/ International Symposium on Sustainable Hydrogen

Communication Title

(Calibri 14 fonts Centered and Bold)

F. N. Author1* and L. N. Coauthor2

(Times New Roman 10 pts centered)

1*Department/Research Institute, University, address Country.

2Department/Research Institute, University, address, Country.

(Times New Roman 9 pts centered)

*Corresponding author email: email corresponding author

/ International Symposium on Sustainable Hydrogen

Abstract (calibri 10 pts centered)

the abstract should reflect concisely the communication objectives, adopted methodologies, results and conclusion. (max. 200 words;Times New Roman , 10pt, left alignment)

Keywords:( 5 keywords max., separated by comma; Times New Roman, 10pt, left alignment)

1.  Introduction (Calibri, 10pt, bold, left alignment)

The introduction should include a statement of the problem and a brief review of the pertinent literature. It should also present the scope and objective of the communication and detail the applied methods. The innovation of the work should be mentioned. In the text, references are referred to by Arabic numbers in square brackets [1]. They are listed and numbered in the References section. (Times New Roman, 10pt, justified, simple interline)

2.  Methods (Calibri, 10pt, bold, left alignment)

The specific techniques or procedure used in conducting this study must be clearly stated and described briefly but with sufficient details or with sufficient references. Subheadings can be used to differentiate the different methods in this section. (Times New Roman, 10pt, justified, simple interline)

Table 1: Solar field characteristics

Parameters / values
Reflector shape / Parabolic trough
Optical efficiency / 75 %
Receiver thermal efficiency / 73. %
Solar field availability / 98.%
Piping thermal losses / 96.5 %


3.  Results and discussion (Calibri, 10pt, bold, left alignment)

Here, the main results should be clearly reported. Figures, Tables and Scheme can be included. Discussion should summarize the observations and attempts to place this data into the context of the existing body of literature to express opinions about the significance of the work.

The section should be kept short, but there should be sufficient information for the reader to understand.

Fig. 1 Graphene synthesized using a novel route (Times New Roman, 9 pt, centred)

4.  Conclusion (Calibri, 10pt, bold, left alignment)

This section is to summarize the work based on the facts in evidence and point out the main areas covered in the writing. It may also contain the future directions of the work. (Times New Roman, 10pt, justified, simple interline)

5.  References (Calibri, 10pt, bold, left alignment)

References must be numbered. Keep the same style.

[1] Boudries R., Analysis of solar hydrogen production in Algeria: Case of an electrolyzer- CPV system, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38(2013)11507-11518(Times New Roman, 9 pt, justified, simple interline)

Acknowledgements(Calibri, 10pt, bold, left alignment)

Authors can acknowledge any person, or funding agency that has made a significant contribution to the work.

*Corresponding author email: email corresponding author