Bereavement Bibliography


Alexander, S. / Nadia the Willful / Dragonfly Books, 1983
Aliki / The Two of Them / Greenwillow Books, 1979
Anderson, L.C / It’s O.K to Cry / Chicago Children’s Press, 1979
Arrick, Fran / Tunnel Vision / Bradbury Press, 1980
Bartoli, Jennifer / Nonna / Harvey House, 1975
Blue, Rose / Nikki 108 / Watts, 1972 (ages 7-12)
Blume, J. / Tiger Eyes / Bradbury Press, 1981
Boulden, J. and J. / The Last Goodbye
The Last Goodbye II / (ages 8-13)
(ages 13+)
Bratman, Fred / When a Parent Dies / Rainbow Publications
Breebaart, J. and P. / When I Die, Will I Get Better? / New York: Bedrick Books, 1993 (pre-school)
Brenner, Barbara / A Year in the Life of Rosie Bernard / Harper and Row, (ages 10-16)
Brooks, M. / Two Moons in August / Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1991
Brown, K.D. and M / When Dinosaurs Die: A Guide to Understanding Death / Little, Brown and Company, 1996
Bryan, Mellonie and Ingpen, Robert / The Beautiful Way to Explain Death to Children / Lifetimes
Bunting, Eve / The Happy Funeral
The Empty Window / New York: Harper and Row, 1982
Burpo, T. and Vincent, L. / Heaven is for Real / Teens, young adults
Buscaglia, L. / The Fall of Freddie the Leaf / New Jersey: Charles Slack, 1982
Carrick, C. / The Accident / New York: Seabury, 1976
Carris, Joan / The Revolt of 10-X / New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980
Cazzola, G. / The Bells of Santa Lucia / New York: Philomel Books, 1991
Clifton, L. / Evertt Anderson’s Goodbye / New York: Holt, 1983
Coerr, E. / Sadako / New York: GP Putnam’s Sons, 1993
Cohen, Barbara / Thank You, Jackie Robinson / 1974 (8-14)
Cohen, M. / Jim’s Dog Muffin / Dell Publishing, 1984
Copeland, Kathe Martin / Mama’s Going to Heaven Soon / (ages 5-9)
Corley, Elizabeth Adams / Tell Me About Death: Tell me About Funerals / Santa Clara, CA: Grammatical Sciences, 1973
Cornish, Sam / Grandmother’s Pictures / Avon Books, 1978
Cosgrove, S. / The Dream Tree / Los Angeles: Price Stern Sloan, 1974
Coutant, Helen / First Snow / New York: Knopf, 1974
Deaver, Julie R. / Say Goodnight, Gracie / (13+)
Deits, Bob / Life After Death / Fisher Books, 1992
Delp, Debra / Planning for Heaven / Doylestown: Tower Hill Press, 1991
DePaola, T / Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs / New York: Putnam, 1973
Dobrin, A. / Scat / New York: Four Winds, 1971
Doleski, T. / The Hunt / Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1983
Donnelly, Ellie / So Long, Grandpa / New York: Crown, 1981
Douglas, E. / Rachel and the Upside Down Heart / Los Angeles: Price, Stern and Sloan, 1990
Doyles, Roddy / Her Mother’s Face / Arthur A. Levine Books, ages 4+
Dower, Laura / I Will Remember You: What to do when someone you love dies; a guidebook through grief for teens
Dragonwagon, C. / Winter Holding Hands / Macmillan, 1990
Durant, Alan / Always and Forever / Harcourt Children’s Publishing, ages 3+
Elliot, Zedda / Bird / Lee and Low Books, ages 7+
Fitzgerald, H. / The Grieving Child: A Parent’s Guide
The Grieving Teen: A Guide for Teenagers and their Friends / New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992
Foster-Morgan, Kathleen / Sunflower Mountain / Rainbow Publications
Fox, M. / Tough Boris / 1994
Fox, S. / Good Grief: Helping Groups of Children when a Friend Dies / Boston: New England Association for the Education of Young Children, 1988
Fry, Virginia Lynn / Part of Me Died Too / Young adults, teens
Girion, Barbara / A Tangle of Roots / New York: Charles Scriber and Sons, 1979
Gliko-Braden, M. / Grief Comes to Class: A Teacher’s Guide / 1992
Goble, P. / Beyond the Ridge / New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1979
Gootman, Marilyn E. / When a Friend Dies: A Book for Teens about Grieving and Healing / (young adult)
Greene, C. / Beat the Turtle Drum / 1976
Greenlee, S. / When Someone Dies / Atlanta: Peachtree Publishers, 1992
Griffin, Teresa / Letters of Hope: Living After the Loss of Your Child / Richboro: Cedarbrook Press
Grollman, E. / Bereaved Children and Teens: A Support Guide for Parents and Professionals / Young adults, teenagers
Hanson, Warren / The Next Place / (ages 4+)
Hammond, J. / When My Mommy Died
When My Daddy Died / Flint, Michigan: Cranbrook Publishing, 1980
Harris, Robie H. / Goodbye Mousie / Aladdin, 2001, ages 4+
Hazen, Barbara / Why Did Grandpa Die? / New York: Golden Books, 1985
Hipp, Earl / Help for the Hard Times: Getting Through Loss / Young adults, teens
Holmes, Margaret M. / A Terrible Thing Happened: A Story for Children who Have Witnessed Violence or Trauma / American Psychological Association, 2000
ISBN13: 9781557986429
Hoopes, L.L. / Nana / New York: Harper and Row, 1981
Huntley, T. / Helping Children Grieve: When Someone They Love Dies / Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1991
Jukes, Mavis / Blackberries in the Dark / New York: Knopf, 1985
Johnson, J. and M. / Where’s Jess? / Omaha, NE: Centering Corp, 1982
Kantrowitz, M. / When Violet Died / New York: Parents Magazine Press, 1973
Krementz, J. / How it Feels When a Parent Dies / Knopf, 1983
Kolf, June C. / Teenagers Talk About Grief / (ages 13+)
Lanton, S. / Daddy’s Chair / Rockville, MD: 1991
LaTour, K. / For Those Who Live: Helping Children Cope with the Death of a Brother or Sister / Omaha, NE: Centering Corp, 1987
LeShan, E. / Learning to Say Good-bye: When a Parent Dies / New York, 1976
LeTord, B. / Grandma Leonie / New York: Bradbury Press, 1987
L’Engle, Madeleine / A Ring of Endless Light
The Summer of the Great-Grandmother / 1980
Linn, Erin / 150 Facts About Grieving Children / The Publisher’s Mark, 1990
London, J. / Gray Fox
Liplap’s Wish / New York: Penguin Books, 1993
Loth, Sebastian / Remembering Crystal / North-South, ages 3+
Madenski, M. / Some of the Pieces / Little, Brown and Co., 1991
Maple, M. / On the Wings of a Butterfly / Seattle, Parenting Press, 1992
Marsoli, L.A. / Things to Know About Death and Dying / Morristown, NJ: Silver Burden, 1985
Mann, P. / There are Two Kinds of Terrible / Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1977
Miller, W. / Zora Hurston and the Cranberry Tree / New York: Lee and Low Books, 1994
Mills, J. / Gentle Willow / New York: Maginatin Press, 1993
Mills, L. / The Rag Coat / Little, Brown and Co., 1991
Mundy, Michaelene / Sad Isn’t Bad: A Good-Grief Guidebook for Kids Dealing with Loss / (ages 4-8)
Old, W. / Stacy Had a Little Sister / 1995
Paterson, K. / Bridge to Terabithia / New York: Crowell, 1977
Peck, Richard / Close Enough to Touch / Delacote Press, 1981
Polikoff, B.G. / Life’s a Funny Proposition / 1992
Portnoy, Mindy A. / Where do People Go When They Die? / (ages 5+)
Powell, S. / Geranium Morning / Minneapolis, Carolhoda, 1990
Quinnett, Paul / Suicide: The Forever Decision / New York: Continuum Publishing Co., 1989
Raschka, Chris / The Purple Balloon / Schwartz and Wade, ages 3+
Richter, E. / Losing Someone You Love: When a Brother or Sister Dies / Putnam Press, 1986
Rofes, E. / The Kids’ Book About Death and Dying: By and For Kids / 1985
Robers, F. / So Much to Think About: When Someone You Care About Has Died / 1991
Rogers, F. / When a Pet Dies / Putnam Press, 1988
Romain, Trevor / What On Earth Do You Do When Someone Dies? / (ages 8-12)
Ross, K. and A. / Cemetery Quilt / Houghton Mifflin Company, 1995
Rothman, Juliet / A Birthday Present for Daniel / Rainbow Publications
Ryan, Victoria / When Your Grandparent Dies: A Child’s Guide to Good Grief / (ages 5-9)
Sanford, D. / It Must Hurt a Lot: A Children’s Book About Death / Portland, OR, 1986
Schuurman, Donna / Never the Same / Teenage, young adult
Schweibert, P., DeKlyen, C., Bills, T. / Tear Soup: A recipe for healing after loss / (ages 9-12)
Shreve, Susan / Family Secrets: Five Important Stories / New York: Dell Publishing, 1983
Shriver, Maria / What’s Heaven? / (ages 5-9)
Shuman, Carol / Jenny is Scared: When Sad Things Happen in the World / Magination Press, 2003, ages 4+
Simon, M. / The Saddest Time / Albert Whitman and Co., 1986
Smith, H.I, and Johnson, J. / What Does that Mean? A Dictionary of Death, Dying, and Grief Terms for Grieving Children and Those Who Love Them / (ages 6+)
Spies, J. / Everything You Need to Know About Grieving / New York: Rosen, 1990
Speltz, Ann / The Year My Mother was Bald / Ages 8-13
Stickney, Doris / Water Bugs and Dragonflies / Pilgrims Press, 1982
Talbot, Toby / A Book About my Mother / Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1980
Thomas, Pat / I Miss You: A First Look at Death
Thomas, J.R. / Saying Goodbye to Grandma / NY, 1988
Temes, R. / The Empty Place: A Child’s Guide Through Grief / Far Hills, NJ: Small Horizons, 1992
Thurman, C. / A Time for Remembering / NY: Simon and Schuster, 1989
Tiffault, B.W. / A Quilt for Elizabeth / Omaha, NE: Centering Corp, 1992
Toews, Miriam / A Complicated Kindness / Young adults
Tyson, Janet / Common Threads of Teenage Grief: A Handbook for Healing / Young adults, teenagers
Varley, S. / Badger’s Parting Gifts / NY: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard, 1984
Vigna, J. / Saying Goodbye to Daddy / Morton Grove, IL: Albert Whitman and Co., 1991
Viorst, Violet / The Tenth Good Thing About Barney / (ages 5-9)
Vogel, Ilse-Margaret / My Summer Brother
My Twin Sister Erika: The Death of a Sibling / 1981
Walsh, Barbara / Sammy in the Sky / Candlewick, ages 4+
Weingelt, Udo / Bear’s Last Journey / North-South Books, 2003, ages 4+
Weisbe, David / Gone But Not Lost / Baker Book House Co., 1991
White, E.B. / Charlotte’s Web / NY: Harper and Row, 1952
White Deer of Autumn / The Great Change / Hillsboro, OR: Beyond Words Pub., 1992
Wilhelm, H. / I’ll Always Love You / NY: Crown, 1985
Wise, Margaret B. / Dead Bird / Harper Collins, ages 4-7
Wright, B.R. / The cat Next Door / NY: Holiday House, 1991
Wolfelt, Alan D. / Healing Your Grieving Heart for Kids: 100 Practical Ideas
Healing Your Grieving Heart for Teens: 100 Practical Ideas
Yolen, J. / Granddad Bill’s Song / NY: Philomel Books, 1994


Fitzgerald, Helen / The Grieving Child: A Parent’s Guide
Grollman, Earl / Explaining Death to Children
Talking About Death: A Dialogue Between Parent and Child
Holmes, M., Mudlaff, S., Pillo, C. / A Terrible Thing Happened
Johnson, Joy / Keys to Helping Children Deal with Death and Grief
Huntley, Theresa / Helping Children Grieve
Coloroso, Barbara / Parenting Through Crisis: Helping Kids in Times of Loss, Grief and Change
LeShan, Eda / Learning to Say Goodbye when a Parent Dies
McCue, Kathleen / How to Help Children Through a Parent’s Serious Illness
Nussbaum, Kathy / Preparing the Children
Roberts, J. and Johnson, J. / Thank You For Coming to Say Goodbye
Silverman, P. / Never Too Young to Know Death in Children’s Lives
Thomas, P. / I Miss You: A First Look at Death
Wolfelt, Alan / Healing the Grieving Child’s Heart: 100 Practical Ideas for Families, Friends and Caregivers
Healing the Bereaved Child

Activity Books on Death and Dying

Fire in My Heart, Ice in My Veins – Enid Samuel Traisman (ages 13+)

The Grief Bubble: Helping Kids Explore and Understand Grief – Kerry DeBay (ages 6-10)

Help Me Say Goodbye: Activities For Helping Kids cope when a Special Person Dies – Janis Silverman (ages 4-10)

How I feel: A Coloring Book for Grieving Children – Alan D. Wolfelt (ages 3-8)

Remember… A Child Remembers – Enid Samuel Traisman (ages 8-12)

Children’s Classroom and Group Resources

Black, Anne and Penelope Simpson-Adams / The Art of Healing Childhood Grief / Rainbow Publications
Cassini, K. and J. Rogers / Death and the Classroom / Rainbow Publications
Goldman, Linda / Life and Loss: A Guide to Help Grieving Children / Rainbow Publications
Lagoria, Jeanne / Lifecycle / Rainbow Publications, ages k-2, 2-4, 5-6
Nelson, R. and J. Galas / The Power to Prevent Suicide / Rainbow Publications
O’Toole, Donna / Growing Through Grief / Rainbow Publications, K-12
Smith, Judie / Suicide Prevention / Rainbow Publications
Stevenson, R. and E. / Teaching Students About Death / Rainbow Publications

Emotional Literacy

And Peter Said Goodbye / Rainbow Publications / (grief)
Painting the Fire / Rainbow Publications / (anger)
Red Poppies for a Little Bird / Rainbow Publications / (guilt)
William’s Gift / Rainbow Publications / (hurt)
Nightmares in the Mist / Rainbow Publications / (fear)

Professional Resources

Adams, David and Eleanor Deveau / Beyond the Innocence of Childhood / Rainbow Publications
Burrell, R., B. Coe, G. Hamon / Fernside Idea Book / Rainbow Publications
Cunningham, Linda / Teenage Grief Leadership Manual / Rainbow Publications
Smith, S. and Sister M. Rennells / Interventions with Bereaved Children / Rainbow Publications
Webb, Nancy Boyd / Helping Bereaved Children: A Handbook for Practitioners / Rainbow Publications

Grief Websites: