Approved 2/10/2014
Re-organizational Meeting Minutes
January 6, 2014
Call to Order: Stephanie Egger called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm
Stephanie Egger led the meeting in the Pledge to the Flag.
Present are: Supervisors Stephanie Egger, Timothy D. Beard, III, and Ron L. Weidner; Solicitor, Ronald Tomasko, Attorney at Law, from the firm of James, Smith, Dietterick and Connelly, LLP; Engineer, Chad Clabaugh, PE from C.S. Davidson, Inc.; Roadmaster, Jay Livingston; and Secretary, Deborah Brogan.
Temporary Secretary: Timothy D. Beard, III made a motion to nominate Deborah Brogan as the Temporary Secretary. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Temporary Chairman: Ron L. Weidner made a motion to nominate Stephanie A. Egger as the Temporary Chairman. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion carried.
First Order of Business - Appointment of Positions – Year 2014:
Resolution #2014-01: Appointment of Chairman: Timothy D. Beard III made a motion to nominate Stephanie Egger as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion carried. Stephanie A. Egger abstained.
Resolution #2014-02: Appointment of Vice-Chairman: Ron L. Weidner made a motion to nominate Timothy D. Beard, III as Vice Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Stephanie Egger second the motion. Motion carried. Timothy D. Beard III abstained.
Resolution #2014-03:Appointment of Secretary: Timothy D. Beard, III made a motion to nominate Deborah Brogan as Secretary. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-04: Appointment of Office Manager: Timothy D. Beard, III made a motion to nominate Stephanie Egger as the Township Office Manager. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion carried. Stephanie A. Egger abstained.
Resolution #2014-05: Appointment of Sewer Collections System Operator: Ron L. Weidner made a motion to nominate John Scrivens as the Sewer Collections System Operator for the Township. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion carried.
Resolution #2014-06: Appointment of Treasurer: Timothy D. Beard, III made a motion to nominate Stephanie Egger as Treasurer for the Township. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion carried. Stephanie A. Egger abstained.
Resolution #2014-07: Appointment of Township Solicitor: Ron L. Weidner made a motion to appoint Ronald Tomasko, Attorney as Township Solicitor and to accept the submitted fee schedule. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-08: Appointment of Township Engineer: Timothy D. Beard, III made a motion to appoint Chad Clabaugh, P.E. of C. S. Davidson, Inc. as the township Engineer and to accept the submitted fee schedule. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-09: Appointment of Roadmaster: Ron L. Weidner made a motion to appoint Jay Livingston as the Township Roadmaster. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-10: Appointment of Road Superintendent: Timothy D. Beard, III made a motion to appoint Ron Weidner as the Township Road Superintendent. Stephanie A. Egger second the motion. Motion carried. Ron L. Weidner abstained.
Resolution #2014-11: Appointment of Vacancy Chairman: Ron L. Weidner made a motion to nominate Mel Lebo as the Township Vacancy Chairman. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-12: Appointment of Emergency Management Coordinator: Ron L. Weidner made a motion to appoint Timothy D. Beard, III as the EM Coordinator for HamiltonTownship. Stephanie Egger second the motion. Motion carried. Timothy D. Beard III abstained.
Resolution #2014-13: Appointment of Deputy EM Coordinator: Timothy D. Beard, III made a motion to appoint Doug Fishel as the Deputy EM Coordinator. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-14: Appointment of York Adams Tax Bureau (YATB) Representative: Ron L. Weidner made a motion to nominate Timothy D. Beard, III as the Township Representative to the YATB. Stephanie Egger second the motion. Motion carried. Timothy D. Beard III abstained.
Resolution #2014-15: Appointment of YATB Alternate Representative: Timothy D. Beard, III made a motion to nominate Stephanie Egger as the Township Alternate Representative to the YATB. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion carried. Stephanie A. Egger abstained.
Resolution #2014-16: Appointment of PSATS 2012 Convention Voting Delegate: Timothy D. Beard, III made a motion to nominate Stephanie Egger as the Township Voting Delegate. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion carried. Stephanie A. Egger abstained.
Resolution #2014-17: Appointment of the Township Representative to Adams County Council of Government for AdamsCountyMunicipalities and School Districts (COG): Ron L. Weidner made a motion to nominate Jay Livingstonas the Township Representative to the COG for AdamsCountyMunicipalities and School Districts. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion carried. Timothy D. Beard III made a motion to nominated Ron L. Weidner to serve as an alternate representative to the COG. Stephanie A. Egger second the motion. Motion carried. Ron L. Weidner abstained.
Resolution #2014-18: Appointment of the Township Representative to Adams CountyTax Claim Committee. Ron L. Weidner made a motion to nominate Timothy D. Beard III as the Township Representative to the ACTCC. Stephanie A. Egger second the motion. Motion carried. Timothy D. Beard III abstained. Timothy D. Beard III made a motion to nominate Ron L. Weidner as the Township alternate to the ACTCC. Stephanie A. Egger second the motion. Motion carried. Ron L. Weidner abstained.
Resolution #2014-19: Appointment of Financial Institution as the Depository for Township Funds: Ron L. Weidner made a motion to appoint Adams County National Bank (ACNB) and Susquehanna Bank as the Township Depository. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-20: Appointment of Attorney John Baranski, from the firm of Blakey, Yost, Bupp & Rausch, LLP, as Solicitor to the Zoning Hearing Board and approval of the submitted fee schedule: Ron L. Weidner made a motion to appoint Attorney Baranski as the Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor and to accept the submitted fee schedule. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-21: Approval of Laboratory, Analytical & Biological Services (L.A.B.S.) to do the Wastewater testing for McDonalds, Getty, Burger King and Cross Keys Diner & to approve the attached fee schedule. Timothy D. Beard, III made a motion to approve LABS Testing and to accept the submitted fee schedule. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-22: Approval of set Tax Rates for Hamilton Township: Stephanie Egger read the rates as follows: Real Estate Millage .7345; Per Capita Tax $5.00; Local Services Tax $52.00; Discount Percentage 2%; Penalty Percentage 10%; Realty Transfer Tax .50%; EIT 1.5% Conewago School District & 1.7% for Bermudian Springs School District. All rates remain unchanged from previous year. Ron L. Weidner made a motion to approve the unchanged rates as submitted. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-23: Approval of the Order of Succession for Continuity of Township Government in case of disaster. Timothy D. Beard, III made a motion to approve and appoint the succession as follows: Stephanie Egger, Timothy D. Beard, III, Ron L. Weidner, Jay Livingston, and Doug Fishel (to rotate five times). Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-24: Appointment of members to the AG Security Committee (Appointed Yearly). Ron L. Weidner made a motion to appoint the following members: Dave Meckley, Robert Trimmer, Jimmy Linebaugh and Doug Miller. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote. Stephanie A. Egger stated that we are in need of one resident to serve on this committee.
Resolution #2014-25: Appointment of Stephanie A. Egger as the Township Right-to-Know Officer. Ron L. Weidner made a motion to appoint Stephanie A. Egger as submitted. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion carried. Stephanie A. Egger abstained.
Resolution #2014-26: Adopt and approve the paid employee holidays. Timothy D. Beard, III made a motion to adopt and approve the paid employee holidays as listed. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote. Dates approved as follows:
New Years DayPrimary Election Day (May 20th)
Memorial DayIndependence Day (4th of July)
Labor DayGeneral Election Day (Nov. 4th)
Thanksgiving DayFriday after Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
Day after Christmas Day (December 26th)
Resolution #2014-27: Adopt and Advertise Regular Monthly Meeting dates for Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, Zoning Hearing Board, Parks and Recreation, and Finance Committee. Timothy D. Beard, III made a motion to adopt and advertise the meeting dates. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Dates approved as follows:
The Board of Supervisors Regular Business Meeting - First (1st) Monday of each Month at 7:00 pm with the exception of September, in observance of Labor Day Holiday:
January 6July 7
February 3August 4
March 3September 8 (2nd Monday)
April 7 October 6
May 5November 3
June 2 December 1
Planning Commission Schedule for 2014 - Third (3rd) Tuesday of each Month at 7:00 pm
January 21July 15
February 18August 19
March 18September 16
April 15October 21
May 20November 18
June 17December 16
Zoning Hearing Board meets as needed on the Fourth (4th) Thursday of each Month at 7:00 pm, except in November and December, which is the Third (3rd) Thursday
January 23July 24
February 27August 28
March 27September 25
April 24October 23
May 22November 20
June 26December 18
Parks and Recreation Board meet the Second Tuesday of each Month at 7:00 pm
January 14July 8
February 11August 12
March 11September 9
April 8 October 14
May 13November 11
June 10December 9
Finance Committee meets on the Fourth Monday of each Month at 6:30 pm on an as needed basis:
January 27July 28
February 24August 25
March 24September 22
April 28October 27
May 19November 24
June 23December 29
Resolution #2014-28: Appointment of Stephanie A. Egger as PSATS Pension Plan Administrator: Ron L. Weidner made a motion to appoint Stephanie A. Egger as Plan Administrator. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion carried. Stephanie A. Egger abstained.
Resolution #2014-29: Appointment of Joyce Hamm as the Assistant Treasurer for the Township. Timothy D. Beard III made a motion to approve Joyce Hamm as Asst. Treasurer. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-30: Appoint Finance Committee Members (Appointed Yearly)
Timothy D. Beard, III made a motion to appoint the following members: Annette Boyer, Brian Campbell and Wanda Carbaugh. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-31: Appointment of Sewer Enforcement Officer (SEO): Ron L. Weidner made a motion to appoint Timothy J. Wargo, of Hoover Engineering, Inc., as the Township SEO and to accept the submitted fee schedule. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-32: Appointment of Alternate SEO: Timothy D. Beard III made a motion to appoint Chris A. Hoover, of Hoover Engineering, Inc., as the Township Alternate SEO and to accept the submitted fee schedule. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-33: Approval of SupervisorRon L. Weidner as a signer on any and all accounts for HamiltonTownship at Adams County National Bank (ACNB). Timothy D. Beard III made a motion to approve Ron L. Weidner as a signer at ACNB. Stephanie A. Egger second the motion. Motion carried. Ron L. Weidner abstained.
Resolution #2014-34: Approval needs to be granted for Thomas Jones to represent the Board of Supervisors and HamiltonTownship on the East Berlin Area Community Center Board (EBACC). Ron L. Weidner made a motion to appoint T. Jones. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion carried.
Resolution #2014-35: Appointment of John C. O'Brien as the HamiltonTownship representative to the East Berlin Area Joint Authority. Term is for five (5) years. Timothy D. Beard III made a motion to appoint John C. O'Brien to this position. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion carried.
Resolution #2014-36: Appointment of John C. O'Brien as the HamiltonTownship representative to the Abbottstown Paradise Joint Sewer Authority. Term is for five (5) years. Ron L. Weidner made a motion to appoint John C. O'Brien to this position. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-37: Appoint of Christopher Newman as aHamiltonTownship representative on the Zoning Hearing Board. Term is for four (4) years. Timothy D. Beard III made a motion to appoint Mr. Newman to this position. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-38: Appointment of Lela Reichart as aHamiltonTownship representative to the Planning Commission. Term is for four (4) years. Ron L. Weidner made a motion to appoint Lela Reichart to this position. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-39: Appointment of Ira Bitner as aHamiltonTownship representative to the Planning Commission. Term is for four (4) years. Timothy D. Beard III made a motion to appoint Ira Bitner to this position. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-40: To set the wage percentage for the collection of taxes for HamiltonTownship by Joyce Hamm, Tax Collector at 5% of the total taxes collected. This is for the 2014 year. Ron L. Weidner made a motion to approve this percentage. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-41: Appoint of Commonwealth Code Inspection Service as the official Zoning and Code Enforcement and Building Codes Inspection Service for HamiltonTownship and approval of the attached fee schedule. Timothy D. Beard III made a motion to appoint CCIS and accept the fee schedule provided. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-42: Appointment of Smith, Elliott, Kearns & Co. as the auditors for Hamilton Township and as professional assistant to the Treasurer for the 2014 year; and approval of the submitted fee schedule. Ron L. Weidner made a motion to appoint SEK as the Township auditors and accept the submitted fee schedule. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-43: Approval of the Minimum Municipal Obligation (MMO) of $25,497.00 for the Trustees of Pennsylvania Municipalities Retirement Plan through Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors (PSATS). This will be for the year 2014. Timothy D. Beard III made a motion to approve the MMO as submitted. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-44: Approval and Adoption of Various Fees for the Township.After review of the fees, Ron L. Weidner made a motion to approve the various fees as submitted. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Resolution #2014-45: Approval of the Change of Allocation for CD #177887 which was allocated for the Zoning Vehicle. These funds shall be combined with CD allocated for Office Improvement and the funds placed in the General Fund Money Market Account. Use of these funds to be determined Timothy D. Beard III made as motion to make change as discussed. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion carried.
Discussion: Stephanie A. Egger proposed that the funds be rolled into the GF Money Mkt Account to be used for building security issues, doors, windows, and possible expansion.
Resolution #2014-46: Appointment of Wade Keech as the HamiltonTownship representative to the East Berlin Area Community Center (EBACC). Ron L. Weidner made a motion to appoint Mr. Keech. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion carried.
Resolution #2014-47: To approve the new Agenda Order and Public Comment Timing. Stephanie A. Egger read the new resolution. Timothy D. Beard III made a motion to approve this resolution as submitted. Ron L. Weidner second the motion. Motion carried.
Having nothing further to discuss, Ron L. Weidner made a motion to adjourn the re-organizational meeting at 7:02 pm. Timothy D. Beard III second the motion. Motion passed by unanimous vote. Meeting adjourned
Minutes Taken & Transcribed by:
Deborah Brogan
1-6-2014 Reorganizational Meeting Minutes1