Pursuing Victory with Honor
· Winning is important and trying to win is essential
· Honor is More Important
· Ethics is Essential to True Winning
· There is No True Victory Without Honor
· Ethics and Sportsmanship are Rule One
· Benefits of Playing Sports Comes from Competition
· Not from the Outcome
· Sports as a Setting for Learning & Education
The profession of coaching is a profession of teaching. In addition to teaching the mental and physical dimensions of their sport, coaches through words and example must also strive to build the character of their athletes by teaching them to be trustworthy, respectful, responsible, fair, caring and good citizens. (Arizona Sports Summit Accord)
Interscholastic Athletics
Handbook for
Parents & Students
Safford Unified Schools
Department of Athletics
Dear Parents and Athletes:
This handbook will attempt to provide a platform of communication between the parent, athlete and department of athletics.
It is our hope that you will have a greater understanding and appreciation for the policies and procedures under which our athletic programs operate.
We believe the athletic program makes a significant contribution to the total education of our students.
We invite your comments and questions.
Rich DeRidder, Principal
(928) 348-7050 Ext. 5701
Torey Leitzke, Assistant Principal
(928) 348-7050 Ext. 5706
Toni Corona, Asst. Principal/Athletic Director
(928) 348-7050 Ext. 5740
Sam Diaz, Athletic Trainer
(928) 348-7050 Ext. 5742
Mission Statement
All students will be contributing and responsible citizens. With this district wide mission in mind our athletic programs will strive to develop skills and good attitudes in a positive environment.
Safford Schools will provide numerous opportunities for students to enhance their education through participation in the interscholastic athletic program.
Our purpose is to provide caring, trained personnel to sponsor and coach our students. We will focus on operating a program with integrity and a sense of what is good, wholesome and educationally beneficial.
Our goal is to:
1. Socially - encourage students to be responsible, caring and productive;
2. Academically - reach their potential and maintain 100% academic eligibility;
3. Athletically - develop the skills, attitudes, and knowledge, to successfully compete day in and day out for championships.
4. Morally – purse “Victory with Honor”
The hallmark of the “Bulldog” Athletic Program will be it’s significant achievement in all three areas listed.
Program Objectives
1. Emphasize individual and team commitment towards excellence.
2. Instill principles of sportsmanship, ethical conduct and fair play.
3. Encourage and develop leadership skills.
4. Provide a positive atmosphere / environment for students.
5. Acknowledge and demonstrate that interscholastic competition is a game, not matter of life and death.
6. Maximize student participation within budgetary realities.
7. Teach physical skills to compete successfully and safely.
8. Provide a safe, clean playing environment.
How coaches, sponsors, parents and students will help – By:
1. Working tirelessly to accomplish our shared vision.
2. Being people of high moral character that obviously care for, respect and positively interact with one another.
3. Treating each other humanely and respectfully.
4. Understanding and respecting the value of a comprehensive education and how it relates to becoming a more responsible and productive member of society.
5. Giving an honest effort to reach academic excellence.
6. Believing and trusting in the educational and academic plan, rules and techniques of the programs.
7. Arriving at each opportunity confident and ready to compete in the proper state physically & emotionally.
8. Knowing our roles, team objectives and game plans.
9. Understanding and supporting each other’s efforts.
How we plan to accomplish our Objectives - By:
1. Adhering to team, district, region and state by-laws, constitutions, regulations and policies.
2. Providing trained competent coaches and sponsors.
3. Participating in the AIA Pursuing Victory with Honor Program.
4. Providing summer-time developmental opportunities in the weight room and through various summer tournaments and leagues.
5. Thought programs like the Captain’s Council, monthly head coaches meetings and instructional clinics.
6. Maintaining membership in the Arizona Coaches Association to provide all-star opportunities for our student/athletes.
7. With pre-season parent meetings to introduce coaches and review individual program goals and expectations.
8. Providing team/sport handbooks with expectations spelled out for students and parents.
9. Monitoring grades and providing regular progress reports.
10. Scheduling sound competition for our teams.
11. Allowing our teams and programs to compete for Region and State Championships.
12. Regulating the Junior League and Middle School programs to give everyone in uniform an opportunity to play.
13. Encouraging and supporting each other’s programs and events.
14. Providing numerous sports and activities for our students.
Assumption of Risks
Safety for student athletes during participation in the interscholastic athletic program is of utmost concern. We attempt to provide all student athletes with a safe practice and playing environment. We provide the best in protective equipment and include proper facilities maintenance as an important aspect in injury prevention.
Despite these efforts, injuries do occur. Athletic competition by its very nature creates various situations where injuries cannot be avoided. As athletic participants, there is always the possibility that you may sustain an injury. The injury sustained could range from a minor contusion to a serve spinal cord injury resulting in quadriplegia or even death.
The participant and his/her parents must realize, however, that there is a potential for serious injury. Individuals who cannot accept the injury risk should redirect their energies to either a non-athletic activity or select a sport with a reduced injury potential.
Travel Policies for Students
1. Releasing students while on a school trip:
A. A student may be released to parents or a designated adult with the approval of the coach.
B. A student may only be released to a designated adult if the coach is presented a note from the parents or provided with a Student Release Form or note from a school official.
2. Coaches will instruct participants as to the appropriate dress on all out-of-town trips.
3. Buses are to be kept clean, and participants will be asked to clean a portion of the bus at end of each trip.
4. No horseplay or carelessness will be permitted on the trip.
5. Coaches will keep parents informed relative to travel times.
6. Coaches have the option of enforcing stricter travel policies.
Prescription Drugs
In order for a coach to carry and/or give a prescription drug to a student, there must be a copy of the student’s Administrating Medicine to Students Form in the coach’s possession. See school nurses for details.
Competition on School Teams Only
A student who is member of a school team shall not practice or compete with any other group, club, organization, or association in that sport during the interscholastic season of competition. For purposes of this rule, the interscholastic season of competition shall begin with the first regularly scheduled game and concludes with that particular teams final game. Any student violating the above rule shall forfeit his/her eligibility for a minimum of the balance of the season for that sport or up to maximum of one calendar year. Each student, in order to represent Safford Schools, shall be and shall remain an amateur.
No Pass No Play Policy
The state Board of Education has mandated that each school district must have in place a “No Pall No Play” policy. Athletics, speech, chess, pom, cheerleaders, mat maids are all defined as extracurricular activities that fall under the “No Pass No Play” policy. Safford Schools requires the following to be eligible to participate in any athletic event:
1. A student must be enrolled in a minimum of five classes.
Exception: a senior may take a minimum of four classes.
2. A student must receive a passing grade in all enrolled classes during the grading period.
3. The ineligibility period is three weeks (Safford Policy). –Those students playing sports will have a grade check at each three-week progress report period: Any student with an F will be suspended for one week; a second grade check will take place one week later, if those F(s) are now passing grade, the student will be re-instated for the final two weeks of that three-week period. Students that still have the same F will be suspended till the next three-week check.
Athletic Participation Clearance
All students must meet the minimum requirements set forth by the Arizona Interscholastic Association before they will be issued any equipment, allowed to practice or participate in interscholastic competition.
Procedures for receiving athletic participation clearance sheets:
1. Student athletes should pick up all clearance material from the athletic director or from the School Principal’s office. The clearance packet will contain the following information:
- Physical examination form (should use the AIA form).
- Parental Permission to participate form.
- Athletic Department By-Laws form.
2. All athletes must show proof of insurance. Safford Schools will provide information on supplemental health insurance, which can be purchased by the student.
3. When all materials have been filled out in the proper manner, return them to the athletic director along with a copy of a birth certificate, a clearance card will be issued to the student and/or the coach.
Team Cuts
The coach/advisor has the right to cut students from a team or activity for the purpose of reducing team size after having given the students adequate opportunities to compete for positions. Every effort will be made by the coach/advisor to be fair and consistent and to help preserve the self-esteem of the student.
Athletic Fees
Athletic fees are due before a student can play in a game. For teams with cut sports, including Volleyball, Boys and Girls Basketball, Boys and Girls Soccer, Spirit Line, Baseball, Softball, Tennis, and Golf, that fee will be due as soon as cuts are made. For teams that do not have cuts, including Football, Cross Country, Wrestling, and Track, that fee will be due two weeks after the start date of the season.
Athletic Award Criteria
Athletic awards will be given annually upon approval of the Head Coach/Sponsor:
u Six inch Varsity Award letter to high school varsity award winner, one per high school career.
u Four inch Junior Varsity Award letter to high school Junior Varsity award winner, one per high school career.
u 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year pins symbolic of the sport.
u Certificates to all athletes completing a season. (MS AND HS)
u Team Captain(s) emblem for high school varsity team captains.
u Baker award to the outstanding senior boy athlete.
u Bellamy awards to the outstanding senior girl athlete.
u Faunce & Kimball Scholar/Athlete Award to the top male & female scholar/athlete.
u Each coach / sponsor is responsible for additional award criteria for their program.
Athletic Department By-Laws
Code of Conduct
1. No drinking or possession of alcoholic beverages.
2. No use or possession of tobacco products.
3. No use or possession of drugs or participation and drug trafficking.
4. Character and Citizenship: Students are expected to avoid any act that will bring harm to themselves, parents, community, school or team.
Code Violations
1. Any violations of parts 1-4 shall be reported to the A.D. in writing and could result in the following consequences:
2. First Offense: Out for three weeks of competition.
3. Second Offense: Dismissal from the team or group.
Conduct and Behavior
A student athlete will follow the rules and guidelines of their particular activity at all times. Actions or words that are disrespectful to the coaching staff will not be tolerated and could be grounds for dismissal.
All forms of hazing are strictly prohibited. For the purposes of this policy statement, hazing is defined as any act by a single student or group of students to extort something of value, threaten injury, harass, intimidate or cause or attempt to cause physical or emotional injury to any person.
Students who violate this policy will be immediately suspended from the team and will be subject to dismissal or expulsion as per school district policies. This policy is in effect at all times and places year round.
Attendance: Practice & Games
The following will be followed for all programs in the Safford Athletic Department.
1. In the event that a student has an unexcused absence from practice, that student will be subject to his/her team rules relative to participation in the next contest.
2. Students are expected to attend every class all day in order to practice or participate in a scheduled event.
3. Exceptions are made for medical excuse and emergencies.
Due Process for Athletes
In the event that disciplinary action must be taken against any student the following procedures will be followed:
1. The coach has the right and obligation to immediately suspend a student/athlete who violates school or team rules and regulations until the due process procedure has been completed.
2. The coach will inform the athlete of the alleged violation. The athlete will be asked for an explanation.
3. Within five days, the athlete has the right to appeal the coach’s decision to the athletic director in writing for further consideration.
Equipment and Uniforms
1. School uniforms are to be used or worn in competition or practice. Exceptions: A coach may allow certain items of school uniforms to be worn at certain times.
2. Abuse of equipment---“Normal” wear and tear is expected. A student will be held responsible for unusual abuse or loss of equipment.
3. Students will be held responsible for all athletic equipment issued to them.
4. Students shall return all equipment and uniforms issued to them within one week after completion of any season or immediately if dropped from any activity.
5. Students shall pay for all items not returned.
Student Responsibilities
Participation in school athletics is a privilege that carries with it a certain amount of individual responsibility. The following guidelines are set forth to help each athlete meet and accept those responsibilities.
1. Report all injuries to the coach as soon as possible.
2. Squad members are expected to be punctual in reporting to practice. In case of a necessary absence from practice, the athlete should notify the coach prior to being absent if possible.