Distributed Renewable Energy in Developing Countries


Renewables 2015 Global Status Report


·  The GSR Distributed Renewable Energy in Developing Countries section aims to provide a global overview of the use of renewable energy to increase energy access. The section will be comprised of the following subsections:
1.  Distributed Renewable Energy Landscape (both rural and urban)
2.  Technology and Industry Developments
3.  Policy Frameworks & Programmes
4.  Business Models and New Opportunities
·  Please note that the GSR Distributed Renewable Energy in Developing Countries Section focuses on electrification, heating/cooling and cooking and covers both rural and urban applications not connected to a centralised grid
·  All contributions should be submitted by 7 February, 2015
·  Contributors are asked to complete as many sections of this form as possible.
However, please feel free to focus on sections that are closely aligned with your specific knowledge and expertise.
·  It is critical that you reference in full any sources that you use in the relevant spacing provided in this form.
Please refer to Attachment 1, which outlines the REN21 referencing requirements.
·  Information based on informal communications (emails, interviews, discussions, etc.) your own calculations or projections is very useful to us. Please clearly explain how you obtained/derived such information, including full source information.
·  All contributors will be acknowledged in the Renewables 2015 Global Status Report and in the Renewables Interactive Map.


Contributor(s) Name(s):


Contributor(s) Affiliation:


What region/country are you providing information on?


Email Address:


Type of Institution:(Check all that apply)

/ Governmental
Intergovernmental/International Development Agency
Non-governmental Organisation
Utility, Energy Service Company, Micro-Grid Operator,
Industry, Commercial Agency, Retailer, Private Sector, Project Developer or Installer
Financial Institution (Bank, Micro-Finance Institution, Insurer)
Research & Academia / Think Tank

Other Please Specify:

Thematic area of work:

(Please choose the category that most closely resembles your work) / Policy Development or Implementation / Advisory (National, Regional, International)

Business/Market Development/Financial

Local level: on-ground operations

Other Please Specify:


Section 1: Distributed Renewable Energy Landscape (both rural and urban)

Please provide us with information about any significant, new trends or developments (positive and negative) in the area of distributed renewable energy in your country or region over the past 1-3 years, but particularly during 2014. These can include trends in markets, technologies and/or industry developments, policies, investment, finance, costs, etc.
Enter text and information here.
/ Author, Date, Title, Publisher/Institution, Web-link

Section 2: Technology and Industry Developments

Technology and industry development

1)  List any significant industry- and technology-related developments in the distributed renewable energy sector that occurred in 2014. In the event that capacity information is not available, leave columns blank and fill in trend and general development information.
2)  Include information on the total number of units sold for 2014, % growth in 2014, total growth (indicate years covered), business revenues, or number of customers or households provided with energy access. If you are not able to give a number, provide a description and reference sources that support it.
Replicate lines for each country and service/technology/sector as needed
Country or Countries:
Country / Primary energy service / Technology/Sector[1] / Capacity added in 2014 / Total Capacity at the end of 2014 / Trends / References
Enter country here. / e.g., electricity, heating/cooling, cooking, or “other” / e.g. Solar Pico PV, micro-grid, small scale wind, clean cookstoves / kW/MW/Litres/Number of systems/ cookstoves (choose applicable unit) / kW/MW/Litres/Number of systems/cookstoves (choose applicable unit) / Add observations here / Author, Date, Title, Publisher/Institution, Web-link

Advancement in Technology

1)  Describe briefly new products and technological developments and advancements identified in 2014
(Please provide technology specific details of innovations, its price, investment figures, impact and whether the technology’s dissemination has increased/ has been accelerated with the national policies, if relevant).
2)  Has there been any disruptive technology (an innovation that impacts a particular market or sector) to appear in 2014? What observable effect has it had?
Enter information here.
/ Author, Date, Title, Publisher/Institution, Web-link

Section 3: Policy Frameworks & Programmes

International, national or sub-national policies

What new policies or programmes were adopted to support DRE in 2014? This can include information on previously existing and new major local, national, regional and/or global energy access programmes that deploy DRE.
If available, provide details of the objectives, implementing agency, duration, size, coverage and renewable energy technologies used. Please use only one table per programme; duplicate this table as needed for each additional programme described.
Country or Countries:
Information / Data
Policy, Programme, or Plan Name
Institution(s)/Programme Partner(s)
Description (including technologies used, dates/duration, operator, budget (annual or cumulative), beneficiaries, social and environmental impacts, etc.)
/ Author, Date, Title, Publisher/Institution, Web-link

Policy Innovation

Was there any innovative policy development to support/dissuade the uptake of DRE in 2014? If possible, describe the impact.
Enter information here.
/ Author, Date, Title, Publisher/Institution, Web-link

Section 4: Business Models and New Opportunities

Markets (including small and medium enterprises, SMEs)

On average how much electricity does a rural household need in your country use? Describe how the load is distributed?
How many watts of electricity should a house be given to make its connection financially viable?
SMEs can play a key role as producers of energy equipment or services, or consumers of locally generated electricity—what DRE opportunities exist specifically for SMEs in your country or region?
Enter information here.
/ Author, Date, Title, Publisher/Institution, Web-link

Innovative business models

What new or innovative business models evolved in 2014 to promote DRE, especially among small-scale provider and SMEs?
Enter information here.
/ Author, Date, Title, Publisher/Institution, Web-link

[1] Please include information on small scale home, village supply systems, lantern or battery charging stations, communication systems including mobile charging, water applications (pumping, water treatment); heating and cooling systems, clean cook stovesetc.