Foster Family Agreement

1. Name/s ______

2. Address/City ______

5. Telephone numbers

Home ______

Cell ______


6.  Email address ______

7. Residence information

House Condo/Apartment Townhouse

Own Rent

Pool Fence – type/height ______

8. Tell us about the animals that live in your household?

Type Age Sex






9. What age/s golden do you prefer to foster? ______


10. How many hours per day will your foster dog be unattended?

0-4 hours 4-8 hours 8-12 hours

11. If a dog will be unattended for extended periods of time what arrangements do you have for the dog to go out?

Dog door Neighbor or pet sitter Other, please list ______


10. Where will your foster dog be kept while unattended?



11. Where will your foster dog sleep? ______


12. It may take your foster dog a week or longer to adjust to living with you. During that adjustment period, some undesirable behaviors may emerge such as the need for housetraining, intestinal distress, lethargy, fears and phobias. Are you willing to work through the adjustment period with a foster animal?

Yes No Comments



13. Are you willing to teach a foster dog basic commands and manners such as “sit” and “down” to chew appropriate items, not to bark excessively, jump up on people, etc?

Yes No

14. What behavior do you find most frustrating to deal with?






15. What is the name of your local vet? ______


16. Are you willing to transport a foster dog to the vet if necessary?

Yes No

Please read and sign.

I acknowledge the following policies and agree to abide by them during the entire time I am fostering dogs for Golden Retriever Rescue of Southern Maryland, Inc.

·  Foster dogs remain the property of Golden Retriever Rescue of Southern Maryland, Inc. I/we understand foster dogs must be immediately surrendered upon request from an authorized agent. If it is necessary for Golden Retriever Rescue of Southern Maryland, Inc. to take legal action to recover a foster dog or otherwise enforce provisions in this agreement, I/we will pay all court costs and legal fees incurred by Golden Retriever Rescue of Southern Maryland.

·  I/we will provide foster dogs with adequate food, fresh water, exercise and a healthy living environment.

·  I/we understand that I/we are personally responsible for any routine unapproved financial expenses incurred.

·  At no time will a foster dog be allowed to run free. A foster dog will be allowed off lead only in a fenced yard or secured area and while under supervision.

·  I/we understand foster dogs will not be chained outside or on an outside tie-out at any time, and will not be transported in the back of an open truck or similar vehicle.

·  It is understood that all foster dogs will live inside the Foster Home and not with a family member, friend, neighbor or any other person who is not an authorized foster care provider.

·  Foster dogs must never be given to any other party or be transferred to another home unless the transferred is approved by Golden Retriever Rescue of Southern Maryland, Inc.

·  Foster dogs will be adopted only into pre-approved homes under the supervision of Golden Retriever Rescue of Southern Maryland, Inc. Adoptive homes must be accorded courtesy, respect and privacy at all times. Excessive, casual or aggressive contacts to inquire about a foster dog once placed are not allowed.

·  All adoption fees/donations must be immediately forwarded to the Treasurer.

·  I/we understand that Golden Retriever Rescue of Southern Maryland, Inc. cannot guarantee or be held responsible for the temperament, behavior, or health of foster dogs that I may handle. I am aware that foster dogs may cause damage to my personal property, other pets, and humans and that Golden Retriever Rescue of Southern Maryland. will not be held liable for any damage incurred.

·  Every effort will be made to provide as much information as possible to the Foster Homes concerning foster dogs. Golden Retriever Rescue of Southern Maryland, Inc. does not warrant any dog regarding medical status, behavior, disposition or temperament.

·  I/we carry insurance coverage in the event of personal or liability damages resulting from fostering dogs for Golden Retriever Rescue of Southern Maryland, Inc.

·  I/we agree to allow potential adopters to meet our foster dog. If I/we choose to adopt a foster dog we will notify Golden Retriever Rescue of Southern Maryland, Inc.’s Foster Home Coordinator to formalize the adoption.


Print name Date Print name Date


Signature Signature