Year 8 Sose Unit 8.2 : The Black Death

UNIT: 8.2The Black Death

UNIT OVERVIEW:An examination of the impact of the Black Death on Mediveal Society. Focussing particularly on peoples reactions to the catastrophe and the role it had in the development of the modern world.

ASSESSMENT:Response to Stimulus Test.


No / Learning Goal / Success Criteria
(I Know I’ve got it when I can …)
1 / Analyse the origins and causes of the Black Death in Europe by examining maps and diagrams, constructing timelines, and viewing videos. / Plot the advancement of the Black Death from Asia and across Europe.
Construct a diagram illustrating the transmittion of the Black Death from the fleas to rats to humans.
Construct a glossary of terminology specific to the Black Death in Europe.
2 / Examine the living conditions in town and villages across Europe and discuss how they may have contributed to the spread of the Black Death. / Describe life in medieval cities and towns in and extended form.
3 / Classify sources as primary or secondary.
Synthesize information from sources exploring the preventions and cures used by people during the Middle Ages. / Successfully differentiate between primary and secondary sources.
Successfully extrapolate information from a variety of primary and secondary source, to list the cures and preventions used by people in the Middle Ages.
4 / Evaluate the reliabilibty of sources relating to the impact of the Black Death on European communities eg. Mass graves, plague hospitals, decline in population.
Compare reactions to the Black Death including in particular the Flagellents and the Jews. / Demonstrate understanding through successful completion of appropriate graphic organisers and extended writing activieites.
5 / Analyse the short term and long term impact of the Black Death on Society in Medieval Europe. / Successfully differentiate between the long term and short term affects of the Black Death in Europe.
Construct a graphic organiser (eg. Mindmap) illustraling the impact of the Black Death on Medieval Europe.
6 / Examine alternative examples of catastrophic epidemics – including the Great Plague of London and Spanish Influenza.
Analyse sources to examine the outbreaks of Bubonic plague in Queensland (and specifically Maryborough) at the beginning of the 20th century. / Understand the continuing threat posed to humanity by the possibility of epidemics and pandemics.
Successfully analyse sources relating to the outbreak of Bubonic Plague in Maryborough to evaluate the impact on the lives of ordinary people.
Realise the possibility that such epidemics can occur anywhere.
7 / Revise K & U of the impact of the Black Death on Medieval Society in preparation for the response to stimulus test.
Revise the techniques for analysing and evaluating sources.
Revise learning goals. / Assessment - Test 1 – Response to Stimulus
Successful completion of the response to stimulus task analysing such areas asthe spread, treatment and impact of the Black Death on Medieval Europe, and the Bubonic Plague in Maryborough.