Toronto-Kingston-Ottawa, June 23 – July 15, 2017

Deposit and Reservation Form

Check in the circle which tour(s) you wish to participate in:

‘O C. Rideau Tour South, Friday, June 23 to Tuesday, June 27

‘O D. Rideau Tour North, Wednesday, June 28 to Sunday, July 2

‘O A. Toronto, Sunday, July 9

‘OB. Kingston Tour, Saturday, July 15

Contact Information:

Name: ______

Street or P.O. Address ______


Province/Country______Postal/ZIP Code ______

Phone numbers: Home: (____) ______Work: (____) ______Cell: (____) ______

E-mail address: ______(Communication is generally by e-mail)

Emergency contact:


Phone Number: ------

Club/Association affiliation: ______OAR membership: Yes or No

Payment Information:

The base cost (deposit) is $120for each of the Rideau Canal tours and $30 for either the Toronto or the Kingston tour. The deposit covers seat rental and boat transport charges. (For tour costs please see the OAR website,, which will list the Tour Registration Forms when they become available.)

If your Club is a member of an Ontario Adventure Rowing Association (OAR)member club (Barrie, Don, Durham, Guelph, Haldimand-Grand River, Hanlan, Island Lake, Hatchets, ONEC, Quinte, Sudbury), then you do not have to pay the OAR membership fee. But you must be a member in good standing with Rowing Canada and submit your RCA registration number. Otherwise please enclose $70 to become an individual member of the OAR.

Payment types / Fees / Amounts enclosed
Deposit for tour1 / $120 or $30
Member of OAR
RCA reg. no. ______/ $ 0
Membership in Ontario Adventure Rowing Association for 2017 (if your you or your Club isnot already a member) / $ 70

N.B.: 1. Deposit payments are due by May 20, 2017for the Rideau Canal tours and June 20, 2017 for the Toronto and Kingston tours in order to guarantee you a seat.

2. Applications from outside Canada are welcome. You must join the Ontario Adventure Rowing Association.

If you wish to share a seaton the Rideau tours, indicate the name and e-mail address of the person with whom you will share the seat. You can alternate rowing days, but the seat must be full every day of the tour.

Name ______e-mail address______

Send payments and the signed registration form to:
Donna Speigel,
Treasurer of OAR,
1374 Arlington Blvd.
Sudbury, Ont. P3E 6H8
Cheques are preferred and must be made out to ‘Ontario Adventure Rowing Association’.
Lake Ontario / Bay of Quinte / Rideau Canal entrance