Stop SSA Vision 2025 1187 Process
AnyForm 1187 can be used, unless it shows that a new member rebate of less than $100 was paid, or will be paid. However, it is preferred that the 1187, or copies of it, that was sent to each Local with the flyer “It’s Time to Save Our Social Security” on the front be used for the Campaign, in order to educate employees on the issues. AFGE National Office and Council 220 are working on getting more flyers and other educational materials on their websites, and a revised 1187. .
If the Form 1187 does not show that a $100 rebate was paid, confirm that it has been paid, or will be paid, by sending a copy of the check or, at a minimum, confirming that payment was made on the fax cover sheet. Also show the amount of the recruiter rebate that has been paid, or will be paid, either on each 1187, with a copy of the check, or on the fax cover sheet.
Locals must pay$100 (cash or check)to each new member, in order for the Local to receive $100 from AFGE for each of them. AFGE will also pay Locals for the amount paid to the recruiter, up to a maximum of $100. For example, a Local that pays the mandatory $100 to a new member, but just $25 to a recruiter, will receive a total of $125 from AFGE. It is recommended that cash be offered on site at the Lunch and Learn for new member signups, but the Local must take care to document all cash transactions. Those who receive cash to use at Lunch and Learns should provide a written, signed, dated receipt. All cash payments must be documented on the 1187 and any returned cash must be acknowledged using a written receipt. All receipts must be handed over to the Local’s Treasurer for proper documentation.
Locals may request advances from the AFGE Membership & Organizing Department to pay new member and recruiter rebates.
Recruiter rebate amounts are set by each Local, and each Local decides whether to pay rebates by cash or by check.
A Form 1099 must be issued by the Local to each recruiter who receives over $600 in recruiter rebates in a calendar year.
All Forms 1187 must be faxed to 866-311-9495 for processing, and not processed by the District or by theLocal, except to SSA as needed to initiate dues deductions. It is very important that the 1187 form be readable i.e. name and address of the new member and all other information asked for on the form, including recruiter name and SSN. 1187’s that are not legible will be delayed to pay at a minimum.If Vision 2025 1187s were mistakenly processed by the District or by the Local, contact AFGE Membership & Organizing (M & O) Director Bill Lyons () to arrange for them to be re-faxed to the designated fax number, and for any additional rebate money to be paid by the Local and subsequently reimbursed by AFGE M & O.
Locals should keep copies of all Forms 1187, and all signed rebate receipts (on Form 1187 or other form) received from recruiters.
The rebate agreement between AFGE and C220 was entered into on 8/20/14, and has been extended through the end of June 2015.
Rebate refunds from AFGE M O are expected to take about 3 to 4 weeks to process, on average.
If your members’ dues are paid direct to AFGE, M O will pay rebates using the bank information on record. If your Local is not on dues deduction, you may either provide AFGE with bank routing information for the payments, or an address for a check (e.g. AFGE Local 3448, PO Box 236 Willoughby, OH 44096).
Locals that need help with expenses for food, beverages, etc., or want assistance at events from District staff, should contact their National Vice President. If the NVP is not helpful, contact Steve Kofahl.
AFGE Organizing Institute Graduate Temporary Organizer Instructions
Employment Forms, including a Form W-4, must be sent by fax to AFGE HR along with a current earnings & leave statement, before beginning employment.
Background check forms must be faxed-in unless the temporary organizer has confirmed with Steve Kofahl, or with AFGE HR, that a prior certification is current.
The above should be sent to the attention of Joan Peterson, AFGE HR, fax 202-639-4019, showing it is for a temporary organizer assignment.
Temporary Organizers must contact Bill Lyons at M & O for authorization, and notify their LPs and NVPs, and the LPs and NVPs in the employment location if different, before starting work. A travel authorization form needs to be faxed or e-faxed to Bill, with a “cc” to Toni Douglas on the cover sheet, and Bill will confirm that travel is authorized with a return message. Bill’s telephone number is 202-639-6410. His fax number is 202-639-6492. His e-fax is 202-827-7950. Cover sheets should clearly show “SSA Vision 2025.”
Active employees are paid their hourly wage, while retirees are paid $17/hour.
Transportation tickets must be secured through Metropolitan Travel, AFGE's travel agent. Call them at 1-800-662-6363. Based on the information you provide, Metropolitan will confirm with AFGE that travel has been authorized.
POV mileage is at the current GSA rate, and up to $2 per day is reimbursable for housekeeping tips that are paid each day.
Vouchers should be sent to Bill Lyons as soon as travel is completed.
Locals' Requests for Organizers, Locals' Responsibilities
Council 220 Executive Board members have all committed to organize at Council expense, so contact Steve Kofahl to request one.
Organizing Institute graduates can be contacted directly, or requested by contacting Steve Kofahl.
Locals are encouraged to ask for support from District Offices, and from AFGE Organizers and Legislative and Political Organizers, and to participate in AFGE Metros.
All requests for organizers should be made well in advance, identifying specific information about locations, dates, and times of events.
Locals remain responsible for making arrangements with SSA Management and for providing handouts, trinkets, food, and beverages. Locals who cannot pay for these things up front should request assistance from their NVPs and/or from Bill Lyons.
Local participants on union official time may educate about Vision 2025 and represent employees during visits, but most not actively organize.
Locals should refer questions and requests to their designated Communications Committee members for their Region, with copies to Steve Kofahl:
Terry Duncan (Chicago, New York)
Dana McCracken (Dallas, Kansas City, Boston)
Ryan Gurganious (Atlanta, Philadelphia)
Steve Kofahl (San Francisco, Denver, Seattle)