Members present: Jeff McFarlin, Christi Dornon, Kathy Thompson, Lesley Isom, Beth Thompson

Call to order: Kathy Thompson (1st motion), Beth Thompson (2nd motion) 10:05AM

Last meeting's minutes discussed.

Budget: Library $4664; Office $5290; Regular Instruction $19869: Special Ed $777. Overall budget is $30,600. We are down just a bit from last year.

Dornon passed around a sample budget from Todd County. There are many items budgeted in there that we do not typically pay.

Dornon proposed raising teacher funds to $300 from $250. Site base voted to keep it at $250. If there is any extra at the end of the year, it will be divided amongst the teachers. Money can be requested for additional needs and it will be decided by the site base if it can be granted.

Josh Manning asked about attendance policy. Dornon said that the policy is the same and it will be followed accordingly and strictly.

Dornon requested ideas about the budget policy. Kathy Thompson asked if the 5th grade banquet budget needs to be proposed to the board. Dornon said yes. Kathy said she will get the budget to Dornon and Dornon will propose it.

Budget Policy 24.1 was reviewed. Dornon proposed specifically listing budget categories, activity funds, and financial secretary. Vicki Hollingsworth will be our budget secretary this year and the budget will be handled within the school building.

Dornon proposed having a budget committee. The site base agreed that we need a more concrete policy, but what we have written currently is a good base.

Dornon proposed we include a technology category. Each student is supposed to get $24 per year from the state and the school is supposed to match it. So, we are supposed to have $48 per child for technology. Right now, we do not control the technology budget. It is handled through our technology coordinator, Jason Morrison. Dornon is going to check into how we can access that money.

Dornon said that Go Math was ordered yesterday. A 6 year plan is $30000, a one year plan is $12,000. We do not have money currently for the 6 year plan, but it will be reviewed again next year. World language program review was reviewed. The focus for elementary is more culture vs. language.

Staffing is still down 2 teachers. The fourth and fifth grades are 28-4th, 29-5th? We are at max for 5th grade, so if any new teachers are added, it will be in 5th grade.

Preschool numbers are up. Right now, we are in the 30's. Kathy advised that we may want to check to see about caseload cap for preschool. It used to be 34 total, but Dornon said she is fairly certain it is 20 to 1 and since we have two sessions, it may be 40. Dornon said she would double check.

August/September reviews- curriculum, committees, and schedule the day and week.

The opening of the building at 7AM was discussed. The committee agrees that 7AM is too early, but we have to keep in mind that a bus comes in at 7:15am. Drop off was discussed. Currently, the plan is to keep it the same. Buses at the gym and cars at the front doors. Cars may drop off after 7:40 at the gym. Pickup is still an issue, but we are unsure of how to cure it with the space available. Input is welcome on this issue. We will divide non classroom teachers to certain locations to aide with pickup.

Safety patrol was discussed. The patrol should be out on the side walks of a morning aiding students to the door, depending on how many students we have. There should be at least 3 outside on a rotational basis.

Teacher morning duty was discussed. It was proposed that we do a morning duty daily instead of weekly.

The site base would like to be put on the board meeting agenda, monthly. Just to have a standing appointment to discuss any issues in the school with the board.

Site base would like the teachers to propose a needs assessment wish list. Open communication with the teachers is a must.

The use of committees were discussed. Possible categories include culture/climate, grounds, budget, and curriculum/textbook/technology.

Discipline was discussed. A universal discipline plan will be developed on opening day.

Attendance cannot be awarded with prizes. It can be awarded with instructional awards.

STAR will be done at least once every nine weeks. RTI students will complete STAR twice every nine weeks.

An iPad used for instructional purposes will be rewarded for IXL, Study Island and KPREP performance. No novice will be entered, apprentice will be looked at more closely, proficient will be entered with one chance only, and distinguished will be given a chance for every area they are distinguished.

Motion to close meeting at 11:36AM, Lesley Isom (1st motion), Josh Manning (2nd Motion)