligibility for options must be presented to the Player Agent prior to the draft for resolution.


A.The purchase of equipment must be approved by the Board of Directors, President or Equipment Manager. Managers are not permitted to make purchases with league funds without authorization. Equipment purchased by the league shall be turned in to the Equipment Manager at the end of the season.

B.Shirts will be provided by the league. The players will purchase theirpants (all white), hat, andbelts. The player will retain his shirt at the end of the season. The League will purchase uniforms for the Manager and Coaches. The coaching staff may wear coach’s shorts during the league season but they must be color coordinated with their team’s colors. Tourney coaches must wear baseball pants.

1.Managers will bring the shirts sizes (with number) for each player within five days after tryouts to the Equipment Manageror to the sporting goods store where the league has made arrangements to purchase them.

2.Uniforms are to be maintained and worn properly at all times. Shirt tales are to be tucked in and caps turned properly. Managers and coaches must be in uniform.


  1. Starting Times: Single weekday games in April/May will start at 5:30 p.m. or a half hour after the JV vacates the field. Games played on a school night will be limited in time to 1 ½ hours. No inning can be started after 9 p.m. After school is out starting times will be 5:30 p.m. and (20)minutes after the completion of the first game. Saturday games will start at 10 a.m. and each subsequent game starts 20 minutes after the preceding game.Sunday games will begin at 1:30 p.m.
  2. Teams playing the first game may not enter the field until 45 minutes prior to the game time. The visitors should start taking infield practice 30 minutes before game time. The home team should begin taking infield 20 minutes prior to game time. The second game infield should begin 5 minutes after the first game teams have cleared the field. Each team will be allowed 10 minutes for infield. The second game will start promptly after the home team completes their infield.
  3. The home team will remain in its defensive position while its subs line up along the 3rd base line during introductions. The visitors will line up along the 1st base line. After the introductions the National Anthem will be played followed by the Babe Ruth Sportsmanship Code. The same procedure will be followed at the start of the second game, except the National Anthem will not be played.
  4. At the end of the first game teams should shake hands and immediately vacate the field and dugout for the next game. Post game meetings shall be held outside the playing field and the dugouts.
  5. The first base dugout is to be used by the visitors and the 3rd base dugout by the home team.
  6. The League will issue a dozenballs to each manager after tryouts. After each regular season game the home team may claim a practice ball from the concession stand if it has met its obligations, such as:
  7. Providing a minimum of two (2) concession stand workers.
  8. Preparing the Field afterthe final game of the day as set forth below:

(a)After the game check for holes at the mound, batters boxes and catchers box. If work needs to be done, get a broom and sweep out the hole, scar the clay base, wet down, put clay into the hole, then use the tamp until the hole is level. Sweep the dirt back over the area just filled. Cover with the mats and use hand rake around the whole mound and home plate area.

(b)After the game, take bases up and put them in the proper rack in the storage building.

(c)Rake the dirt out of the grass. Also rake the dirt back into the playingfield at each base. This is to prevent a build-up of dirt around the bases.

(d)Drag the infield with our hand drag. Make sure you do not drag into the grass area. Rake basepaths parallel to the grass. Never raketoward the grass.

(e)Check dugouts and make sure they are not littered and that allequipment is stored.

(f)If you use a hose, make sure that it is rolled and put in its proper location and not just thrown down.

If we all take just a little time to help keep the field in good shape, we will all have a better place to play and it won’t take very long after the game. It is themanagersand coaches duty toperform the work on the mound and batter’s box with the clay. Bottom line it is the adult’s responsibility to see that this work is done properly.

It should be understood by everyone, players, managers, coaches, parents and league officials that we are very serious about the proper upkeep of DennyBolden field. With that the above is the policy on how the field should be prepared at the conclusion of the final game of the evening. All players, managers and coaches are to participate (home team & visitor’s team). If a team fails to help prepare the field after their game, they will forfeit the next game but will be expected to play that game. If a player fails to help after the game, he will be suspended for the next game.

  1. Keep the dugouts clean. Remove all trash before leaving the dugout. Nofoodis allowed in the dugout. The team may have a cooler containing water or a sports drink in the dugout.
  2. Both teams who play the last game of the day will work together to completethe above tasks in an expeditious manner.


  1. The Scorekeeper of the League will keep score for each game during the league season and for all tournaments. He will make available an Official Scorebook to the Tournament Director to be used for All Star Tournaments.
  2. The Scorekeeper should arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled game time.
  3. It is the Scorekeeper duties to place the phones in the dugouts prior to the first game and bring them back to the building after the completion of the final game of the day.
  4. The scorekeeper will provide statistics to the managers and coaches as possible from the computer program.
  5. The scorekeeper will post all games on the sign board after each tournament game.
  6. The Manager or Coach of each team will take the starting line-ups to the Official Scorer 30 minutes prior to start of game so he can be prepared prior to the start of the game.


  1. The Umpire-In-Chief will secure (2) qualified individuals for each gameduring the regular season and one during the pre-season.
  2. Both Umpires should be on the field approximately 15 minutes prior to the start of each game.
  3. The Home Plate Umpire will be the chief umpire for that game.
  4. New Castle Babe Ruth League will use Babe Ruth certified officials only for league games. The League will pay certified umpires $35.00 per game when using only two (2) Umpires.
  5. If a game becomes a Rain Out, after the game has started, the umpires will be paid their $35.00 for that gameand will be paid an additional $20.00 for umpiring thecompletion of that game when rescheduled.
  6. Managers and Coaches are prohibited from umpiring during theregular league season.During the preseason the visiting team will provide a Manager or Coach to umpire in the field.
  7. If a person wants to become a Babe Ruth certified umpire, the league will reimburse the cost of the test andthe purchase of league approved shirt and pants. (One time only).

Tournament team managers and coaches will be selected by the Rules Committee with final approval by the Board of Directors. League Managers and Coaches mustinform the Rules Committee of their desire to manage an all star team, in writing, by May 1st so the Rules Committee can make recommendations to the Board of Directors. Some factors the Rules Committee will use in its recommendations are:

A.Previous tournament experience

B.Order of a manager’s league finishes

C.Baseball knowledge and experience

D.Capability to represent the league and community in a positive manner


The tournament manager will hold a minimum of 3 open tryouts. A minimum of twelve players and a maximum of 15 will be selected. Only players, who attend a majority of the tryoutsor have a Rules Committee waiver,will be eligible to be on any All Star Team.The Manager will submit his All Star roster list to the Rules Committee for final review.


  1. Participants are expected to know and demonstrate the fundaments of sportsmanship. Respect and cooperate with the game officials. Refrain from criticizing others, respect the property of the league and its officials, show respect for other participants, and do not applaud errors by opponents or penalties inflicted on them. Do not heckle, jeer or harass members of the opposing team. Never criticize the player or coaches for the loss of a game. Avoid profane language and obnoxious behavior.
  2. Babe Ruth Baseball prohibits the use of all tobacco products including smokeless tobacco for both local and tournament competition. You will not smoke or chew while coaching a game or conducting a practice. This rule applies to all field personnel, which includes all managers, coaches and umpires. 1st infraction – Warning, 2nd infraction – possible dismissal from league.
  3. New Castle Babe Ruth League prohibits the use of any and all tobacco, alcohol or drugs (not prescribed by medical professional) for both local and tournament competition. This will include while playing, coaching a game, conducting a practice, umpiring, managing or coaching in any tournament while either at home or away from New Castle or attendance at any league function. Failure to abide by this rule will result in automatic dismissal from the league.
  4. New Castle Babe Ruth Baseball League demands that all managers, coaches, players, or any league representative when traveling with an All-Star team refrains from any actions that would be considered improper, immoral, or questionable conduct.
  5. Any Player, Manager or Coach ejected may be subject to disciplinary action. Within twenty-four hours of the ejection the Manager and Umpire will submit in writing, to the President or his designated representative, causes for the ejection. A determination will be made by the Rules Committee Chairman, or when possible the Rules Committee, as to the penalty. If the team is to play the following day after such ejection the Manager and Umpire will meet with the Rules Committee Chairman, or when possible the Rules Committee, prior to the beginning of the game for resolution.
  6. All Managers and Coaches must be certified by Babe Ruth Baseball, Inc. by completing the written test provided by Babe Ruth. Upon certification by Babe Ruth League, Inc. the managers and/ or coaches will be reimbursed by the league for the cost of the test.
  7. In accordance with Babe Ruth League, Inc. Board of Directors Managers and Coaches must have a formal background check conducted by New Castle Babe Ruth Baseball League Safety Director.