

Elections and Procedures Committee Date: March 28, 2012

Executive Committee

Received and Forwarded Date: July 11,2012

Academic Senate Date: July 18, 2012


September 26, 2012



Over the past few years, the Library has typically had a direct link to its page via the University website’s homepage. The Library is a foundational asset of the University, vital to Cal Poly’s academic mission, and its online collection, which is extensive and continues to grow, is utilized more and more on a 24/7 basis by all members of the academic community. The Library’s link in a consistent position on the homepage has helped to increase the efficiency of online access. From time-to-time, however, because of the limited size of the homepage, the Library link has been supplanted by other links to information of a pressing or immediate but more transient nature, such as “Poly Polooza.” Access to the Library via the website is also maintained according to the ‘two-click’ rule for effective onsite navigation, via its listing under ‘Academics’ (from the top bar of the homepage, one can click on ‘Academics,’ which then lists the link for ‘University Library,’ which leads to the Library’s page). However, the Library’s unexpected disappearance from the homepage, its second link, causes confusion as users come to expect finding the link in a particular place on the homepage. Instructors need to be able to rely on the link in a consistent position to direct their students to it. It is also difficult for the Library staff to help patrons learn to utilize on-line services when the link is not consistently available in the same position.


Provost den Boer; Dr. Ron Fremont, Associate Vice President for University Relations, Chief Communications Officer; Dr. Ray Wang, Dean of the Library; Mr. John McGuthry, Chief Information Officer; Dr. Gwen Urey, originator of the referral; a sample of University Faculty and Library staff


The Elections and Procedures (E&P) Committee proceeded with this referral by first conducting fact-finding on the following matters:

·  whether or not the Senate has the jurisdiction to comment on the composition of the University’s website and homepage;

·  the prevalence of listing the Library on the homepage of other CSU campuses; and

·  the circumstances surrounding the original concern about the Library link disappearing from the homepage that prompted the referral.

Regarding the first matter, according to Article 2, Section 4.D. of the Academic Senate Constitution,

It shall be the responsibility of the Academic Senate to participate in determining other policies of the University, by means of recommendations to the President, minimally to include: the contents and format of university publications.

Thus, the Committee determined that although the Senate does not have specific jurisdiction over University communications, the Senate could indeed comment on the University website, which constitutes a publication. The Committee also conducted a survey of the homepages of other CSU campus websites. At the time the survey was conducted on April 2, 2012, 18 of the campuses had links from the homepage (3 of which were ‘quick links’); 5 campuses did not. However, there was no way to ascertain whether or not any of the homepage links were in a permanent and consistent position.

Regarding the last matter, over the past year there have been several incidents when the Library link was removed without warning from the Cal Poly homepage. In response, faculty members and librarians complained to the webmaster. In the latest incident of the Cal Poly Library link being removed from the homepage, Ticket #66096 was filed with the I&IT Help Desk by a faculty member. Apparently, the link was replaced per Dr. Ron Fremont’s request with a link to Summer Session enrollment. However, when Librarian Emma Gibson alerted Cal Poly’s Chief Information Officer John McGuthry to the ‘missing Library link’ and its importance to a campus “that promoted the teacher-scholar model,” the link was reinstalled within hours.

As part of its consultation on the matter, the E&P Committee met with CIO John McGuthry, Associate VP Dr. Ron Fremont, and Dr. Gwen Urey, the originator of the referral. From our meetings with them, the Committee learned that the University website homepage serves many purposes. It is not only the ‘face’ of Cal Poly to the on-line community at large but is a tool for faculty members, students, and staff to access needed information and conduct on-line University business. The design of the website, along with the homepage, is out-of-date and has very limited space in comparison to homepages of other organizations. Over the next few years, the website and its homepage will be undergoing a massive ‘face-lift’ to become a more user-friendly and state-of-the-art site based on input from the University community. The Committee also made clear its position that having a Library link permanently on the homepage in a consistent place until the web redesign is implemented does not constitute a ‘special privilege’ of a single college that might set a precedent for similar requests from other colleges. The Library is a foundational resource for all members of the academic community, regardless of college, department, or other special interests. Thus, priority should be given to on site access to the Library. CIO John McGuthry assured the Committee, until I&IT Governance makes changes to the website as a whole, the Library would have a permanent and consistent position on the homepage, “as long as he is CIO.” Dr. Fremont concurred and also assured the Committee to “trust that the Library link will stay on the homepage.”

The Committee also met with Dr. Gwen Urey, the initiator of the referral, who had requested that we consult with all faculty and library staff on this matter. The Committee felt that the time and expenditure for conducting such widespread consultation on an issue with no administrative opposition would be counterproductive and not provide any more information, especially given the fact that the Dean of the Library, Library staff, and a sampling of faculty consulted where already unanimously in favor. In fact, the Committee did not encounter a single faculty member or administrator who opposed a permanent, consistent link to the Library on the homepage. Thus, Dr. Urey agreed that there was no needed to increase the order of magnitude for consultation on this issue or “call out the troops,” and thus widespread consultation was not needed or conducted.

As a result of our meetings, the E&P Committee and the Dean of the Library are comfortable with the assurances from the Administration.

At its meeting of May 2, 2012, the Executive Committee reviewed the E&P Committee’s notes on this referral, as well as its recommendation to withdraw the referral, since the matter had been essentially resolved. However, the referral’s initiator, who by Senate practice is the only one that can ask for a referral to be withdrawn, did not agree and felt the Senate should go on record in case there is a change in the current Administration.


The E&P Committee recommends the Academic Senate adopt a motion to recommend ensuring that on-line access to the Library is maintained via a link in a consistent position on the University website’s homepage, barring any unforeseen emergencies and until such time that the website is redesigned to provide equal or better on-line Library access.