OCTOBER 4, 2016
7:00 P.M.
Call to Order/Attendance
Mayor Lauer called the Regular City Council meeting to order. The pledge of allegiance was said. On roll call members present were: Lauer, Libke, Warzecha, Verley and Zimny.
People present: Terry Lehrke, Morrison County Record; Tim Majaski, Planning and Zoning; Adam Gunderson, Police Chief; Brandilynne Young, CBC Orion; Barry Johnson, CBC Orion; Leroy Krueger, Ellie Holm, Noel Guerard; Jayson Revoir; Jason Leibold; Carol Madsen, City Clerk/Treasurer and Leah Walberg, Deputy Clerk
Libke moved to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council meeting on September 13, 2016, 2nd by Warzecha. Put to a vote with all members voting aye. Motion carried.
Warzecha moved to approve the minutes of the Special City Council meeting on September 19, 2016, 2nd by Zimny. Put to a vote with all members voting aye. Motion carried.
Added Agenda Items
Lauer added an informational item.
Public Forum
School board candidates, Ellie Holm, Noel Guerard, Jayson Revoir, and Jason Leibold introduced themselves to the City Council.
Department Reports
Public Works – General report submitted.
City Office – General report submitted
Verley moved to accept the Petty Cash Transaction report for July to September, 2016, as submitted, 2nd by Libke. Put to a vote with all members voting aye.
Fire & Rescue – General report submitted.
First Response—No report submitted
Libke moved to accept the resignation of Adam Meemken from the First Response team effective immediately, 2nd by Zimny. Put to a vote with all members voting aye. Motion carried
Police Department – General report submitted.
Tree Board – No report submitted.
Parks & Trails – No report submitted.
Industrial Park
Verley moved to enter into an Exclusive Listing Agreement with Coldwell Banker Commercial Orion Real Estate, with Brandi Young as the Sales Agent, to list the Royalton Industrial Park for $.46 per square foot/$20,037.60 per acre, for 2nd by Zimny. Put to a vote with all members voting aye. Motion carried.
Saldana/Kuklok Alley Update
Verley informed the council that he talked with the homeowners about the alley/driveway. He stated that after the heavy rains some of the new road material was washed out. Verley suggested having the road leveled out again. Verley informed the council that he would stay in contact with the homeowners about snow removal in the upcoming months and decide at that time what the best course of action will be.
Jim Anderson/Britney Wright Driveway
Verley moved to authorize the office staff to start the process of vacating the Eastern most end of 4th Street North between the property of Brittany Wright and James Anderson, 2nd by Zimny. Put to a vote with all members voting aye. Motion carried.
Royalton Northbound City Sign
Lauer informed the council about the North bound Royalton sign. The motion was tabled until the November 1, 2016 meeting.
City Council Meeting Date Change
Warzecha moved to change the date of the November City Council meeting due to elections from Tuesday, November 8, 2016 to Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 7:00 pm, 2nd by Libke. Put to a vote with all members voting aye. Motion carried.
Special Meeting to Canvass the General Election Results
Zimny moved to hold a Special City Council meeting on November 14, 2016 at 7:30 am, to canvass the general election results, 2nd by Warzecha. Put to a vote with all members voting aye. Motion carried.
Resolution 10-4-16-1, Resolution Calling on Supplemental Assessment Hearing for First Street South Project
Warzecha moved to adopt Resolution 10-4-16-1, a resolution calling for a supplemental assessment hearing for First Street South Project, on November 1, 2016 at 7:15 pm, 2nd by Libke. Put to a vote with all members voting aye. Motion carried.
Resolution 10-4-16-2, Resolution Authorizing the Issuance, Sale and Delivery of a $64,000 General Obligation Water Revenue Note, series 2016A
Verley moved to adopt Resolution 10-4-16-2, a resolution authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of a $64,000 general obligation water revenue note, series 2016A, for the First Street South project, 2nd by Zimny. Put to a vote with all members voting aye. Motion carried.
Planning & Zoning – Tim Majaski, Planning & Zoning Chairman
Majaski informed the council about a zoning map error regarding the property at 8 Second Street North, Emblom Brenny Funeral Home. The property should have been and was zoned Commercial but didn’t get entered on the zoning map correctly. The zoning map will be updated with that correction and other zoning changes.
Majaski informed the council about an off premise sign located next to the property of 205 Cedar Street South. It will be documented and future changes to the sign will be prohibited due to the current sign ordinance.
Majaski informed the council about the status on different projects the Planning and Zoning committee are currently working on.
Added Agenda Items
Lauer informed the council of the confirmation of no more annual payments to the BNSF Railway.
Zimny moved to pay all bills; voucher no.’s 34098 – 34144, in the amount of $72,136.00 2nd by Warzecha. Put to a vote with all members voting aye. Motion carried.
Tom Franklin
Libke moved to approve sending Tom Franklin to the Minnesota Crime Prevention Conference in St. Cloud on October 17 and 18, 2016 at a cost of $175.00, 2nd by Warzecha. Put to a vote with all members voting aye. Motion carried.
Libke moved to adjourn at 7:55 p.m., 2nd by Warzecha. Put to a vote with all members voting aye. Motion carried.
Deputy Clerk, Leah Walberg