/ Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia
11001 BELGRADE, P.O.Box522, SERBIA
Head of the Society phone: +381 11 3370 299, e-mail:
Secretary of the Organizing Committee phone: +381 11 645 56 63, fax: +381 11 645 36 70,
website e-mail:
Bank Account: 205-39132-62, Komercijalna banka A.D.Beograd


Dear Sir/Madam,

The Society of Thermal Engineers of Serbia is organizing biannually since 2004, anInternational Conference POWER PLANTS “Energy resources, energy efficiency, ecological and exploitation aspects of power plants operation”. POWER PLANT 2016 will take place atZlatibor, hotel Palisad (Serbia),November 23 – 25, 2016.

POWER PLANTS 2016International Conference will be organized under the auspices of:

  • Ministry of Mining and Energy, Republic of Serbia,
  • Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development,Republic of Serbia,
  • Ministry ofAgriculture and Environmental Protection,Republic of Serbia,
  • Electric Power Industry of Serbia - EPS.

The main topics of the International Conference are:

  1. Energy resources and sustainable development.
  2. Liberalization of the electricity market,impact on supply security, energy efficiency and effective operation of power plants.
  3. Questions concerning power plants life cycle extension and introduction of new clean coal and low carbon power generation technologies and equipments.
  4. Thermal/hydro/wind and other power plants exploitation problems.
  5. Environmental and climate aspects of power generation by thermal/hydro/ wind and other power plants.

Hundred and twenty papers (more than 250 participants) from fourteen countries, three continents (Europe, North America and Africa) were presentedateachPOWER PLANTSInternational Conference.

Traditionally, main donators of the International Conference POWER PLANTS are Ministry of Mining and Energy,Republic of Serbia; Ministry of Education. Science and Technological Development,Republic of Serbia and Electric Power Industry of Serbia– EPS, ENERGOPROJEKT-ENTEL, INSTITUTE MIHAJLO PUPIN, VIA OCEL, BALKAN ENERGY TEAM, BABCOCK BORSIG POWER.Traditionally, main sponsors of the International Conference POWER PLANTS are: ALSTOM, RAFAKO, SIEMENS, VATTENFALL, DOOSAN POWER SYSTEMS, ZK-TERMOCHEM, FOSTER WHEELER, VIOTH TURBO, etc.

Supporting International Conference POWER PLANTS in the context of legal establishment of ENERGY COMMUNITY and as the ECSEE TREATY implementation activity, European Commission DG TREN representatives contributedin the opening session of all previousInternational Conferences POWER PLANTS since 2006, as Key Note Speakers and Moderators:EU DG TREN (Brendan Devlin „EU Energy policy Path in the Alpine, the Carpathian and Balkan regions; Investment in the Energy Sector Security; Energy Sector Transparency”), EU DG Environment (Andreas Papakonstantinu „Environmental Issues within the Treaty Establishing the Energy Community”), ENERGY COMMUNITY SECRETARIAT (Mr. Slavtcho Neykov, Director, 2008: „The Energy Community – legal framework, achievements and challenges ahead”, 2012: „Status of Serbia Energy Sector on the Way to be Part of EU and Necessary Steps”, Dr Dirk Buschle Legal Counsel, „The Energy Community – environmental issues, achievements and challenges ahead”), Mr Simon Uzunov, 2014 „Policies and Markets in the Energy Community ” ENERGY CHARTER Secretariat (Bayko Nitzov Senior expert „Market Convergence and Investment: Facts and Expectations”). We expect the same at the International Conference POWER PLANTS 2016.

The International Conference POWER PLANTS 2016is foreseen to gather energy policy makers, company managers, researchers, technical experts, environmental engineers and the other professionals, actively involved in the strategic, economic, social and environmental aspects of the research, development and operation of Power Industry, mostly from the member countries signatories of the TREATY establishing ENERGY COMMUNITY of the SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE (ECSEE) and from other countries, concerned with International Conference topics and implementation of the ECSEE TREATY.

With this call, we would like to inform You and YourCompany about the International International Conference Power Plants 2016 and to emphasize that Your participation at the International Conferenceand possible sponsorshipfrom Your Company would be a great support to successful organization of the International Conference.


A sponsor can become a company or an institution from the industry, which would help in realization of the International Conference program. All sponsors receive clear recognition:

at the event web side,

on Sign and Banner at the International Conference,

in International Conferences program/book of abstracts,

in International Conferences Proceedings on CD-Rom,

in addition:

  1. THE MAIN SPONSOR – (sponsorship fee 5 000 Euro), also receives 16-18 m2 of exhibition bench (stand) in the hall in front of the main Conference room, 6 Complimentary Registrations for the International Conference and final list of attendees,

2. MAJOR SPONSOR – (sponsorship fee 3 000 Euro) also receives 9-12 m2 of exhibition bench (stand) in the hall in front of the main Conference room, 4 Complimentary Registrations for the International Conference and final list of attendees,

3. SPONSOR – (sponsorship fee 1 500 Euro), also receives 5-6 m2 of exhibition bench (stand) in the hall in front of the main Conference room, 2 Complimentary Registrations for the International Conference and final list of attendees.

If You are interested in supporting organization of theInternational Conference, for further information, please contact:Dr. Dragoslava Stojiljković, the Vice president of the Organizing Committee, phone: +381 11 337 0299 orSecretary of the Organizing Committee, phone: +381 11 645 56 63 or by an e-mail:

If your company decide to be a sponsor of theInternational Conference, it’s possible to take out all payment in monthly rates during 2016 year, but till the end of October 2016.

For further and more detailed information about POWER PLANTS 2016International Conference, please visit our web site

Hoping that we will have a good cooperation in realization of the International Conference POWER PLANTS 2016,

Dr. Predrag StefanovićProf. Milan Radovanović

President of the Organizing CommitteeChairman of the Society of Thermal

of the International ConferenceEngineers of Serbia