Paul Laurence Dunbar High School Senior Project


The Paul Laurence Dunbar High School Senior Project allows students to have a voice in their own education by pursuing an independent study in the career field of their choice. The projects must pursue one of four paths: career exploration, community service, or academic research. The senior internship program encourages students to develop career relationships, acquire new skills, and experience the opportunity of education outside the traditional academic climate of the High School. It is an excellent opportunity for students to prepare for college, the workplace, a special interest, or community service. The program is open to students in good academic standing.


The Senior Project/Internship runs from March 31 – May 9 and has three phases:

  1. On-site unpaid internship with a supervisor. Students are expected to be working during normal business hours or approximately 30 hours per week. This is a 5 week internship for the duration of the fourth quarter. Students are required to keep a journal.
  1. Students submit an English paper about their experience. This is due on May 9th, and students receive a grade for their English requirement.
  1. The students will give a presentation of their internship on May 12th at Dunbar High School in a time slot from 3:00 – 4:30 pm. Scores for their presentation will be factored into the English grade.


Each student will work with a site supervisor and is assigned a mentor, either Ms. (Fedyszyn) Walsh or Ms. O’Hara, depending on where the student is working.

The site supervisor provides the structure for the internship and will be the student’s on site boss. Throughout the internship the supervisor will report on the student's dependability, performance, independence, and accomplishments for their internship.

Students will be assigned to a senior project coordinator as a mentor. Students are required to contact their mentors daily to check in; call, text, and e-mail are all acceptable ways to check in. The mentor's role is to supervise the progress of the internship and to help the student with any issues or concerns regarding the project or their on site supervisor. The coordinators will serve as guide and oversee the student's progress in completing their project, journal, and essay. The senior project coordinator will visit the student at the internship a minimum of two times.

Senior Eligibility

In order to participate a senior must:

  • Be scheduled for sufficient credits/courses to receive a graduation diploma.
  • Be in good academic standing (C or better) in all classes in the second quarter.
  • Have a 2.3 cumulative GPA for all of high school.
  • Have 9 or fewer absences for the school year in every class.
  • Be in good standing with the Integrity Center, without any behavioral infractions.
  • Have all teachers sign off on eligibility for the project.
  • Submit an application signed by parents/guardians. Students also need a brief letter submitted from a site coordinator if the student chooses to submit an application for a project not already approved by Dunbar High School.
  • Adhere to the checkout procedures before starting their internship.
  • Be selected by the Senior Project Committee for an internship or have their application approved by the Senior Project Committee for a self organized project.
  • Attend all Senior Project meetings.

If at any time it is determined that the student is not keeping their commitment to the project he/she will return to classes and will need to make up for the work missed to receive a final grade. Students who are absent and/or tardy 3 times during the course of the project will have his/her project terminated.


Applications (the last four pages of this document and a one page essay) are reviewed by a committee and the Project Coordinator. The student’s grades, attendance and discipline record are verified. Teachers, parents, and students are then notified of the student’s acceptance. The Principal has final approval.

High Stakes Courses

Students taking high stakes AP, PLTW,or CTE courses must continue attending these classes until the exams or end of the course; students must adhere to the requirements of the individual teacher. Students who are not enrolled inthese classes otherwise do not attend any 4th quarter classes. Students who are enrolled in high stakes courses may participate in an abbreviated program by scheduling their internship around these courses, substituting 5 hours in the internship per AP course per week.

  • For a yearlong class the final grade for 4th quarter grade is the average of the first 3 quarters.
  • For a semester course the 3rd quarter grade becomes the 4th quarter grade.
  • The English 4th quarter grade will be based on the student’s final paper and oral presentation about the internship.

PLDHS Senior Project Application

Name: ______

Intended Project, please select all that are of interest:

Art History and Museum Sciences


Community Action/Community Service

Culinary Arts

Elementary Education

Maritime Science and Engineering

Mortuary Sciences

Other, please specify ______

*For other, you may add an independent project you have created and organized on your own. You will need to make sure that you follow all steps below for an independent project.*

**Please note, we cannot promise that all internships will be available. Although the project coordinators have been working to confirm all placements each project will only be held if there are enough interested and eligible students and if the project sites are able to accommodate students.**

Project Checklist for Dunbar Created Projects:

Attend Senior Project Meeting

Determine which project you are interested in- See Ms. (Fedy) Walsh with any questions

Write 1 page double spaced essay explaining your interest in the project

Sign Senior Project contract

Have parents sign Senior Project parent contract

Get approval from all teachers

Return all Senior Project forms to Ms. (Fedy) Walsh in room 244 by ______

Project Checklist for Individually Created Projects:

Complete all of the above boxes

Develop individual project

Have the site mentor sign memorandum of understanding that you have his/her support to complete your Senior Project under his/her mentorship.

Essay Requirements

Write an essay describing why you are interested in a specific project and why you should be selected for a specific project or, if you are creating your own project, write an essay explaining in detail the purpose and merits of your intended Senior Project. Your essay should be double- spaced, 1 page, 12 point font, and adhere to the writing conventions you have learned in English classes.

Please consider the following questions as you write your essay:

  • Where will your internship take place and what will be your responsibilities? What are your goals and expectations for this project? Why did you choose this project?
  • What do you expect to learn? What challenges do you expect to face? What skills do you hope to gain?
  • What is the focus of your senior project? (For example: community service, academic research, and an opportunity to explore a field that will serve your future education or career)
  • How will your project increase your awareness of local and/or global communities and increase your sense of citizenship?
  • In what ways will the project improve you as an individual, other than giving you work experience.

In early March, you will be notified by letter to confirm your acceptance to Senior Project.

  • Acceptance into the program is dependent on being in good academic standing (C or better) in all classes until the end of third quarter.
  • Acceptance into the program is also dependent on good attendance and behavior through the end of the third quarter.

PLDHS Senior Project Student Contract

In order to receive full credit for the Senior Project I, ______,(print your name) agree to the following:

.To submit a 4-6 page double spaced English paper by May 9th, based on my journal and site experiences, to Ms. (Fedyszyn) Walsh or Ms. O’Hara to receive my English credit.

.To make a presentation on my project at the Exit Exhibition on May 12th, 3:00 – 4:30 pm.

.To work approximately 30 hrs. Per week from March 31 until May 9th at my project.

.To be in good academic standing in all classes, have a good attendance and discipline record, and complete all detentions before the project begins.

.To have obligation forms signed by faculty, guidance, library, and administration before the project begins.

.To continue in Advanced Placement, Project Lead The Way, or CTE courses where applicable.

.To check in with my project coordinator daily via phone, text, or e-mail.

.To supply my Dunbar Project Coordinator with my Google journal on a daily basis so she can check in on my progress.

.To observe all rules and regulations at the site, of Paul Laurence Dunbar High School, and of BCPSS.

.To contact my supervisor and PLDHS Main Office on the date of any absence from my Senior Project.

.To provide my own transportation to and from my internship.

.To follow the school calendar and attend all required senior meetings and meet all deadlines for graduation.

.To give my permission to be photographed and quoted in the newspaper or other media.

.To attend all mandatory Senior Project meetings.

.To check email regularly for information from my Senior Project Coordinator.

.To ensure that I arrive on time and do not miss any days of my Senior Project; I understand that I will be removed from the program if I am tardy or absent three times.

I have read the above requirements for the Senior Project and understand them. If I fail to comply I jeopardize continuing at my placement and may not be able to graduate.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

PLDHS Senior Project Parent Contract

Parent/Guardian name (print)- ______

  1. I have read the expectations for my son/daughter/student for the Senior Project.
  2. I am aware that my son/daughter/student must pass all three requirements of the project: Internship, English written report, and Presentation, to meet the requirements of his/her English course.
  3. I understand that Paul Laurence Dunbar High School cannot directly supervise my child’s off- campus activities and is not liable for any injuries sustained as a result of this project.
  4. I understand that students are responsible for all expenses related to the Senior Project.
  5. I will support my son/daughter/student’s commitment to the success of his/her project.
  6. I am aware that my son/daughter/student is required to continue in all high stakes (AP, PLTW, CTE) courses where applicable and is required to take the AP exams for all AP courses.
  7. I am aware that my son/daughter/student must complete 30 hours per week from March 31st until May 9th.
  8. I should e-mail Ms. (Fedyszyn) Walsh at if I have any questions regarding the senior projects.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date______

PLDHS Senior Project Teacher

Approval Form

Dear Teachers,

The following student (print applicant name here) ______is applying to participate in Dunbar’s Senior Project. All students participating in the senior project must meet the following criteria:

  • Be scheduled for sufficient credits/courses to receive a graduation diploma.
  • Be in good academic standing (C or better) in all classes in the second quarter.
  • Have a 2.5 cumulative GPA for all of high school.
  • Have 8 or fewer absences for the school year.
  • Be in good standing with the Integrity Center, without any behavioral infractions.
  • Have all teachers sign off on eligibility for the project.

Students selected to participate in the Senior Project will be excused from their classes during the fourth quarter except for AP, PLTW, and CTE classes, which students are still required to attend on a daily basis. The grading system for non-high stakes classes is as follows:

  • For a yearlong class the final grade for 4th quarter grade is the average of the first 3 quarters.
  • For a semester course the 3rd quarter grade becomes the 4th quarter grade.
  • The English 4th quarter grade will be based on the student’s final paper and oral presentation about the internship.

Please sign below to indicate whether or not you support the student’s application for their senior project.

Period / Subject / Teacher’s Name / Support Project? / Additional Comments:

** Please e-mail Ms. (Fedyszyn) Walsh if you wish to discuss this student’s application further or in confidence at **