CalNENA Summer Quarterly Meeting
Hyatt Hotel Garden Grove
July 22, 2004
Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: Acting President Chip Yarborough, Acting 1st VP Chris Hinshaw, Northern Regional VP Beverly Slocum, Southern Regional VP Roy Halterman
The Meeting was called to order by Acting President Chip Yarborough at 9:15 AM.
- President Yarborough called for introduction of all attendees.
President Yarborough called for Vendor Liaison Jaime Lim to present the Gold Sponsors.
Jaime represented Positron and called for additional vendors to support the CalNENA organization as Gold sponsors
Mark Musick represented Zetron
Brian Beresfield represented Verizon
- Chapter Update - President Yarborough announced the resignation of Barry Silva from the position of President and the subsequent move to acting President and Acting 1st VP of Yarborough and Hinshaw. In accordance with the by-laws the President will appoint an Acting 2nd VP. The Executive Board will meet in San Luis Obispo, at their own expense, to discuss the appointment and other topics regarding the advancement of the CalNENA organization on July 29th.
The CalNENA website is currently being supported by Mountain View IT personnel.
A request was received by President Yarborough to post job announcements on the website. That has been implemented.
The National NENA Conference will be held in California next year in June. The Board is negotiating with State 911 to trade local meetings for State reimbursement for authorized representatives attending the National Conference.
CalNENA is committed to January conferences at the Hyatt in Garden Grove for the next two years. This agreement was made before the announcement of the National Conference coming to California. The Board is negotiating with the Hyatt Hotel to accommodate the organizations issues.
A suggestion was made to make the Annual CalNENA Conference into more of a training effort with multi-hour/multi-day training sessions.
Ella Sotello, LA County, suggested a focus on GIS mapping training as support for the current wireless E911 rollout.
Eric Stenning, CML, stated that the vendors would probably step up to providing training and presentations.
Danita Crombach, Ventura County, suggested that there will be many who can attend one conference but will not be able to fund attending multiple conferences. Making our annual conference into a training effort may help obtain funding approval for the agencies.
Marianne Wolf, Yolo County, stated that she will only be authorized to attend one. National usually does not have much substance in their training offerings and the CalNENA conference needs to have an extensive training track to be attractive.
President Yarborough suggested that we might be able to obtain POST certifications for training that would answer the on-going training requirements of POST for dispatchers.
Jennifer Kaiser, Garden Grove, suggested training for Civilian Managers and leadership.
Anyone who has ideas for training programs is asked to email Chip Yarborough or Chris Hinshaw. Email address’s are on the website.
Danita Crombach, Ventura County, suggested a Grievance Free Leadership course.
Jaime Lim, Positron, stated that there will be no economic impact to he vendors for changing the format of the CalNENA annual conference. Vendors will still participate. Brian Beresfield, Verizon and Mark Musick, Zetron, concurred.
Mark Musick, Zetron, recommended seeking vendor sponsorship of PSAP training.
Diane Moss, Long Beach, asked if there was latitude for negotiation of the Hyatt contract. President Yarborough responded that they Hyatt has booked two conferences at the same time and was seeking to change the negotiated dates. This will allow us room to negotiate with the Hotel.
Jerry Verwolf, Costa Mesa, stated that he did not believe there would be issues of attending both conferences due to the different nature of the two venues.
Roy Halterman, Southern Regional VP, attended the Florida national conference and said it had no affect on their State conference.
Melanie (unknown last name/agency), asked if it was possible to have a joint CalNENA and APCO Regional conference.
Jaime Lim, Positron, has talked to APCO and it might not work on financial/coordination basis. However this is a good political possibility.
- Legislative Update – President Yarborough presented the facts of the CMA initiative and CalNENA’s opposition to the initiative. Chip and Bill Mc Murray, NENA President, explained the proposition and its affects. Barry Hemphill, Deputy Director for State DGS, explained the funding changes for the State 911 fund. An opposition consultant study indicates that 70 of the public will vote with the espoused position of 911 dispatchers on relevant 911 issues.
- Treasurer’s Report – Northern Regional VP Beverly Slocum delivered the Treasurer’s report.
************ ATTACH THE TREASURER’S REPORT HERE ******************************
Danita Crombach, Ventura County, would like to have hard copies of the treasurer’s report available to the attendees of the quarterly meetings.
- Roy Halterman, Southern Regional VP, spoke on his attendance at the National Conference in Florida. Representative Koon and John Walsh’s opening presentations were very moving.
Volunteers will be needed to support the NENA Conference in California in June.
- Bill McMurray, NENA President, spoke on the Voice over Internet Protocol issues. He started out with apologizing for the NENA 2nd VP ballot issues. The new ballots will be out in 4-6 weeks. We will be asked to vote for 2nd VP and for Western Regional VP. President Mc Murray’s comments on the Voice over IP issue will be posted on the NENA website. Then main issues with Voice over IP are ANI/ALI portability and loss of funding to the 911 funds.
- State Report – Barry Hemphill, Deputy Director State DGS, stated that there are no current indications of intent or planning to raid State 911 funds for the new budget.
Joan stated that the State will be re-bidding the Language Line services in February. The State will be re-bidding the CPE contract which expires in August of 2005.
John stated that the Wireless E911 program is progressing. Approximately 12,000 sectors have been cut over. LA County is about 65% completed. There is an issue of garbled voice transmission occurring when the handset is querying GPS. This is being worked on. Nextel handset issues are being worked on. Wireless ALI is being deployed in an average of 4 seconds. PSAP preparedness for wireless E911 deployment is a critical issues. Please call John if you have questions. For GIS funding speak to your 911 consultant.
Session broke for lunch at 12:30 PM.
President Yarborough commenced the afternoon session at 1:30 PM
There was discussion of CalNENA’s financial situation. We should be making more than we are spending or at least what we spend. It was recommended that we have meetings at agency facilities or other non-cost venues rather than paying for facilities.
It was requested to post minutes on the website within 72 hours of the meetings. Also to post the treasurer’s report on the website within 72 hours and to have hard copies available at the meetings. Possibly there could be an email message to the membership when the minutes are on the website.
We will need a website sponsor and maintenance. We can’t continue to have the President provide the services from his/her agency.
There were office costs on the tax return on the website. It was discussed that this was an old tax return and that the office was closed down some time back due to lack of funding. The organization currently maintains a post office box. This brought up the concern for storage of materials. Where does the organization store historical documents and other materials?
The organization needs to have a Conference Committee with a Chairperson. The Board does not have sufficient resources or time to devote to a conference effort on top of their other duties.
The Meeting was adjourned at 2:15PM
Respectfully submitted,
Chris R. Hinshaw, Acting First Vice-President