Please Post / Please Post
Santa Barbara County Public Health Department Disease Control
345 Camino del Remedio, Room 338, Santa Barbara, CA, 93110
PHONE: (805) 681-5280  FAX: (805) 681-4069  WEB: /DCP
Urgent Reporting Requires submittal of CMR to (805) 681-4069 AND the following:
= Report immediately by telephone.
= Report bytelephonewithin 1 working day of identification.
= Report within 7 calendar days from the time of identification.
Title 17, California Code of Regulations (CCR) §2500, §2593, §2641-2643, and §2800-2812
 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)♠ / Hepatitis: /  Staphylococcus aureus (Severe - I.C.U. or
(HIV Infection only, see Human Immunodificiency Virus) /  Hepatitis, Viral / death cases only)
 Amebiasis / Hepatitis A / Streptococcal Infections:
 Anaplasmosis/Ehrlichiosis /  Hepatitis B (specify acute case or chronic) /  Outbreaks of any type
Anthrax /  Hepatitis C (specify acute case or chronic) / Individual case in a food handler
Avian Influenza (human) /  Hepatitis D (Delta) /  Individual case in a diary worker
 Babesiosis /  Hepatitis, other, acute / Syphilis
 Botulism (Infant, Foodborne, Wound, Other) /  Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)♠ /  Tetanus
Brucellosis /

 Influenza (ICU and/or deaths for 0-64 yrs of age)

/  Toxic Shock Syndrome
 Campylobacteriosis /  Kawasaki Syndrome (Mucocutaneous Lymph Node /  Trichinosis
 Chancroid /  Legionellosis /


Chicken Pox /  Leprosy (Hansen’s Disease) /

 TST Convertors (documented ( - ) TST to

Chicken Pox, Fatal Cases /  Leptospirosis /

Documented(+) TST w/in 2 yrs)

Chicken Pox, Hospitalized Cases /  Listeriosis /

 TST Reactors (age <3 years only)

(Do not report cases of herpes zoster/shingles) /  Lyme Disease /


 Chlamydia trachomatis infections, / Malaria /

Typhoid Fever, Cases and Carriers

including Lymphogranulom Venereum (LGV) / Measles (Rubeola) /  Typhus Fever
 Cholera / Meningitis, Specify Etiology:Viral, Bacterial, Fungal, / Vibrio Infections
 Ciguatera Fish Poisoning / Parasitic /  Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers (e.g., Crimean-Congo,
 Coccidioidomycosis /  Meningococcal Infections / Ebola, Lassa and Marburg viruses)
Colorado Tick Fever /  Mumps /  Water-associated Disease (e.g., Swimmer’s Itch
 Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)and other /  Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning /

or Hot TubRash)

Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE) /  Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) /

West Nile Virus (WNV) Infection

 Cryptosporidiosis / Pertussis (Whooping Cough) /  Yellow Fever
 Cysticercosis or Taeniasis /  Plague, Human or Animal /

 Yersiniosis

Dengue /  Poliovirus Infection
 Diphtheria /  Psittacosis /


Domoic Acid Poisoning (Amnesic Shellfish /  Q Fever /

DISEASE (including diseases not listed in

Poisoning) /  Rabies, Human or Animal /

§2500. Specify if institutional and/or open

 Encephalitis, Specify Etiology:Viral, Bacterial, /  Relapsing Fever /


Fungal, Parasitic /  Rheumatic Fever, Acute /
Escherichia coli: shiga toxin producing (STEC) /  Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever /


including E. coli O157 / Rubella: /
Foodborne Disease: /  Acute Rubella (German Measles) / ♠HIV Reporting by Health Care Providers
(2 or more cases from separate households with /  Congenital Rubella Syndrome /

§2641.5-2643.20. Send HIV/AIDS reports via

same suspected source) /  Salmonellosis (Other than Typhoid Fever) / FedEx, UPS ordirect courier to:
 Giardiasis /  (SARS) Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome / HIV/AIDS Services
 Gonococcal Infections /  Scombroid Fish Poisoning /

345 Camino del Remedio, Room 331

Haemophilus influenzae, invasive disease /  Shiga toxin (detected in feces) /

Santa Barbara, CA93110

(<15 years only) /  Shigellosis /

Phone: (805) 681-5120

 Hantavirus Infections /  Smallpox (Variola) /
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome /

Local Surveillance

REPORTABLE NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES AND CONDITIONS /  Pesticide-related illness or injury (known
or suspected cases) (H&S §105200)
Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Conditions
(§2802, §2806, §2810) /  Disorders characterized by Lapses of Consciousness (§2806, §2810) /  Pesticide-related illness or injury (known
or suspected cases) (H&S §105200)
 Cancer (except (1) basal and squamous skin cancer unless occurring on genitalia, and (2) carcinoma in-situ and CIN III of the cervix) (§2593)
Report directly to: Tri-Counties Cancer Surveillance Program, 524 W. Pueblo St., Santa Barbara, CA93105 (805) 563-0457 /  Pesticide-related illness or injury (known
or suspected cases) (H&S §105200)
It shall be the duty of every health care provider, knowing of or in attendance on a case or suspected case of any of the diseases or conditions listed above,
to report to the local health officer for the jurisdiction where the patient resides. Where no health care provider is in attendance, any individual having knowledge of a person who is suspected to be suffering from one of the diseases or conditions listed below may make such a report. "Health care provider" encompasses physicians, surgeons, veterinarians, podiatrists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, registered nurses, nurse midwives, school nurses, infection control practitioners, medical examiners, coroners, dentists and chiropractors.
This updated list reflects reportable diseases and conditions as of 1/18/2011

HCS-788 (1/2011)