Call for Participation: Early Career Researchers (ECRs)
Discipline: Urban Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Quality
Theme: Air pollution in Emerging Mega-Cities: sources, evolution and impacts
Venue: African Technology and Policy Studies (ATPS), Nairobi, Kenya
Dates: 16th – 20th April, 2018
Under the British Council’s Researcher Links programme, offered under the Newton Fund, we invite you to participate in a five-day workshop on air pollution in emerging mega-cities to be heldin Nairobi, Kenya from Monday 16thto Friday, 20thApril 2018. The workshop is being coordinated by Lancaster University (UK), African Technology and Policy Studies (Kenya), and North West University (South Africa).
The aims of the workshop are to:
- establish the current state of the science and the current and future needs of the atmospheric research community to address the growing issue of air pollution, climate change and their impacts on society in and around emerging mega-cities;
- introduce ECRs to a wide range of techniques and skills required to pursue cutting edge, transformative atmospheric research;
- raise awareness of the need for transdisciplinary co-produced research to holistically tackle the challenges of the UN Sustainable Development Goals;
- establish a cohort of ECRs engaged in chemistry-climate and air pollution research in UK, Kenya and South Africa, who have the potential to become future research leaders;
- facilitate cross-boundary networking and identify common experience on which to build future collaborative partnerships with fellow ECR, established scientists, policy makers and stakeholders.
The workshop will be facilitated by established researchers and practitioners, who will also act as mentors to participating ECRs:
Dr Nicholas Ozor, Executive Director, African Technology and Policy Studies Network (ATPS):Nicholas has 20+ years’ experience in policy analysis and advocacy to empower policymakers to use homegrown research evidence, the implementation of research and teaching across areas of science, technology & innovation including agriculture & food systems, environment and climate change, and building networks to solve complex societal challenges. He serveson many international bodies including UNESCO’s Research & Training Center for Science& Technology Strategy.
Dr David Odee, Kenya Forest Research Institute (KEFRI):David is forest ecologist with >20 experience in tropical forestry and agro-ecosystems,and the sustainable management and utilisation of the ecosystem services they provide. He serves on the Science Steering Committee of the Integrated Land Ecosystem-Atmosphere Processes Study (iLEAPS)and has a distinguished track record in mentorship and stakeholder engagement.
Dr Akanimo Odon, CEO Akan is an Africa strategist and development expert who advises organisations, delivers training and facilitates workshops in over 25 African countries. He has an advisory position at Lancaster University and is a lecturer in Oil and Gas Law at Strathmore University, Kenya.
Dr Kirsti Ashworth, Lancaster University (LU):Kirsti is an atmospheric chemistry and air quality modeller with a particular interest in the interactions between land-use, air quality and society. Until recently she chaired the iLEAPS Early Career Scientists Network and currently leads the UK Future Earth Early Career Researchers Network.
Dr Paul Young, Lancaster University (LU): Paul is interested in how models and observations canbe optimally used to provide information to decision makers. Heis a steeringcommittee member for the Chemistry Climate Model Initiative (CCMI), and was acoordinating lead authoron the recent Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report(TOAR).
Prof Paul Beukes, North Western University (NWU): Paul is an atmospheric chemist specialising in in-situ observations of atmospheric composition and air quality. He serves on the scientific steering committee of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) project as well as numerous other advisory committees to government and industry.
Dr Rebecca Garland, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR):Rebecca has 15+ years’ experience in atmospheric science, air quality and climate change research. Her research focuses on atmospheric science in southern Africa, with a focus on air quality and climate linkages, the impacts of air pollution and climate change on human health, and providing technical analyses to support evidence-based decision-making in these fields.
The workshop is open to ECRs at R1, R2 and R3 levels from the UK, Kenya and South Africa to apply. Further details of the criteria are given in the application section below.
Travel and accommodation expenses for workshop participants will be covered by the Newton Researcher Links programme.
The application form, with more details on the initiative, is attached. Shortlisting will be as per the guidelines in the attached application form. Your completed application form should be sent to the following workshop coordinators on or before the 18thFebruary 2018.
For applicants in Kenya: Alfred Nyambane, ATPS ()
For applicants in UK: Dr Kirsti Ashworth, LU ()
For applicants in South Africa: Roelof Burger, NWU ()
Applications received after this date will not be considered.
Information for Applicants:
Discipline: Urban Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Quality
Theme: Air pollution in Emerging Mega-Cities: sources, evolution and impacts
Venue: African Technology Policy Services (ATPS), Naroibi, Kenya
Dates: 16th – 20th April, 2018
UK coordinator: Dr Kirsti Ashworth, Lancaster University (LU)
Kenyan coordinator: Dr Nicholas Ozor, African Technology and Policy Studies Network (ATPS)
South African coordinator: Prof Paul Beukes, Northwest University (NWU)
The programme, ‘British Council Researcher Links’ provides opportunities for early career researchers from the UK and internationally to interact, learn from each other and explore opportunities for building long-lasting research collaborations.
As part of this programme, we are now recruiting early career researchers to participate in the above workshop.The workshop will provide a unique opportunity for sharing research expertise and networking. During the workshop, early career researchers will have the opportunity to present their research in the form of a poster presentation, and to discuss their work with established researchers from the UK and partner countries. There will be a focus on building links for future collaborations and participants will be selected on the basis of their research potential and ability to build longer term links.
Please refer to the draft workshop schedule for further information but note that it may be subject to change.
The British Council,Kenya National Research Fund and South Africa National Research Foundationwill cover the costs related to the participation to the workshop, including: travel (both international and local), accommodation and meals. Costs for the visa, and travel insurance will be covered; however participants will be responsible for making all the necessary arrangements to obtain these.
The British Council accepts no responsibility for any problems which may occur when the participants are in-country.
Selection Procedure
All applications will undergo an initial eligibility check (see criteria below). Participants will then be selected based on an applicant’s strengths in the five qualities shown below.
Eligibility Criteria
- Applications must be submitted using the attached Researcher Links application form
- Application must be submitted on or before 18th February 2018
- Participants must be Early Career Researchers: Early Career Researchers are defined as holdinga PhD and having not more than 10 years post-PhD research experience, or is currently near completing their PhD. Allowances will be made for career breaks. Thisis equivalent to the R2 and R3 categories in the EU framework for researchers’ careers(see
- If a researcher does not hold a PhD, but has research experience equivalent to a PhD holder and works in a field where a PhD is not a pre-requisite for established research activity, they can still be considered eligible.
- Participants must have a research or academic position (either a permanent post, research contract, or fellowship) at a recognized research institution in one of the three partner countries (the UK, Kenya or South Africa)
Please note that participants are expected to attend and contribute to all sessions of the workshop.
Quality Assessment
- Experience and relevance of the applicant’s research area to the workshop theme
- Motivation and contribution to the aims of the workshop
- Description of the long-term impact expected through the participation in the workshop
- Ability to contribute to expected workshop outcomes
Notification of results
Successful applicants will be notified by email 2 months prior to the workshop.
Equal Opportunities
The British Council is committed to equal opportunities and diversity in all its activities and this includes the avoidance of any bias in the assessment of applications due to gender, disability, racial or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or religious belief. Participants’ selection undertaken by workshop organizers shall not contravene this policy. Extra support to enable participation of early career researchers with special needs will be given.
Application Form
Air pollution in emerging mega-cities: sources, evolution & impacts
1. ApplicantName and title
Gender (this will not be used for assessment)
Position and institution
Postal address
Phone number
Brief CV (no more than ½ page of A4) giving relevant details of your academic career, SCI/SCOPUS publications, markers of esteem, and any other information in support of your selection for this workshop
2. Abstract - Please give a summary of your area of research
3. Please describe your motivation to attend the workshop and how the workshop matches your professional development needs
4. Please describe the expected impact of your participation to the workshop on your personal and professional development, including your ability to work on an international level
5. Please indicate how you will disseminate the outcomes of the workshops and the new knowledge/skills you have acquired
6. Workshops will take place in English as standard. Please indicate your ability to work and communicate in English (Note, translators may be provided if necessary)
Native speaker / Good
Excellent / Need support
7. Please use this space to give any additional information that you feel is relevant for the application.