Camporee of Doom

Author: Seth J. Pierce

©2009 by Pacific Press®

Readability Level 5.1/ Points 5

192 Pages / Word Count: 59,895

1. / Peter would rather lose Christmas presents than keep trying to _____. (12)
a. / exercise
b. / go on the Camporee
c. / sell candy
d. / study his spelling words
2. / What Peter found enjoyable was watching _____. (27, 109, 139)
a. / the gym team messing up
b. / Mr. Cromwell being embarrassed
c. / a gruesome scene in the play
d. / All of these
3. / In this story, Mr. Cromwell is not liked because he _____. (18)
a. / favors his daughter
b. / changed the name of the club
c. / doesn’t defend Peter
d. / All of these
4. / Peter doesn’t like his sister because she _____. (15)
a. / destroys his things
b. / is perfectly behaved
c. / is disrespectful to adults
d. / says things that make him look good
5. / Peter blamed _____ for all the trouble he was in. (14, 78, 142)
a. / Lacey
b. / Mary
c. / the Lombardi’s
d. / All of these
6. / When the Pathfinder group got off the bus, it was their responsibility to _____. (32)
a. / clean the bus
b. / unload the bus
c. / carry their own bags
d. / team up with their buddies
7. / The kids nicknamed Lou Lombardi _____ because he was so big. (49)
a. / Abe Lincoln
b. / Paul Bunyan
c. / Michael Jordan
d. / Babe Ruth
8. / In the end, Mr. Lombardi apologized for _____. (179)
a. / banning Peter from the hanger
b. / creating an unsafe environment in the hanger
c. / not being a better parent
d. / not letting them practice in the airplane
9. / Harley got kicked out of Puppetry class because he _____. (65,66)
a. / made inappropriate gestures
b. / was tardy
c. / didn’t like having a girl puppet
d. / didn’t want to be there
10. / The two bullies took an ______from Melvin in the Sanctuary. (97)
a. / iron
b. / elephant
c. / umbrella
d. / ephod
Correct Answers / 1 - c, 2 - d, 3 - d, 4 - b, 5 - d, 6 - c, 7 - b, 8 - c, 9 - a, 10 - c