26 JAN 2017

Dear Guyer AFJROTC Parent,

This year, we are planningto offer two (2) locations and three“levels”for SLS:

C.E. King High Schoolis hosting SeniorLeadershipSchool and IntermediateLeadership School

11-15 Jun (Sun-Thu) at Schreiner University in Kerrville, TX.

Denton ISD is hosting aBasic Leadership Schoolat Denton High School 12- 15 June (Mon-Thu). This camp will not be an overnight camp; students will need to be dropped off very early each day of the camp.

What is SLS?(Summer Leadership School) SLS is an extracurricular summer program that teaches AFJROTC cadets multiple aspects of citizenship and leadership in an instructional environment. Its mission is to promote citizenship by preparing cadets for leadership roles in their units, schools, and local communities. As such, the activities in an SLS encampment stress respect for authority, responsible citizenship, personal character, academic achievement, physical fitness, and community service.

If your child has not previously attended SLS, they probably need to attend a basic school. Additionally, we plan to send some cadets that previously excelled at SLS or have significant AFJROTC experience to one of the more advanced courses. Additionally, due to Guyer cadets arriving at previous camps out-of-shape, each cadet will need to meet a timed running standard prior to 1 May 2017 to be eligible. No exceptions will be granted to the 10 minute/1 mile standard.

If you would like your child to be considered for attendance, please complete the attached form, enclose a $20 down payment, and let us know which camp you are interested in. Although the out-of-towncamps cost about $500 per cadet, the cost is subsidized by the Air Force and Denton ISD so each cadet pays only about $80 total for Kerrville or $30 for Denton ISD. Transportation costs are included in the camp fee. Much more information on your selected camp will follow at an informational meeting for those selected in early May.

Return the attached form by 24 Feb 2017, please. We look forward to hearing from you. For further information about SLS, please call Lt Col Fentressat 940-369-1064(school) or 940-453-5866 (cell).

J Blake Fentress

J. Blake Fentress, Lt Col, USAF (ret)

Senior Aerospace Science Instructor

TX-20056 Guyer High School


Yes, I want my Guyer Cadet to attend SLS this summer. I am attaching a $20 down payment to request consideration for an SLS position this summer. I understand that the total (including deposit) cost to me will be about $80 (out-of-town) or $30 (Denton ISD Camp) and I will be getting much more detailed information on my camp in the spring if my cadet is selected to attend.

My Preferences are, In Order (1,2,3,etc):

____C.E. KING HIGH INTERMEDIATE SLS (Kerrville, TX 11-15 June); 2 slots*

____C.E. KING HIGH SENIOR SLS (Kerrville, TX 11-15 June); 4 slots*

____DENTON ISD HIGH BASIC SLS (Denton High 10-15 Jun); 22 slots*

*number of positions available is approximated, and will be finalized in May

If interested, we need each line filled out below NEATLY so we can build a cadet/parent contact roster!


Cadet’s NameCadet Phone Number


Parent/Guardian Signature


Mom Printed NameParent Phone Number (mom)


Dad Printed NameParent Phone Number (Dad or alternate)