(Please report any additions or corrections to the Office of the Dean of the Faculty & Provost.)

  1. Academic Affairs Board

Tracey Hucks, Provost & Dean of the Faculty (Chair)David McCabe(H)

Geoff Holm2019 (NS)Vicky Chun(PE)

Doug Johnson2018 (AL)Adam Burnett(SS)

Elizabeth Marlowe2018 (H)Ernie Nolen (NS)

Mark Stern2020 (AL)Nancy Ries(US)

Ed Forgarty2020 (SS)TBD(L)

Yariv Amir2019 (PE) (SGA P/VP)

Tom Balonek2020 (AL)

Hélène Julien2019 (AL)

TBD (S – SGA Academic Affairs)Ex Officio, Non-voting

TBD (S)Marrlee Burgess, Assoc. Dean

TBD (S)Nicole Simpson, Assoc. Dean of the Faculty

TBD (S)Tori Carhart, Registrar


*M. Stern – replaced by Meg Worley (year)

B.Student Affairs Board

Paul McLoughlin, Vice President & Dean of the College (chair)Consultant, Non-Voting,Appt. by the DoC TBD (P)/TBD (VP) (SGA) Kim Taylor, Assoc. Dean for Admin. Adv. Jenna Reinbold 2019 (AL) Katie Kammerdiener, Interim Dir. Of CLSI

Angela Marathakis2019 (AL)Thad Mantaro, Dir. Shaw Wellness Institute

Nimanthi Rajasingham2018 (AL)

TBD(Conduct Bd. Rep. - F)




C. Standing Committees of the AAB

  1. Assessment Committee

Neil Albert, Director of Institutional Research

Ken Belanger, Associate Dean of the Faculty

Dean of the College representative

Steve Black, Interim University Librarian

Nancy Ries, University Studies DD

*Matthew Miller2019 (H)

Jason Meyers2020 (NS)

Mike Loranty2019 (SS)

*Kira Stevens2018 (US)



*M. Miller – replaced by Maura Tumulty (spring)

*K. Stevens – replaced by Ken Valente (fall)

Please Note:

  1. The President of the University sits as an ex officio, voting member on all boards and committees.
  2. Committee members marked with an * are expected to be away from campus. The replacement members and/or terms are noted.

2.Committee on Athletics

Tracey Hucks, Dean of the Faculty & Provost/

Ken Belanger, Associate Dean of the Faculty

Paul McLoughlin, Interim Dean of the College/

Aurelius Henderson, Assistant Dean

Trish St. Leger, Associate Provost

Vicky Chun, VP & Director of Athletics

Angela Marathakis, Dir. of Student AthleteAcademic Services

TBD, Head Coach (appointed)

Doug Johnson, Patriot League Policy Member

Jason Meyers, Colgate Faculty Athletic Representative to the NCAA

Chase Pagani and Eliza Doll, SAAC Co-Presidents

Janel Benson2019 (SS)

*Elodie Fourquet2020 (NS) Christina Turner 2019 (PE)

Lenora Warren2020 (H)

*Frank Frey2018 (US)






*E. Fourquet – replaced by Geoff Holm (year)

*F. Frey – replaced by Susan Thomson (year)

3.Curriculum Committee

Monica Facchini2018 (H)Ex Officio, Non-voting

Joel Sommers2020 (NS)Tori Carhart, Registrar

Monica Mercado2019 (SS)Lesleigh Cushing, Assoc. Dean of Faculty

Susan Thomson2018 (US)

TBD(StuSenate) (S)


4.Committee on Academic Advising

Marrlee Burgess, Assoc. Dean for Admin. Advising (Ex Officio)

Tori Carhart, Registrar (Ex Officio)

TBD, Chair(Appt)

Amy Leventer2020 (NS)

Carolina Castilla2019 (SS)

Naomi Rood2018 (H)

*Ani Maitra2018 (US)

TBDAAB representative

Jessica GraybillDirector, FSEM Program




*A. Maitra – replaced by Hélène Julien (year)

D.Liaison Committees

1.Committee on Admission and Financial Aid

Gary Ross, VP & Dean of Admission

John Collins, Assoc. VP for Budget & Fin. PlanningConsultants

Gina Soliz, Director of Financial AidPaul McLoughlin,VP & Dean of the College

Evelyn Hart2019 (AL)Nicole Simpson, Assoc. Dean of the Faculty

*Jennifer Brice2019 (AL)Kim Germain, Asst. Dean of Fellowship Advising

Michael Haines2020 (AL)Sarah Courtney, Asst. Dean for Admin. Advising Jyoti Khanna 2020 (AL)





*J. Brice – replaced by Vijay Ramachandran (spring)

2. Committee on Budget and Financial Planning

Tracey Hucks, Provost & Dean of the Faculty (Chair)Consultants to the Committee

JS Hope,VP of Finance & AdministrationEllen Holm, Dean of the College rep. (P)/(VP) (SGA) Robert Tyburski, VP & Senior Advisor Don Waldman 2019 John Collins, Assoc. VP for Budget &

Sarah Keen2019Financial Planning

Jeff Baldani2018Trish St. Leger, Associate Provost

Vijay Ramachandran2018Drew Porter, Senior Budget Analyst TBD (S) TBD (S)

3.University Property Committee

Tracey Hucks, Dean of the Faculty & Provost/

Trish St. Leger, Associate ProvostStaff to the Committee

Paul McLoughlin, Dean of the College/Stephen Hughes, Assoc. VP for Facilities/Cap. Proj.

DesignateDan Gough, Acting Assoc. VP for Campus Safety

JS Hope, Interim VP for Finance & AdministrationVicky Chun, VP & Dir. of Athletics

Tamala Flack, Dir. of Equal Opp. & Affirm. Action

John Pumilio, Dir. of Sustainability

(SGA Pres)

Ed Witherspoon2019 (H)

*Dan Bouk2018 (SS)

William Peck2019 (NS)

*Randy Fuller2020 (US)

Ann-Marie Guglieri2020 (PE)

Jeff Bary2018 (AL)




*D. Bouk – replaced by Peter Scull (spring)

*R. Fuller – replaced by Ian Helfant (year)

4.Committee on ALANA Affairs

Paul McLoughlin,VP & Dean of the College (Chair)Consultants

April Baptiste2019 (AL)TBD, Assoc. Dean for * Chrystian Zegarra 2018 (AL) Campus Life

Danny Barreto2020 (AL)TBD, Academic Dir. of OUS

Engda Hagos2020 (AL)Tamala Flack, Dir. of EEO/AA





*C. Zegarra – replaced by Brian Moore (spring)

*E. Hagos – replaced by Dominika Koter (fall)

5.Committee on Information Technology

Steve Fabiani, VP & Chief Information OfficerEx Officio

Steve Black, Interim University LibrarianElodie Fourquet (COSC Rep)

Jeff Nugent, Director of Academic Technologies

Reid Blackman2020 (H)

Elana Shever2018 (SS)

Anthony Chianese2019 (NS)

Keith Tyburski2019 (PE)

TBD2018 (Appt-Core)

Peter Tschirhart(Staff)

Drew Porter(Staff)

Michael Holobosky(Staff)



6.Library Advisory Committee

Laura Moure Cecchini2020 (H)Ex Officio

*David Robinson2018 (SS)Steve Black, Interim Univ. Librarian * Tim McCay 2018 (NS) Steve Fabiani, Vice President & CIO

Jacob Mundy2020 (US) TBD 2019 (PE)




*D. Robinson – replaced by Robert Nemes(year)

*T. McCay – replaced by Linda Tseng (fall)

E.Standing Committees of the Faculty

1.Advisory and Planning Committee

Brian Casey, University President (Chair)

Tracey Hucks, Provost and Dean of the Faculty

Paul McLoughlin, Vice President & Dean of the College

JS Hope, Interim VP of Finance & Administration

Catherine Cardelús, Chair, Faculty Affairs Committee

TBD, Chair, Faculty Affirmative Action Oversight Committee

April Sweeney 2018 (H)

Rick Geier2019 (NS)

Navine Murshid 2020 (SS)

Padma Kaimal2018 (US)

TBD2018 (Appt.)

TBD2018 (Appt.)

TBD2018 (Appt.)

  1. Committee on Faculty Affairs

Tracey Hucks, Provost & Dean of the Faculty Secretary, Non-voting

Tsega Etefa2019 (AL) Ken Belanger, Associate Dean of the

April Sweeney2019 (AL)Faculty

Rick Braaten2019 (AL)

Catherine Cardelús (Chair)2020 (NS)

Nina Moore2018 (AL)

Carolyn Hsu2020 (SS)

Taurian Houston2019 (PE)

Rick Geier2018 (AL)

Padma Kaimal2018 (H)

Peter Tagtmeyer2018 (L)

3.Committee on Promotion and Tenure

Enrique Galvez2020 (NS)

Andrew Rotter2018 (SS)

Ellen Kraly2020 (AL)

Robert Turner2019 (US)

Lynette Stephenson2019 (H)

4.Faculty Committee on Affirmative Action Oversight

Marilyn Rugg, Associate Provost for Equity & Diversity

Tamala Flack, Director of EEO/AA

*Heather Roller2018 (AL)

April Baptiste2018 (AL)

Vicky Chun2018 (AL)

Anna Rios2020 (AL)


TBD(ALANA Affairs) _____

*H. Roller – replaced by Michelle Bigenho (year)

5.Faculty Nominating Committee

* Ben Child2019 (AL)

Robert Turner (Chair)2018 (AL)

Kiko Galvez2019 (AL)

Chris Henke2020 (AL)

Noor Khan2019 (AL)


*B. Child – replaced by Priscilla Van Wynsberghe (spring)

F.Joint Faculty-Student Committees

1.University Student Conduct Board

Andrew FagonAdm (AL)

Kim TaylorAdm (AL)

Michael Hay2020 (AL)

Christian DuComb2018 (AL)

Amy Leventer2019 (AL)





.Board of Trustees Committees (elected faculty advisors, non-voting)

1.Committee on Honorary Degrees and Civic Awards

Brian Casey, University President (Chair)Secretary

Lakshmi Luthra2019 (H)Robert Tyburski, VP & Senior Advisor

Amy Leventer2018 (NS)

Matthew Jaremski2020 (SS)Trustees

(Senior Class President)Jeff Fager

Jim Smith

Roger Ferlo (advisor)

2.Nominating Committee

Spencer Kelly2020(F)Secretary

TBD (SGA President)Robert Tyburski, VP & Senior Advisor


Duncan Niderauer (Chair)Staff

Stephan R. Howe (Vice Chair)Murray L. Decock

Thomas Bozzuto

H. Leroy Cody

Stephen J. Errico

Linda J. Havlin

Becky B. Hurley

Ronald A. Joyce