Lace Guild Tutor and Lace Class lists

The Education Committee of The Lace Guild is aware that the information held by the Lace Guild on tutors is inaccurate and out of date. In addition, it does not provide us with enough information to plan courses and workshops for you. Please help us to update our records by completing the information below. (NB it is not essential for a tutor to be a member of The Lace Guild)

Personal details
Full name (inc title)
Address (inc postcode)
Phone number
Mobile number (if applicable)
E-mail address (if used regularly)
Details of current regular classes
Day / Frequency / Time
Day / Frequency / Time
Day / Frequency / Time
Day / Frequency / Time
Your lace interests
In no more than 200 words please describe your lace/teaching interests
Laces taught and level (if filling in electronically click and put an x beside the appropriate box) – add others as required
Lace / Beginners / Intermediate / Advanced / Design
Bucks Point
Your teaching preferences/interests
Will you teach mixed ability groups or single level groups only? / Mixed Single
Will you teach single topic and/or mixed topics? / Mixed Single
Do you prefer technique or project based classes? / Technique Project
Do you prefer regular classes or one off? / Regular One off
How far are you prepared to travel to teach?
Lace Guild courses
Would you be interested in teaching opportunities at our annual Convention? Yes No
If yes what would you be interested in?
Taster workshop 2/3 hour workshop One day workshop
What workshop topics could you offer?
Would you be interested in other Lace Guild teaching opportunities? Yes No
If yes what would you be interested in? (tick/check all that apply)
Residential Non residential One day Two day/weekend
Mid week (1-3 day) Summer school
What topics could you offer?
Other textile skills
Do you have any other textile skills you may wish to share with others e.g at Convention?
Yes No
If yes please provide details below
Data protection
We would like to be able to pass on details of your teaching interests to people enquiring about teachers in their area or asking for tutors for specific laces. Do we have your permission to do this, including passing on contact details?
I give The Lace Guild permission to pass on my information
I withhold permission for The Lace Guild to pass on my information
Name/signature / Date

Please send all your information to

Rosemary Green, c/o The Lace Guild, The Hollies, 53 Audnam, Stourbridge, W Midlands DY8 4AE by 30 April 2011

Please pass this request for information to any other teachers of lacemaking. We welcome information from those who live outside the UK too, especially if you visit the UK occasionally.