Student Activities Fund at the American College of Sofia
Grant Application Form
Spring 2017
Section1: Key information & deadlines
- Maximum project / event / activity budget: no limit
- Maximum award: 500 BGN
- Maximum application length:10 pages
- Submission deadline: 12 Feb 2017 (Sun) at midnight
- Shortlisted projects announced: 20Feb 2017 (Mon)
- Project defense: 24Feb 2017 (Fri)
- Progress report submitted:date TBD (depending on beginning and duration of project)
- Final report submitted: date TBD (depending on beginning and duration of project)
NB: With your email, please copy your Club or SIHP advisor. Your submission would not be accepted unless your club advisor is copied.
Section 2: Applicant Details
E-mail: ______Contact No.: ______
Number of Members:______Is your club or team currently registered with the ACS? Yes No
Name of advisor: ______
Advisor’s name & email: ______
Section 3: Project/Initiative/Idea Description
TITLE:Please provide a shortname or title for yourproject?(i.e.SeminarSeries,GuestSpeaker,Photocopyingorpromotionalmaterial, Program,etc.)
SUMMARY: Please summarize the project’s goal and major activities in not more than two sentences. Please stay under 250 characters. A more complete description should be provided following the outline below.
GOALS & OBJECTIVES:Brieflydescribeyour project / event / activity, its goals and objectives,anditsbenefitstoACSand its students or to the community outside of ACS.
TARGET AUDIENCE:Briefly describe the audience this project is intended for and the number of people / beneficiaries, direct and indirect, to be reached.
TIMELINE: Please tell us how long it would take you to complete your project and what the key milestones and deadlines are. Use a table if appropriate.
TEAM: Please tell us who the people involved are, what their roles will be, and what is the expected time commitment each will have to make. Attach CVs or insert short bios if appropriate.
BUDGET: What is your overall budget? Please itemize the main costs involved, as well as the other sources of revenue beside the grant. Insert a table if appropriate.
FUNDRAISING: Do you plan to raise funds from sources other than the Student Activities Fund? How do you plan to do it?
RISKS: What are some of the risks involved? How do you plan to mitigate these risks?
MENTORSHIP / SUPPORT: What additional support besides funding would you need from the Student Activities Fund? Would you need an alum or a parent to serve as a mentor and how do you plan to keep him or her involved?
PARTNERSHIPS: Do you intend to partner with any other student, community, or business organizations? If yes, please describe briefly the organization and the nature of the partnership.
sponsors? YES NO
Name of Sponsor or Organization / Type of Support/Funding / Amount Received
Section 3: Proposal Self-Evaluation
Does your activity, event, or project meet any of the following? Please underline the ones that apply:
- Helps students master critical skill / competency that’s not covered in the current academic curriculum
- Promotes student participation and engagement with campus life
- Improves school spirit
- Promotes public service
- Promotes parent, teacher, alumni, and staff engagement with student events and campus life
- Helps students build their future professional network
- Has positive impact on a community outside of ACS
- Improves team-work and promote collaboration among students
- Gives students opportunities to practice leadership skills
- Gives students opportunities to engage in community service
- Promotes ACS and its values to the wider public
- None of the above
- Advertise information about activity, project, or event on campus (e.g. via daily bulletin, newspaper, and at campus events), and highlight that the project is SAF-funded
- Execute in collaboration with other student clubs or teams
- Execute in sync with other student projects and initiatives to amplify impact
- Generate publicity for ACS
- Build on existing campusstructures, networks, practices
- Repeat or expand in the future rather than treat the project as a single occurrence
- None of the above
- The submitting student club or athletic team is in good standing with the Dean’s office (documents, reports, registration of members, etc.)
- You have a faculty supervisor
- None of the above
Other information
Please write anything else you want to share with the Student Activities Fund committee
Please send the completed form, as well as any questions and inquiries, to
NB: With your email, please copy your Club or SIHP advisor. Your submission would not be accepted unless your club advisor is copied.