Messages from Beyond Earth
Nov 06/2017

It is inherently evident in the nature of TV ads that man is half "ape", half man. The merchants of "Babylon" use the Word to sell to the "ape".

Ads for Pepsi Cola:

-- Right Now something big is coming
-- Right Now anything else is ancient history
-- Right Now is more refreshing than ever
-- Right Now the future's one step ahead of you
-- Right Now phoney doesn't feel right
-- Right Now Nature's inventing better stuff than science.

The product = Pepsi Cola; the message = cross the "light" barrier. The secret of knowing where you are is knowing what time it is - episode on NOVA.

As Seen on TV/Billboards/Internet

-- From demure to daring - Covergirl lipstick with a flip side.
-- Cross the line from good to great - ad for Canon lenses.
-- See the world differently - ad for Canon lenses.
-- Where everything collides for attention - Range Rover Evoque.
-- Imagine a car built entirely from ideas - ad for Toyota Camry.
-- Delve into the details - Hyundai Genesis.
-- Suddenly, it's the future - ad for Konica Minolta.
-- Light is news. Discover the power of light - Nikon.
-- It's all about the twist - ad for flips sour shots.
-- Things that go by the same name can be quite different - cosamin-Ds
-- Reverse your thinking - Honda civic
-- Get to what's next - Ameriprise.
-- Find your agent of change -
-- See your skin in a whole new light - ad for Olay.
-- Discover the wow - ad for Best Buy.
-- The only element missing is the human element - Merck.
-- When you see it. That's when you get it - Mott's Clamato Juice.
-- Someday all your communications will work together - Verizon Business.
-- Someday all the pieces will come together. Someday is today. - Verizon.
-- I will find my inner champion. - Fitness Depot.
-- The moment you see it is the moment you want it - Chrysler.
-- Get a smile you can feel triumphant about - Oral B toothbrush.
-- Happiness would you like some - LensCrafters.
-- Get there - ad for Janus mutual funds.
-- I believe - R&D Pharmaceuticals.
-- Want a clear shot at quitting? - Nicoderm.
-- Have you been to the edge - ad for a pizza.
-- If you want to think, better change platforms - ad for Macintosh computers.
-- Listen, gather up your ideas. Do something amazing - ad for Microsoft.
-- Isn't it time we turned this thing (hourglass) around - ad for Eaton's Canada.
-- You wouldn't get on a train that doesn't go anywhere - ad for Airtouch Cellular.
-- Find your own road - Saab.
-- Your universe is about to expand - IMAX.
-- Proof, not promises - Old Spice Deodorant.
-- Have no doubt(-?-). Take control of your future - Merryl Lynch.
-- Order your new body today - Fitness Centre.
-- A brand new feeling is coming - Royal Caribbean.
-- It's a new world - ad for Wendy's restaurants.
-- Make a statement without saying a word - ad for a perfume.
-- Hooked on phonics - phonics = word processing.
-- Discover something new for regularity - ad for ?
-- It's a pain reliever whose time has come - ad for ?
-- Look for it - ad for the Postal Service.
-- Go big or go home - ad for chocolate bar?
-- It's pay back time - ad for an automobile?
-- Com'on get real - ad for Big Boy.
-- We know what you're hungry for - ad for Campbell soup.
-- Snap out of it - ad for an iced tea maker.
-- Deep down inside are you a passenger or a driver? - ad for a car.
-- Engineered to bring heaven a lot closer to earth - ad for Ford Accura.
-- We're changing everything - ad for Dodge Intrepid.
-- This is the year it all comes together - ad for Roundup.
-- There's a new wind rising bringing with it change - Windstar Mini Van.
-- Escape the daily grind - ad for Cappuccino.
-- A new way of seeing things - ad for Fuji film.
-- Get the total effect - ad for Total cereal.
-- Buy it for life - ad for a faucet.
-- STS can steer you back if you lose control - ad for a cadillac.
-- It's all about strength and beauty - ad for pantyhose.
-- We will change the system - ad for Nintendo.
-- Your key is waiting for you - ad for GM.
-- Not exactly - ad for rent a car.
-- It's time to switch -- ad for Allegra.
-- This changes everything -- ad for Hidden Valley Ranch salad dressing.
-- EA - Challenge Everything
-- Break through - ad for Cadillac.
-- You'll see - ad for LensCrafters.
-- Free your mind from other things. It's time for a taste of freedom - ad for Glucerna.
-- Beat the system - ad for Pert Plus shampoo.
-- The future is ready - ad for Roundup.
-- Finding a way out is possible - ad for anti-depression.
-- Do something important - ad for Minolta.
-- The rules are changing - DATEK Online.
-- Something new is here - Pepcid AC.
-- Look around and you'll see the future - Public Broadcasting.
-- Listen to Who You Are - CBC News.
-- It's all within your reach - AT & T.
-- Be there now - Sprint.
-- There is a simple explanation - ReliaStar.
-- In a perfect world everything would be different - Dodge Caravan.
-- This year you will find something you never thought possible - It's big. It's really big - Zirtec.
-- Show the stairs who's master - ad for a diet supplement.
-- Be regular. Be yourself - ad for Fibercon.
-- Taste of Life - name of a salad dressing.
-- Time for a change - ad for Michelin tires.
-- No more tears shampoo - children's shampoo.
-- Add life to your years - Sustical.
-- The power of saving is in your hands - Canadian Tire.
-- Use your common scents - Grower Direct.
-- No useless talk - Radio Station.
-- Waiting not for the luxuries but for the basics - World Vision.
-- It's about change. About breaking the rules and making new rules. About building machines more in harmony with humanity. About questioning everything. - ad for Dodge Viper.
-- We looked and listened. We challenged conventional thinking. We asked not why but why not. - ad for the Dodge Stratus.
-- What you want is what you get - ad for MacDonald's.
-- Everything is changing - Bank of Montreal.
-- Break the silence - ad against AIDS.
-- Affection is coming, memories are coming - ad for a Caribbean cruise line.
-- Those answers must come from the invisible cosmos - said on a TV science program on questions concerning dark matter.
-- Take a good look through Transition's Lenses. Ask for Transitions' lenses and see for yourself.
-- Cheese will defeat evil - ad on a flyer for a local restaurant. (as in "cut the cheese"?)
-- It's all mental - Ameritech.
-- Image is nothing. Thirst is everything - ad for a soft drink.
-- Skip the trip to Siberia - Downy.
-- The human brain is brilliantly designed. Use it - TUMS.
-- The clock is ticking - Apple Computer.
-- Are you ready for something solid under your feet? Are you ready for something you've always wanted? What are you waiting for? - Pontiac Grand AM.
-- Imagining the unthinkable and developing the unknown - ad for 3M.
-- Go fly - ad for an airline.
-- This is the place where you can speak out and where your voice will be heard - CNN.
-- C'est fantastique! Now you're talking - Sprint.
-- The pen is mightier than the chip - said on Dateline.
-- The gloves are coming off - ad for Ivory soap.
-- Where's the beef, i.e. the argument.
-- Take pictures further - Kodak.
-- What you're about to see is very graphic - ad for Hershey.
-- Get into life both near and far - ad for Accuvue.
-- "How to be Human" is a course you can't afford to miss - ad on the Discovery Channel.
-- Don't pick just any ticket. Pick the winning ticket = ad for a Canadian lotto.
-- There is light at the end of the tunnel - ad for Quanterra.
-- Times have changed - Eaton's.
-- The tranquillity of Nature is closer than you think - Fisher Price.
-- Rejuvenate yourself - Canadian Learning TV.
-- Get behind the shield - ad for Salvation Army.
-- Light changes everything - ad for Hunter-Douglas blinds.
-- Get ready for a whole new conversation. Let's make someday happen. - RBC retirement
-- If you haven't felt the verse in universe, it's time to change the road you're on. - ad for Land Rover Discovery Sport.
-- Something new is coming to Canada – ad for Elantra.
-- Who's hungry for a paradigm shift. Well, it's feeding time. - ad for Subaru Legacy SUS.

"XXX" Messages

-- Go ahead, get dirty - ad for Sunlight laundry detergent.
-- I've been stretched in so many ways, I've had a hand and I've found my path - ad for ?
-- Do it instantly - ad for a soft drink contest.
-- So natural you feel like you’re wearing nothing at all - AcuVue.
-- "Sex" is coming - sign advertising the publication of Madonna's book.
-- I've got it on do you? - ad for a bug spray.
-- Get it on - ad for safe sex.
-- Maybe you should fill that space just a little more often - Stove Top Stuffing.
-- Right now something big is coming.
-- Rescue me. Can't you see I'm on fire - Bryant heating.
-- Get connected - get cable.
-- Why live with pain - Aspercreme.
-- Since you're not a child anymore, we don’t treat you like one. - ad for Johnson's adult skin care.
-- If it wasn't for taboos we'd be having sex all the time - said on TV, speaker was female.
-- To get off, really get off, you gotta go nuts - ad for a chocolate bar.
-- Let them see you - ad for Luxottica eyewear.
-- Take your fantasies anywhere - SlimFast.
-- Show more of you – Otezla.
-- "I did it and I'm glad" - ad for hair colour.

Axx Messages

-- Subway - eat fresh.
-- Taste what's next - ad for pork.
-- Taste beyond belief - ad for peanut butter.
-- You wouldn't believe what's in there - ad for feminine protection.
-- Do it all - ad for All Bran.
-- One must answer the call of duty even before the call of Nature - ad for Immodium.
-- I can't believe it's not butter - ad for margarine.
-- See the difference - ad for Viagra.
-- There really is a difference - ad for a laundry detergent.
-- Entertainment from the inside - ad for Extra Newsmagazine.
-- In a new world, passion has no limit - ad for the movie called "The Piano".
-- Here's your wake-up call Nature lover - Jeep Cherokee.
-- Kiss your ice goodbye - ad for a de-icer.
-- It’s in you to give – blood bank.
-- Life is better twisted - ad for Tropicana beverage.
-- Say it with Milkbone - ad for a dog treat.

Billboard Ads

-- You're invited to where the going's good - ad for a cell phone.
-- Do anything anywhere - ad for Pontiac Aztek.
-- Talk Total - ad for Telus mobility.
-- Want to master the mysteries of the deep? - Explore Manitoba.
-- 18 is the legal thinking age - ad for ?
-- Watch for the signs of life - ad for ?

TV Shows

-- "I'm Telling You For the Last Time" - title of a Jerry Seinfeld comedy special.
-- Is that your final answer? - Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

Names of TV shows: Turning Point, Something Wilder, Think Twice on PBS, Absolutely Fabulous, A Whole New Ballgame,
Comic Strips: Bizarro, Far Out, The Other Side, I Love Dick,

Dialogue: opportunity is not just knocking, it has come with a search warrant,
Promotions: Waiting for the Punchline,


-- The Departed: 2006 movie: everyone in the movie gets shot. In the end no one is left, not even a good guy. At the academy awards, it was voted best picture of the year. It had a lot of swearing in it. Being a good guy is not a reason to exist. It's a comment on the times.
-- Armageddon is coming - ad for a Bruce Willis movie.
-- Look into the darkness; discover obscure powers - ad for Friday the 13th.
-- Resistance is futile - ad for Star Trek movie called First Contact. Data gets full feelings and emotions.
-- The World is Not Enough - title of a James Bond movie.

Movies: Stargate, Silent Fall, Water World, Twister, Free Willy, Splash.

Movie Story Lines

-- "City of Angels" - the character played by Nicholas Cage "falls" to earth in order to become "real".
-- "Michael" - the angel played by John Travolta charges headlong into a lot of "bull".
-- "Titanic" - "you'll sooner have angels fly out yer arse as get close to the likes o' her".
-- "Star Wars - Episode 2" - a "clone" is as a data processor.
-- "Planet of the Apes" - "Apes" vs humans = data processors vs word processors. Humans are unable to "talk".
-- "The Comedian" - (2016) Robert De Niro, playing an older comedian speaking at a roast for Cloris Leachman uses the phrase "came in her porthole", she replies "and you got the part".


-- Jonathan Livingston Seagull - "Sun"/"moon" = two "lights" in sky. Light #1 = "sun" = record history = keep log; light #2 = "moon" = record thoughts = keep notes. Jonathan Livingston Seagull moved not one feather-width from his spot.


w 6,000,000,000 = the age of the sun and solar system.
Reference: As our solar system began to come together some 6-7 billion years ago, the sun formed within a cloud of dust and gas that continued to shrink upon itself by its own gravitational forces. This caused it to undergo the fusion process and give off light, heat and other radiation. During this process, the remaining clouds of gas and dust that surrounded the sun began to form into smaller lumps called planetesimals, which eventually formed into the planets we know today.
Note: The age of the earth (4.6) is not a factor in the progression.

w 600,000,000 = the date of the earliest vertebrates.
Reference: The earliest evidence of life consists of microscopic fossils of bacteria that lived as early as 3.6 billion years ago. Most Precambrian fossils are very tiny. Most species of larger animals that lived in later Precambrian time had soft bodies, without shells or other hard body parts that would create lasting fossils. The first abundant fossils of larger animals date from about 600 million years ago.
Note: The date that life first appeared on earth (3.6) is not a factor in the progression.