The Big Bang HD 1080p
winding back the clock to the big bang
where did it take place? 8:20
everything came from nothing 9:00
when time and space began 9:45
at the dawn of time . . . 10:05 a single point,
all of the mass and energy in a region smaller than a single atom—just a point of raging energy
everything simple, just one force 10:50
all laws of physics take shape in that instant
gravity first to emerge 11:25
too little, nothing coalesces 11:50
too much, black holes 12:30
inflation—13:00 in less than millionth, millionth, millionth, millionth of second, space expanded by million millionmillionmillion times—faster than speed of light
--13.45 can’t go faster than speed of light (took less than 10^24 of second to go from size of atom to size of a baseball ball—that’s like a golf ball expanding to the size of the earth
ever happening so fast, need new length of time, called Plank time—14.35 more units of Plank time in one second than all the seconds since BB
billion, billion, billion, billion billion plank times = 1 second
big bang a few plank times, universe inflating, accelerating to speeds greater than the speed of light, in a few more, our universe will be born
15.50—in a fraction of a second, the universe can fit into the palm of your hand; in another tiny fraction of a second, it expands to the size of the earth; then moving faster than the speed of light, it’s larger than our solar system but still just a raging storm of energy
17:00 still super hot, begins to cool due to expansion triggering materialization of first matter of universe—subatomic particles via E=mc^2
17:48 E=mc^2
as universe forming, pure energy formed matter 18:45 building blocks begin to take shapes—conditions extremes . . . so hot and dense that energy and matter transformed back and forth in a hot, dense soup
crowd of people analogy 20:20 particles cool, calm and move less randomly, sooner or later stop the changing
battle between matter and antimatter 22:00
Cern—collide—12 foot wide tunnel 17 miles round 23:30
detector 5 stories tall weighs 7000 tons—records trails
antimatter 25:25
billion antimatter/billionandone matter 27:00 we are the leftovers, all within one second
the next stage is assembling into particles—
at one second 28:30
still hot and expanding fast particles no atoms (nothing we’d recognize)
as particles slow, begin to bond—first to form is H, then over next 3 minutes, He and Li 29:30
in first 3 minutes, everthing interesting happened
380,000 yrs after BB, universe milky due to loose electrons 30:20
electrons need to cool and slow enough to combine with nuclei—then light races 30:50 mass production of atoms
14 billion yrs later, scientists in NJ pick background hum—this was when the first light cleared
KOBE 32:30 first thermal map of universe (when universe was 380,000 yrs old)
33:50 most detailed picture or early universe—tiny variation in temperature reflect small variation in density—shows where there is more and less matter, where there will be space and where there will be construction sites of galaxies—without those variations, we wouldn’t be
35:00 first stars ignited the universe (240,000,000 years) from darkness to light into the beautiful mosaic we see today
36:10 one billion years, the first galaxy
36:10 about 5 billions years ago, gravity draws together dust and gas drawing together our star and our solar system comes to life
37:50 how big is universe?
38:25 BB is still happening and is accelerating outward—dark energy and inflation
100,000,000 from now, our galaxy may be alone
41:00 cyclic BB