Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics




Course title / BIOMATERIALS
Teaching method / lecture /laboratory
Person responsible for the course / Prof. Jolanta Baranowska / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / ECTS points / 3
Type of course / optional / Level of course / BSc
Semester / summer / Language of instruction / English
Hours per week / 2L/2Lab / Hours per semester / 30L/30Lab
Objectives of the course / This course is aimed at giving an introduction to polymers used widely in biomedical applications; it will also cover metal and ceramic biomaterials.
Entry requirements / Passed the examination of Chemistry, Physics and Fundamentals of Material Science I
Course contents / Basic concepts of biocompatibility; environment in bioapplications, synthetic polymers and composites as implants; biodegradable polymers for tissue engineering; metals and ceramic in biomedical applications; surface treatment to improve biocompatibility, surface phenomena in biomedical applications, tissue engineering
Assessment methods / Written exam (50%) and home prepared essay on a given subject
Recommended readings / 1. Black J., “Bilogical Performance of Materials”, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1999
2. Wise D.L., “Biomaterials and Bioengineering Handbook”, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2000
3. Ratner B.D., “Biomaterials Science”, Academic Press, New York 1996
Additional information / The group should be less than 10 students
Course title / CERAMICS
Teaching method / Lecture/laboratory
Person responsible for the course / Prof. Jerzy . Nowacki / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / ECTS points / 4
Type of course / compulsory / Level of course / BSc
Semester / winter / Language of instruction / English
Hours per week / 2L/1Lab / Hours per semester / 30L/15Lab
Objectives of the course / Come to know; essence and technology of ceramics. To acquire ability of selection and design of ceramics for machine, structures, elements and devices.
Entry requirements / Basses of Materials Science I i II, Chemistry I, Physics I i II.
Course contents / Short-Range order in crystalline ceramic materials. Long-range order in crystalline ceramic materials. Silicate structures. Imperfections in crystalline ceramic structures. Noncrystalline ceramic materials. Deformation and failure. Phase diagrams in ceramic materials. Processing of ceramics. Applications and properties of ceramics. Concrete. Carbon materials.
Assessment methods / written exam
Recommended readings /
  1. Bansal Narottam P.,“Red Handbook of ceramic composites -- Boston”, Kluwer Academic Publ., 2005.
  2. Pampuch Roman, Stadler Józef. Tł. “Ceramic materials : an introduction to their properties” -- Warszawa : PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers ; Amsterdam [etc.] : Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, 1976.
  3. Low It-Meng (Jim). “Red Ceramic matrix composites : microstructure, properties and applications” -- Boca Raton [etc] : CRC Press ; Cambridge : Woodhead Publshing Limited, 2006.

Additional information / none
Teaching method / lecture
Person responsible for the course / Prof. Anna Biedunkiewicz / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / ECTS points / 3
Type of course / compulsory / Level of course / BSc
Semester / summer / Language of instruction / English
Hours per week / 1L
1 Lab / Hours per semester / 15L
15 Lab
Objectives of the course / Making students knowledge and understanding about corrosion phenomenon in order to appreciation of the main reason of the destruction and erosion of the constructions and in order to aware using of the methods in corrosion protection
Entry requirements / Knowledge about general chemistry, physics and materials science
Course contents / Lectures
Corrosion principles. Forms of corrosion. Corrosion testing.Materials selection: metals and alloys, metal purification, non-metallic materials. Alteration of environment: changing medium, inhibitors. Design: wall thickness, design rules. Cathodic and anodic protection: protective currents, anode selection, prevention of stray-current effects. Coatings: metallic, other inorganic and organic. Economic considerations. Corrosion control standards. Pollution control.
Polarization phenomenon. Passivity and activity of metals. Pitting. Potentiodynamic curves. SST. Galvanic corrosion – welding joint. Oxidation kinetics. Electrochemical etching. Corrosion properties test of carbon steel, conventional stainless steel, aluminium alloys, copper alloys, titanium alloys.
Assessment methods / - written exam (lectures)
- grade on the basis continuous assessment during the trainings
Recommended readings /
  1. Pourbaix, M. J. N.: “Atlas of electrochemical equilibria in aqueous solutions”, Pergamon Press, New York, 1966
  2. M.G.Fontana, N.D. Greene, “Corrosion Engineering”, Ed.McGraw-Hill Book Company, USA, 1978, ISBNN 0-07-021461-1
  3. “Analytical Methods in Corrosion Science and Engineering”, Ed.Ph.Marcus, F.Mansfeld, CRC Taylor & Francis Group, 2006
  4. “Handbook of Cathodic Protection-Theory and Practice of Electrochemical Protection Processes”, W. von Baeckmann, W.Schwenk, W.Pronz; Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, 1989

Additional information / The number of students during the training is limited to 12 person
Teaching method / lecture
Person responsible for the course / Dr Janusz Typek / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / ECTS points / 4
Type of course / optional / Level of course / BSC
Semester / summer / Language of instruction / English
Hours per week / L – 4 / Hours per semester / L – 60
Objectives of the course / Knowledge of basic classes of functional and multifunctional materials. Understanding of dependence of their specific properties on their structure. Ability of selection of materials and their structure for given practical applications.
Entry requirements / Basic knowledge of solid materials and electromagnetism is expected. Knowledge of condensed matter physics on the level of typical undergraduate course is highly useful but not required.
Course contents / Electronic structure of materials (band structure in crystalline solids, classification of materials based on their electronic structure). Semiconducting materials (basic properties of semiconductors, transport properties, heterostructures and their applications). Magnetic materials (magnetic ordering, magnetic materials: metals, alloys, ferromagnetic oxides, and compounds, magnetic resonance, applications: spin transport and magnetization dynamics). Superconducting materials (basic phenomena, material group and material processing, electronic and electrotechnical uses). Functional nanomaterials
Assessment methods / Written exam (50%) and Home prepared essay on a given subject
Recommended readings /
  1. “Handbook of Nanophysics: Functional nanomaterials”, ed. Klaus D. Sattler, CRC Press 2011
  2. “Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics”, F. Duan, J. Guojun, World Scientific 2005

Additional information / The group should be less than 10 students.
Course title / Fundamentals of material Science
Teaching method / lecture / laboratory
Person responsible for the course / Dr hab. W. Jasiński
Dr M. Ustasiak / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / ECTS points / 4
Type of course / Compulsory / Level of course / BSc
Semester / winter / Language of instruction / English
Hours per week / Lecture - 2
Laboratory - 1 / Hours per semester / Lecture – 30
Laboratory - 15
Objectives of the course / Student receives the knowledge on plastic deformation, theory of dislocations, elastic and nonelastic mechanism of fracture, the purpose and condition of applying the stress intensity factor, COD and the Rice integral; the kinds of loading, the fractography and different kinds of fracture.
Entry requirements / The basis of crystallography, elastic mechanics, the theory of strength materials, the basic knowledge of metals.
Course contents / Elasticity and macroscopic plasticity. Dislocation kinetics and lattice defects. Fundamentals of Fracture Mechanics. Models of failure. Stress concentrations. Center-cracked plate under uniform tension. Criteria for analysis of load-displacement records. Linear elastic fracture mechanics. Fracture toughness. Fatigue and stress corrosion cracking. Fractography and fractographs.
Assessment methods / written exam
Recommended readings / 1. D.Hull, “Introducton to Dislocations”. Pergamon Press 1975
2. D.Hull,D.J.Bacon,“Introduction to Dislocations Butterworth” 2007
3. A.S.Tettelman,A.J.McEvily, “Jr Fracture ot Structura Materials” John Wiley
4. “Metais Handbook”.Frado ra h and Atlas of Fracto ra hs. ASME Ohio
Additional information / Number of students in a group max 12
Teaching method / lecture / laboratory
Person responsible for the course / Dr hab. W. Jasiński
Dr M. Ustasiak / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / ECTS points / 4
Type of course / Compulsory / Level of course / BSc
Semester / winter / Language of instruction / English
Hours per week / Lecture – 2
Laboratory – 2 / Hours per semester / Lecture – 30
Laboratory – 30
Objectives of the course / The student receives a broad spectrum of information on the metallic materials used in the modern world.
Entry requirements / mathematics, physics, chemistry, technical mechanics, strength of materials
Course contents / Carbon steels. Strengthening mechanism in carbon structural steels. Engineering steels. Stainless steels. Corrosion resistant metals. Creep resistant Fe-, Ni- and Co-based alloys. Intermetallic compounds. Precipitation hardened steel. Wear resistant steels and cast iron. Alloys for special applications. Superconductivity and superconducting alloys.
Assessment methods / - written exam
- grade
Recommended readings / 1. “Metals Handbook”. American Society for Metals, Ohio.
2. “Encyclopedia of Materials Science and Engineering”, Mitchel E. Bever, Pergamon Press
3. “Materials Science and Technology. A Comprehensive Treatment”, P.W. Cohan, P. Haasen, E.J. Kramer
4. “Metallurgy Fundamentals”, Daniel A. Brandt, The Goodheart-Wilkox Company, inc. 1992
5. “Inroduction to Enginering Materialas”, Veron John, Macmillan , 1992
6. “Enginering materials Technology”, W. Bolton, 1989
7. “Mechanical properties of crystalline and noncrystaline solids”, Urusovskaya A.A., Sangwal K., Politechnika Lubelska, 2001
8. “Enginering Materials”, V.B. John, Macmillay, 1990
Additional information / Number of students in the group 12. During exercise is effective laboratory apron.Zapis fonetyczny
Słownik - Wyświetl szczegółowy wpis w słowniku.
  1. rzeczownik
  2. number
  3. amount
  4. quantity
  5. group
  6. class

Teaching method / lecture
Person responsible for the course / Prof. Jerzy Nowacki / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / ECTS points / 3
Type of course / compulsory / Level of course / BSc
Semester / winter / Language of instruction / English
Hours per week / L – 2 / Hours per semester / L – 30
Objectives of the course / Come to know; essence and technology of metal and ceramic composites. To acquire ability of selection and design of metal and ceramic composites for machine, structures and elements maszyn, and devices.
Entry requirements / Basses of Materials Science I i II, Chemistry I, Physics I i II.
Course contents / Particulate-reinforced composite materials. Dispersion-strengthened composites. True particulate composites. Fiber-reinforced composites. Predicting properties of fiber-reinforced composites. Manufacturing fibers and composites fiber-reinforced systems. Laminar composite materials. Manufacturing laminar composites. Concrete. Sandwich structures.
Assessment methods / written exam
Recommended readings /
  1. Barbero Ever J,“Introduction to composite materials design” -- Boca Raton [etc.] : CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, cop. 2011.
  2. Decolon Christian,“Analysis of composite structures”-- London : Kogan Page Science, 2004.
  3. Tsai Stephen W. Red,“Strength & life of composite Composites Design Group”. Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics -- Stanford : StanfordUniversity, cop. 2008.
  4. Chung Deborah,“D.L. Composite materials functional materials for modern technologies”-- London : Springer-Verl., 2003.
  5. Sobczak Jerzy, “Atlas of cast metal-matrix composite structures. Pt. 1, Qualitative analysis” -- Warsaw : Motor Transport Institute ; Cracow : Foundry Research Institute, 2007.

Additional information / none
Course title / Methods and techniques of materials testing
Teaching method / lecture / laboratory
Person responsible for the course / Dr P.Kochmański / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / ECTS points / 4
Type of course / elective / Level of course / BSc
Semester / winter / Language of instruction / English
Hours per week / 2L /2Lab / Hours per semester / 30L/30 Lab
Objectives of the course / General knowledge about methods and techniques of materials investigation (structure and properties), abilities of method selection and interpretation of results, sample preparation, limitations of the methods
Entry requirements / Knowledge of general physics, materials science, physical metallurgy
Course contents / Light Microscopy. Scanning Electron Microscopy. Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy. Transmission Electron Microscopy. Energy−Dispersive X−Ray Spectroscopy. Wavelenght − Dispersive X−Ray Spectroscopy. Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy. X−Ray Diffraction. Dilatometry. Quantitive metallography, Nanoindentation
Assessment methods / oral / written exam
Recommended readings / 1.AR Clarke and CN Eberhardt, “Microscopy Techniques for Materials Science”, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge England 2000.
2.Fischer-Cripps, “A.C. Nanoindentation”. (Springer: New York), 2004.
3.ISO 14577-2 –“Instrumented indentation test for hardness and materials parameters. Part 2: Verification and calibration of testing machines. Section 4: Direct verification and calibration”.
4.“Encyclopedia of Materials Characterization. Surfaces, Interfaces, Thin Films”. Editor: Lee E. Fitzpatrick, USA 1992.
5.R. Jenkins and R.L. Snyder (1996): “Introduction to X-ray Powder Diffractometry”,
6.J. Wiley and Sons, Inc. (New York, USA) ISBN 0 -471 -51339 -3
Additional information / laboratory groups – max 6 persons
Course title / NANOMATERIALS
Teaching method / lecture
Person responsible for the course / Prof. A. Biedunkiewicz
Dr M. Kwiatkowska / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / ECTS points / 3
Type of course / obligatory / Level of course / S1
Semester / summer / Language of instruction / English
Hours per week / L – 2 / Hours per semester / L – 30
Objectives of the course / Making students knowledge about the nanomaterials, nanocomposites and advanced technologies of their manufacturing
Entry requirements / Knowledge about materials science
Course contents / Nanoparicles, nanomaterials, nanocomposites - definitions and fundamental classification. Materials Science at the nanoscale. Synthesis and properties of nanostructural coatings. Manufacturing processes. Sinthering of nanoceramics. Nanoceramics - carbides, nitrides, borides, oxides and their composites. Carbon materials in nanotechnology. Carbon nanotubes: structure and properties. Nanotubes in Multifunctional Polymer nanocomposites.
Trend of miniaturization and the Moore’s Law. Scales of various systems. Characterization Tools Direct Methods: optical, electron, and scanning probe microscopy. Indirect methods: diffraction techniques for periodic structures.
Assessment methods / - written exam
Recommended readings /
  1. Klein L.C., “Processing of nanostructured sol-gel materials” [w] Edelstein A.S.,
  2. Cammarata R.C. (red.), :Nanomaterials: synthesis, properties and applications”, Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol i Filadelfia, 1996
  3. Kny E.; “Nanocomposite materials”, Trans Tech. Pub.Ltd, Zurich, Enfield, 2009
  4. Wang Z., L.; “Characterization of nanophase materials”, Wiley-VCH Weinheim, 2000
  5. “Nanomaterials Handbook”, Ed.Y.Gogotsi, CRC Taylor &Francis, 2006

Additional information
Course title / PACKAGING I
Teaching method / lecture
Person responsible for the course / Prof. A.Błędzki / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / ECTS points / 1
Type of course / optional / Level of course / BSc
Semester / summer / Language of instruction / English
Hours per week / L – 1 / Hours per semester / L – 15
Objectives of the course / The course provides a theoretical knowledge on packaging materials, their processing and applications.
Students obtain a basic knowledge necessary in packaging industry, like material selection in regard of application, usage, processing equipment and costs.
Entry requirements / Completed courses of Polymer Materials II and Polymer Processing I
Course contents / Plastics Packaging: properties, processing, applications and regulations. Film properties of plastics and elastomers. Flexible packaging - adhesives, coatings and processes. Rigid plastics packaging - PET packaging technology. Recycling packaging materials. Intelligent packaging. Storage and distribution
Assessment methods / grade
Recommended readings /
  1. Selke S., Culter J., Hernandez R., “Plastic Packaging:Properties, Processing, Applications and Regulations”, Hanser, Munich,2004.
  2. O.-G. Piringer, A.L. Baner., “PlasticPackaging Materials for Food:Barrier Function, Mass Transport, Quality Assurance and Legislation”,Wiley-VCH,Weinheim, 2000.

Additional information / none
Teaching method / lecture
Person responsible for the course / Prof. Z. Rosłaniec
Dr A. Szymczyk / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / ECTS points / 4
Type of course / obligatory / Level of course / BSc
Semester / winter / Language of instruction / English
Hours per week / 2L / Hours per semester / 30L
Objectives of the course / Students will acquire knowledge about synthesis, technology and processing of thermoplastic polymers, their chemical and physical modification. One aim will be to provide the student intuition about the organization of polymer molecules in the solid state based on the polymer’s chemical structure.Students will be able to understand the ties between morphology and properties of thermoplastic polymers.
Entry requirements / It requires a basic knowledge of chemistry and physics.
Course contents / Thermoplastic polymers. Chemical and physical modification of thermoplastics. Novel thermoplastics with specific properties for new applications. Modern technologies of thermoplastics synthesis. Influence of chemical structure on physicochemical and mechanical properties. Thermoplastics structure and modification of properties through structure change. Ecological aspects and application of thermoplastics
Assessment methods / L: - written exam
Recommended readings / 1. Domininghaus H., “Plastics for Engineers”, Hanser, Munich 1988
2. Ehrenstein G.W., “Polimeric Materials”, Hanser, Munich 2001
Additional information
Teaching method / lecture / training
Person responsible for the course / Prof. Z. Rosłaniec
Dr A. Szymczyk / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / ECTS points / 5
Type of course / obligatory / Level of course / S1
Semester / summer / Language of instruction / English
Hours per week / L – 2
T – 2 / Hours per semester / L – 30
T – 30
Objectives of the course / Student will acquireknowledge about chemistry, technology and processing of rubber. Student will be able to compare the chemical structure, properties, compounding, processes and applications of the main types of rubber TPE.Reference is made to the place of TPEs relative to vulcanised rubber and thermoplastics and the future potential for these materials. Student will be trained in and perform ASTM procedures and standard rubber laboratory procedures.
Entry requirements / There is no specific entry requirement for these course.
Course contents / Elastomers: type of elastomer materials and their application; rubber elasticity: stress-strain relationship, elongation and compression set. Rubber compound: rubbers, curing system, fillers, plasticizers, antioxidants. Rubber vulcanization: chemistry and technology. Rubber processing. Rubber for food application. Thermoplastic elastomers (TPE).