Name:Karianne Stinson Date:10-20-2004
Lesson Title:Regular Polygon Lesson
Grade Level/Subject:4th/ 5th Grade, math
  • Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three- dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships
Objectives(s): Students will demonstrate their understanding of normal polygons by creating a riddle of the attributes for their assigned polygon and answering the other students’ polygon riddles.
Lesson Assessment: Students will work in pairs to list an assigned polygon’s attributes, then these pairs will work to create a riddle of attributes for another polygon.
Materials: pairs of polygons, polygon shape in envelops, large polygons with numbers on them for board, definitions of normal polygons, dry erase boards, board for teacher
Length of Lesson: 40 minutes
Pacing / Procedures/Activities
(Teacher & Student) / Teacher Actions/Notes
4 min.
4 min.
6 min.
5 min.
3 min.
10 min.
5 min. / Set:
(hand out polygons)
  • Pair up with the student with the same shape
  • What is a polygon?
  • If no students know, give polygon definition
Teaching Procedures:
  • I’ll talk about the characteristics of a normal polygon
  • Have the students work with partner to come up with the characteristics of their polygon, then share with class
  • Definitions for normal polygon, triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, and octagon
  • After each definition, ask students to pick out the shape from on the board
  • Give basic arithmetic problems and students write answer on dry erase board
1.Red + Triangle=
4 + 7 = 11
2.Pentagon + Octagon=
5 + 6 = 11
3.6 sided + Pink=
4 + 2 = 6
4.Least # of sides – most # of sides=
7 – 6 = 1
5.Hexagon – quadrilateral=
4 – 3 = 1
  • I create a riddle for octagon and talk through how I do it
  • Students work with their partners to create a riddle for a shape I give them in an envelop
  • Each pair presents their riddle to the class and asks the other students to guess the shape, students draw polygon described on dry erase board
  • Have students review the normal polygons we discussed
/ Hand out polygon shapes
Give time to think
Give time to think
Have poster board with polygon shapes and defs. up. Ask students if they know which shape it is, then take off shape to reveal definition
Hand out dry-erase boards, make sure numbers are on correct polygon shape
Check for understanding (Students hold up equation and answer)
Hand out envelops and notecards
give time to work
Check for understanding (by students holding up the answer and listening to the riddle created)
Group discussion

Regular Polygons

Triangle- Three sided polygon, sum of all angles is 180 degrees, each angle is 60 degrees

Quadrilateral- Four sided polygon, sum of all angles is 360 degrees, each angel is 90 degrees

Pentagon- Five sided polygon, sum of all angles is 540 degrees, each angle is 108 degrees

Hexagon- Six sided polygon, sum of all angles is 720 degrees, each angle is 120 degrees

Heptagon- Seven sided polygon, sum of all angles is 900 degrees, each angle is about 129 degrees

Octagon- Eight sided polygon, sum of all angles is 1080 degrees, each angle is 135 degrees