NCADV’s 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence:
Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice
July 18-23, 2008
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
Call for workshops
Deadline for Submissions: Friday, November 16, 2007
NCADV is pleased to announce the call for workshop proposals for our 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence and 30th Anniversary: Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice being held at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC, July 18-23, 2008.
Please make sure you read this form thoroughly and complete all sections.
If necessary information is missing, your submission will be returned to you for resubmission.
- Submission of a workshop proposal does not guarantee acceptance to present at the conference.
- All selected workshops will reflect the conference theme and the diversity of the movement to end domestic violence.
- If you are submitting a proposal for more than one workshop, please complete a separate form for each workshop.
Directions for submitting this form:
1)Be sure to save this form on your own computer. There is no automatic way to submit your information other than sending this completed form as an email attachment or as a file burned onto CD-ROM and mailed to NCADV. This form was created in Microsoft Word and works best in that program.
2)Type your information into each section (in gray). Sections will expand as your information is entered. Click check-boxes with mouse to mark or unmark.
3) Save your form with your last name and the title of your workshop:
(Ex: Shaw—The Ins and Outs of Workshop Submittals).
4)Attach your completed form to an email or burn onto a CD-ROM and follow the directions below. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Please E-MAIL this completed workshop form to:
ormail a copy on CD-ROM to :
NCADV Conference
Workshop Submissions
1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1603
Denver, CO80203
**Please do not send submittals multiple ways**
*You will receive an automatic response informing you of our receipt of your submittal. Please do not call to confirm.
*Hard copies of submissions will only be accepted with approval of conference coordinator. If you do not have the means to send your submission electronically, please call Gretchen Shaw at (303) 839-1852 x 107 or email .
Frequently asked questions:
How does NCADV select the workshops for the conference program?
After a careful review process that includes NCADV board, staff and caucus members, as well as advocates from NCADV member programs, NCADV will select workshops that most closely relate to the conference theme. Our intention is to create a well-rounded conference program reflective of the diverse needs of our constituents. All workshop proposals should be carefully completed for accuracy and detail, and should be clear, concise, relevant, original and thought-provoking. Please know NCADV generally receives many more proposals than we can accommodate during our conferences and unfortunately have to reject more than we may want to, but your efforts and ideas are always appreciated.
What types of workshops does NCADV look for?
Past conference evaluations have indicated a need for workshops that reflect a growing and changing movement to end domestic violence. Workshops should reflect current issues facing the movement such as shelter-based services, community outreach and organizing, social change, funding and administration, oppression and racism, global violence against women, children and teens, and economic justice. Submissions that advertise a product, service for profit, book or artdisplay during your workshop will not be accepted – you may purchase a vendor table in the marketplace for this purpose. Please watch our website for that information.
What will I receive for presenting?
Presenters will gain experience and the opportunity to be part of the only national grassroots domestic violence conference. Presenters will receive free admission to the conference on the date of their presentation if attending that day only or a significantly reduced fee to attend the entire conference. Unfortunately, NCADV cannot pay presenter honorariums, travel, lodging, meals or other expenses. Presenters who identify as battered or formerly battered women are welcome to apply for a scholarship that waives conference registration fees. Please visit our website at to download a copy of the scholarship application.
Additional questions? Please call NCADV at (303) 839-1852 x107 or email us at .
Please complete all the following information. Use the tab key to move from one field (dark shared areas) to the next.
1)Lead Presenter & Contact:
(Please note: If there is more than one presenter for this workshop, please know that the person listed below will be considered the “Lead Presenter” of this workshop and will be the point of contact NCADV uses to communicate with for anything related to this proposal. Space has been provided further down in this form for information about other presenters.)
City: / State: / Zip:
Phone: / Fax:
The NCADV conference team prefers e-mail correspondence to communicate with you. If you do not have an email address and prefer to be contacted by mail or fax, please check the box to the left.
~If email correspondence is not an option for you, how would you prefer we send you information? Please choose either (please select only one):
US Mail orFax
2)Bio & qualifications:
Please include the following: length of time active in the movement to end domestic violence, a description of your experience in the movement and qualifications to present this workshop. Limit your bio to 200 words or less and please do not send a resume or additional information.
3)Title of Session:
4)Workshop Description (200 words or less):
5)If your workshop is selected, NCADV will post a brief description of your workshop as well as your bio on our website. The information will also be printed in our conference manual. Would you like your email address listed so people can contact you?
Yes –please list my email address on the web and in the conference manual
No—please do not list my information
6)Learning Objectives of Workshop:
During this workshop participants will:
7)As a result of this workshop participants will be able to:
8)How does this workshop encompass and relate to the 2008 conference theme, Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice (200 words or less)?
9)Workshop Level: (Please select one)
Beginner Intermediate Advanced Any
10)Intended Audience: (Please select all that apply)
NCADV’s 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence:
Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice
July 18-23, 2008
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
Domestic Violence Advocates
Sexual Assault Advocates
Court Advocates/Attorneys
Criminal Legal System Advocates
Government Agency Staff
Law Enforcement
State Coalition Staff
Batterers’ Program Staff
NCADV’s 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence:
Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice
July 18-23, 2008
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
11)Addressing diversity:
In an effort to model true diversity and support groups traditionally marginalized by racism, homophobia, classism and many other oppressions, NCADV asks that you define how you personally have been affected by such marginalization, should you feel comfortable doing so. Please know that NCADV reserves the right to give special consideration to presenters identifying with traditionally marginalized groups in effort to give voice to their experiences and provide a diverse forum that more accurately reflects NCADV’s overall constituency.
Please describe how you feel you have been affected by traditional marginalization such as racism, classism, able-bodyism, etc.:
How does this workshop address the needs of diverse groups or individuals? (Ex: different ethnic groups, genders, physical or mental abilities, cultures, religions, languages or sexual orientations.)
With which NCADV Caucus, if any, do you personally identify? (Please check all that apply):
NCADV’s 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence:
Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice
July 18-23, 2008
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
Battered/Formerly Battered Women
Rural Women
Child/Youth Advocate
Women of Color
Rainbow Pride
Queer People of Color
Jewish Women
NCADV’s 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence:
Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice
July 18-23, 2008
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
Please list any other traditionally marginalized group(s) with which you identify that is not represented in an NCADV caucus:
12)Type of workshop/format: (Please check only one)
NCADV’s 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence:
Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice
July 18-23, 2008
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
Facilitated Group/RoundtableDiscussion
NCADV’s 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence:
Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice
July 18-23, 2008
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
13)Workshop length:
Please note: because NCADV will be offering fewer workshops at this conference, we will only be selecting a very limited number of two-part workshops. We encourage you to limit your presentation to 90 minutes, if possible.
90 minutes 180 minutes
14)Size of Workshop:
On average, how many people traditionally attend this workshop or how many people do you expect to attend? (Please check only one)
NCADV’s 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence:
Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice
July 18-23, 2008
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
Less than 30
Between 30 and 50
Between 50 and 100
Over 100
Between 100 and 200
Over 200
I have no idea
NCADV’s 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence:
Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice
July 18-23, 2008
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
15)Requested Room Set Up:
*Please know we will do our best to honor requested set ups. However, room set ups cannot be guaranteed because multiple workshops occur in one room and time does not always permit for room set up changes in-between sessions.
Please rank your preference for room set up from 1 to 5,
with 1 being your first choice, and 5 being your last:
NCADV’s 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence:
Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice
July 18-23, 2008
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
No preference
Classroom (long tables)
Circle of chairs
NCADV’s 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence:
Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice
July 18-23, 2008
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
Please check the dates you are not able to present this workshop. Please note that no workshop sessions will be held on Tuesday, July 22nd to allow time for NCADV’s Legislative Action Day.
I am available for both conference dates
I cannot present on Monday, July 20, 2008
I cannot present on Wednesday, July 23, 2008
17)References: (Individuals who are able to comment on your ability as a presenter)
Phone: / Email:
Phone: / Email:
Because of the many great workshop presentations provided over the course of NCADV conferences, many people find that they are not able to attend all the workshops they would like to attend and, therefore, often request audio or video taped copies of workshop presentations both during and after the conference. In response to this demand, NCADV hires a professional recording company to record select workshops based on the permission of the presenter and sells them as an NCADV product following the conference. Please let us know if you give NCADV your permission for such recordings:
Yes – I give permission to:
Audio tape this workshop
Video tape this workshop
No—please do not record my workshop
19)Audiovisual Needs:
NCADV will provide a flipchart and markers. Microphones and lecterns will be provided depending on the size of the room. PLEASE NOTE: Presenters are responsible for making their own arrangements, including payment, for any additional equipment. Should this workshop be chosen for presentation, more information will be provided at that time.
Please explain each presenter’s role:
- Additional Presenter #1:
City: / State: / Zip:
Phone: / Fax:
If this workshop is selected, NCADV will post a brief description of the workshop as well as your bio on our website. The information will also be printed in our conference manual. Would you like your email address listed so people can contact you?
Yes –please list my email address on the web and in the conference manual
No—please do not list my contact information
Bio & qualifications:
Please include the following: length of time active in the movement to end domestic violence, a description of your experience in the movement and qualifications to present this workshop. Limit your bio to 200 words or less and please do not send a resume or additional information.
With which NCADV caucus(s) do you personally identify? (Please check all that apply.)
NCADV’s 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence:
Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice
July 18-23, 2008
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
Battered/Formerly Battered Women
Rural Women
Child/Youth Advocate
Women of Color
Rainbow Pride
Queer People of Color
Jewish Women
NCADV’s 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence:
Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice
July 18-23, 2008
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
Please list any other traditionally marginalized group(s) with which you identify that is not represented in an NCADV caucus:
- Additional Presenter #2:
City: / State: / Zip:
Phone: / Fax:
If this workshop is selected, NCADV will post a brief description of the workshop as well as your bio on our website. The information will also be printed in our conference manual. Would you like your email address listed so people can contact you?
Yes –please list my email address on the web and in the conference manual
No—please do not list my contact information
Bio & qualifications:
Please include the following: length of time active in the movement to end domestic violence, a description of your experience in the movement and qualifications to present this workshop. Limit your bio to 200 words or less and please do not send a resume or additional information.
With which NCADV caucus(s) do you personally identify? (Please check all that apply.)
NCADV’s 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence:
Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice
July 18-23, 2008
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
Battered/Formerly Battered Women
Rural Women
Child/Youth Advocate
Women of Color
Rainbow Pride
Queer People of Color
Jewish Women
NCADV’s 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence:
Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice
July 18-23, 2008
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
Please list any other traditionally marginalized group(s) with which you identify that is not represented in an NCADV caucus:
- Additional Presenter #3:
City: / State: / Zip:
Phone: / Fax:
If this workshop is selected, NCADV will post a brief description of the workshop as well as your bio on our website. The information will also be printed in our conference manual. Would you like your email address listed so people can contact you?
Yes –please list my email address on the web and in the conference manual
No—please do not list my contact information
Bio & qualifications:
Please include the following: length of time active in the movement to end domestic violence, a description of your experience in the movement and qualifications to present this workshop. Limit your bio to 200 words or less and please do not send a resume or additional information.
With which NCADV caucus(s) do you personally identify? (Please check all that apply.)
NCADV’s 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence:
Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice
July 18-23, 2008
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
Battered/Formerly Battered Women
Rural Women
Child/Youth Advocate
Women of Color
Rainbow Pride
Queer People of Color
Jewish Women
NCADV’s 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence:
Building Grassroots Leadership for Social Justice
July 18-23, 2008
The Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC
Please list any other traditionally marginalized group(s) with which you identify that is not represented in an NCADV caucus:
- Additional Presenter #4:
City: / State: / Zip:
Phone: / Fax:
If this workshop is selected, NCADV will post a brief description of the workshop as well as your bio on our website. The information will also be printed in our conference manual. Would you like your email address listed so people can contact you?
Yes –please list my email address on the web and in the conference manual
No—please do not list my contact information
Bio & qualifications:
Please include the following: length of time active in the movement to end domestic violence, a description of your experience in the movement and qualifications to present this workshop. Limit your bio to 200 words or less and please do not send a resume or additional information.
With which NCADV caucus(s) do you personally identify? (Please check all that apply.)
NCADV’s 13th National Conference on Domestic Violence: