Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Local Pharmaceutical Committee (LPC) is an independent, autonomous statutory body. The LPC represents all Community Pharmacy Contractors within Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and is bound by the provision of the NHS Act 1977 and associated regulations.

The LPC is funded by levies from contractors. Six of the LPC members are elected by local independent community pharmacists and eight are appointed by the CCA every four years. The LPC elects a Chairman, Vice Chairman and Treasurer.

The LPC employs an Executive Development Officer, LPC Support Officer, an Administrator and a Communications Officer.

What we do

The LPC represents and supports all community pharmacy contractors in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough in the provision of pharmaceutical services.

The LPC will ensure processes and appropriate systems are in place to support pharmacy contractors in ensuring people who live and work in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough gain maximum benefit from community pharmacy services.

• The LPC is the first port of call for any matters pertaining to pharmacy in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

• The LPC promotes the value of community pharmacy.

• The LPC provides advice through its members, administrator and officers on any matter pertaining to pharmacy in Cambridgeshire.

• The LPC provides local professional leadership on behalf of pharmacy contractors


  1. Develop contractor support and representation:

• To help and support community pharmacy contactors in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough to provide appropriate safe and effective healthcare services for the population by working with other healthcare professionals.

  1. Raise influence with healthcare commissioners:

• To ensure the professional status of pharmacy contractors as an integral member of the healthcare team is recognised and valued by other healthcare professional and NHS organisations.

• To work with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough PCOs, CCG, Health and Wellbeing Boards, local hospitals, other local health organisations, local councils and local members of parliament to ensure Community Pharmacy is involved in the development and provision of existing and new healthcare services.

  1. Design and Implement a communication strategy:

• To communicate effectively and efficiently with community pharmacy contractors and key stakeholders using appropriate methods.

• To communicate effectively with patients and patient groups.

  1. To support the development of the local Pharmaceutical Assessments (PNAs)
  1. Continually improve the LPC ways of working

• To support LPC members to develop skills to provide effective local leadership and to engage and influence national and local policy processes.

(May 2017)

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough LPC,Unit 42, Peterborough Workspace, 28/29 Maxwell Road,

Peterborough PE2 7JE Telephone: 07891 542878 e-mail:

Communications Officer e-mail: Telephone: 07818 112921

Web site: