Cable Fund Access Board (CFAB)

Non-Access Channel Originator Grant Application 2016

Submission Deadline: 5:00PMOctober 28, 2016

Please Submit Application Electronically to:

Cable Fund Access Board

James Haley

(260) 427-1461

  • Recipients must be in attendance to present their grant request.
  • No award will be granted for religious programming.
  • The grants will favor tangible equipment versus consumables, staffing, or projects.
  • There will be no limit to the requested amount and therefore the CFAB reserves the right to grant specific items.
  • All submission must be in an electronic format.
  • The deadline for grant submission isFriday, October28. Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.
  • Please keep your answers brief.
  • Non-access channel originator grants will be available to any not-for-profit, educational or governmental agency within the City of Fort Wayne (except Allen County government offices as Allen County government receives cable television franchise fees).
  • Grant money may be utilized for operational expenses in the production of access programming including hiring of production services.
  • Grants are to be used primarily for the purpose of producing programming for the access channels of the Fort Wayne cable television system.
  • All successful grant recipients must pledge to spend the money in the manner approved and must be able to provide proof of the acceptable expenditures as well as proof of 501c non-profit status. All grants are subject to approval by City Council and will be administered as a reimbursement of documented and authorized expenses.
  • A report of the progress of the grant shall be required approximately one-year after the grant is awarded, at the annual grant award meeting..
  • First time grant recipients are limited to grants of $3,000.
  • First time grant applicants should have produced video content. (A Fort Wayne Access Channel Originator such as Access Fort Wayne, College Access Television, or LTV, will help people get started.)
  • Second time grant recipients must have produced at least 90 minutes of content for a Fort Wayne Access Channel Originator, and should submit a list of the content produced with their grant application.

The Cable Fund Access Board will review and recommend grant awards in a public meeting to be held in the Omni Room, Citizens Square Building at 5:30PM, Wednesday, November9.

Cable Fund Access Board Grant Application

1. Name and Address of Applicant

Organization Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
City, State, Zip
Contact Name
Telephone Number
Email Address

Names of applicant organization members who have completed the Public Access Producers Workshop, and video productions they have created. (Participation in workshops at either the Allen County Public Library or Channel 54 Educational Access is a pre-condition of this grant.) ( Note: 500 Charactersmaximum, Shift-Enter for a new line.)

2. Dollar Amount Requested

3. Mission Statement of the Application:

( Note: 500 Characters maximum, Shift-Enter for a new line.)

4. Describe up to ten productions created and aired on the local cable channels in the past year:

( Note: Grants are contingent on producing content for the local Access Channels.)

Title or
Description / First Air Date / First Cable Channel Aired / Production

5. Proposed use of CFAB Grant. Please specify the number and length of programs to be produced for cable showing. Please specify the channel upon which programs will show and when each program will show. ( Note: 500 Characters maximum, Shift-Enter for a new line.)

6. Have you attempted to use other public, educational or governmental access facilities or production equipment? Detail if access was denied or how using access center equipment was inappropriate.( Note: 500 Charactersmaximum, Shift-Enter for a new line.)

7. Describe the other way the equipment will be used.

( Note: 500 Characters maximum, Shift-Enter for a new line.)

8. List other collaborating organizations and the names of lead participants.

( Note: 1000 Characters maximum, Shift-Enter for a new line.)

9. Describe the effect on your organization if the grant is not funded.

( Note: 1000 Characters maximum, Shift-Enter for a new line.)

Program Budget

CFAB / Other / Total
Salaries and Wages / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Fringe Benefits / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Consulted / Contractual Services / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Personnel Subtotal / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Space or Location Expenses / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Equipment Costs / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Supplies / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Travel Costs / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Other Costs / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Non-Personnel Subtotal / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Total Budget / $ 0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00

Note: Use the Tab key to move to next cell, and all totals are automatically calculated

Budget Details

Please list planned expenditures shown on the previous page and specify the amount of CFAB funds for that expenditure. Totals must match those shown on the previous page. Please list non-personnel costs in priority order.

( Note: 500 Characters maximum, Shift-Enter for a new line.)

Personnel Costs

Non-Personnel Costs

( Note: 500 Characters maximum, Shift-Enter for a new line.)

Total Program Budget

( Note: 500 Characters maximum, Shift-Enter for a new line.)
