Executive Member Report to the Council
18th September 2013 / AGENDA ITEM 4(i)


“BSafe Blackpool” – Blackpool Community Safety Partnership

Crime Performance

All crime in Blackpool showed a 7.7% increase year to date (1stApril to 18thAugust) when compared to the same period the previous year. This equates to 490 more crimes.

High-impact acquisitive crime (incorporating domestic burglary and robbery offences) showed an increase of 26.5%, an increase of 72 crimes.

Individual breakdown of other crime categories include:

  • Vehicle crime has increased by 29.2% (102 more crimes)
  • Domestic burglary has increased by 34.9% (76 more crimes).
  • Violence against the person has increased by 2.5% (44 more crimes).
  • Sexual offences have increased by 2.8% (26 more crimes).
  • Criminal damage and arson have increased by 2.4%% (26 crimes).

Anti-Social Behaviour

  • Reports to the police regarding anti-social behaviour showed an increase of 4.6% (250 more incidents).

Anti-Social Behaviour Risk Assessment Conference (ASBRAC)

Between June 2010 and July 2013, 39 Anti-Social Behaviour Risk Assessment Conferences (ASBRAC) have been held.

A total of 270 high risk cases to date have been referred to Anti-Social Behaviour Risk Assessment Conferences since June 2010 and have had comprehensive action plans put in place to address the risk caused to victims by anti-social behaviour. A total of 252 high-risk cases (94%) have been either completely resolved or resolved to such a level where there is no longer risk of harm to the victim.

Crime reduction and substance misuse initiatives

A number of recent high-profile sexual abuse cases have highlighted the need for a fresh approach to the investigation and prosecution of sexual offences. In response to this, the College of Policing and the Director of Public Prosecutions have launched joint public consultations to help strengthen how the criminal justice system deals with child abuse and sexual exploitation.The consultations seek comment on new guidance for investigating child abuse and child sexual exploitation and will clearly set out what is to be expected of the Police when a sexual offence has been committed against a child or young person.The College of Policing consultations closed on 3rd September.

Two groups of so-called ‘legal highs’ have been made illegal for 12 months while Governmentexperts assess whether they should be permanently controlled. Crime Prevention Minister Jeremy Browne has introduced a Temporary Class Drug Order (TCDO) on new psychoactive (NPS) substances known as ‘NBOMe’ and ‘Benzofury’.

Neighbourhood Crime and Justice

In June 2013, the Ministry of Justice published an action plan entitled “Transforming the Criminal Justice System”. The plan sets out clear steps to transform criminal justice from a fragmented, paper-based system to an efficient digital service that treats victims and witnesses with the care and consideration they deserve.

For the police, the ambition is that mobile devices will be widely used to access real-time intelligence on the street, and in the event of criminal activity, begin building a digital case file there and then. This digital file will be used by all parts of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) as the case progresses into court.

Additionally, the increased use of video links to give evidence in court will help to save police time by ensuring they do not need to wait around at court unnecessarily for trials that often are adjourned because parties are not ready.

Relationship with Police and Crime Commissioner

On June 26, the Chancellor announced the results from the 2013 Spending Round, including a statement that central government revenue funding to the Police in 2015/ 2016 will reduce by £269 million, equivalent to a 4.9 per cent real terms reduction compared with 2014/ 2015. Police and Crime Commissioners will drive considerable further savings through improving procurement and collaboration across operational areas and support services, on top of the progress already made over the current Spending Review period. An Innovation Fund of up to £50 million will be created from 2014/ 2015 to enable Police and Crime Commissioners to invest in innovative approaches to improve policing and deliver further efficiencies in the future.