Curriculum & Instruction Department MeetingNovember 13, 20151

Present: Paul Gathercoal (Chair), Taylor Raney, Allen Kitchel, Dave Campbell, Robert Ketchum, Rodney McConnell, John Cannon, Raymond Dixon, Brant Miller, Terry Jentsch, Andrea Chavez, Matt Coulter, Alex Hollingshead, Diane Swenson, Janine Darragh, David Yopp, Shannon May, Janice Weesner, Vanessa Anthony-Stevens, Beth Price, Marcie Galbreath, Teresa Million


John moved to approve the minutes. Taylor seconded. Motion carried.

Program Meeting Reports

Elem Ed – Taylor – DAN 360 motion to remove failed so it will remain on the books. Discussed potential for removing 4 science credits.

Sec Ed – Taylor – EDCI 453—voted to remove it as a requirement.

Taylor moved to remove EDCI 453 from the requirements for secondary education majors. Allen seconded.


We will need to determine how to handle this in the interim for students whose catalogs require it.

Motion carried with one abstention.

This will now go on to TECC, etc. It will probably make it for the 2016-2017 catalog.

This course can be used to substitute for grammar for the elementary ed students who add an Enlish/language arts endorsement to their elementary certification. However, EDCI 453 addresses much of what students already learn in EDCI 320.

David Yopp inserted a report on a meeting at the State Dept. of Education to revisit math education and teacher prep standards. He reported on the committee’s work. They made recommendations for some substantial changes to math education and teacher preparation standards. On endorsements they made major changes, as well.

Math Consulting License was discussed at the committee meeting, and MTI language will change to Math Specialist, eliminating the term MTI from required course work.

Ed Core –Ingrid –There was an excellent discussion/presentation from Dean Mario Reyes; good ideas on the timeline of their changes; this was good information for our plans to revamp the ed core curriculum; syllabi on the one-stop-shop; signature assignments; TaskStream plans and processes.

TaskStream was discussed at some length.

CTE – John – shared how Allen, Jim Gregson, and he attended a meeting regarding Occupational Education Certification proposals; ACTE and ACTER meetings are in New Orleans next week; iSEM ideas; CTE 472 was reviewed and signature assignments and alignment were considered.

New Search

Technology Integration Faculty Member and Doceo Center Co-Director. Melinda Hamilton is chairing the committee. It is a C&I tenure track position.

Postponed Second Motion

John moved and Ingrid seconded: Program areas use electronic mechanisms to finalize/ratify initiatives. Develop a mutual understanding that program area faculty will have a short window to “vote.” Faculty not weighing in to “vote” will be noted as “abstaining.”

What qualifies as a short window? That would need to be determined.

Much discussion.

Motion failed with two abstentions.

2015 Annual Performance Reviews

Due to the Dean’s office February 1, 2016. We can begin these at any time.

There is a self-evaluation form attached to the agenda that faculty need to complete. It is up to the faculty to meet the burden of proof for meeting or exceeding expectations.

These need to be received by Paul and Allen prior to your scheduled meeting.

Another document attached to the agenda is the scholarship productivity sheet, it needs to be completed by faculty and submitted along with a self-evaluation.

The college needs copies of your publications. These publications will be displayed in the Dean’s office. Focus on the 2-3 best – do not submit all your publications, if you have published more than three peer-reviewed articles.

Teaching averages; evaluations for fall won’t be in until late December or early January. Spring numbers are very high overall.

Faculty need to present two pieces of evidence for teaching and advising.If you they are self-evaluating above meets expectations, the evidence needs to be compelling.

Department By-Laws

The Dean is questioning the department’s by-laws. We approved them on February 7, 2014, but have not yet passed them on to the Dean for her approval.

There was discussion on whose votes count. Currently the COE by-laws are the law, and the only votes that are counted are full- time, State Board of Education appointments in the university, who hold appointments in the college or who retain academic rank in the college.

Final Words

Marcie Galbreath is defending Wednesday, November 18, at 3:00 p.m. in Targhee Hall.

Taylor needs volunteers willing to meet fortnightly to revise ed core.

Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.