Scott Butterfield
Room 507
Course Description - This course includes laboratory activities, group assignments, projects,
problem solving, technology applications, and performance tasks. A midterm and final examination
will be given.
Classroom labs, internet activities, articles,and supplementary materials are all part of this class and directly related to the curriculum. These materials will be included as part of the evaluations. Organization and preparation are directly related to performance. Come to class prepared.
Grading Policy:
Final grades are determined by a point system. The number of points earned by the student
are divided by the total number of points possible during the marking period.
Tests scores will be the most significant part of the final grade.
A zero can be earned for coming to class unprepared or not following lab safety rules.
Homework Policy and Labs:
Some homework is collected and graded and some is just checked. Homework is designed to reinforce class work. Homework will not be accepted lateand you will receive a zero. Homework must also be submitted in the correct format to receive credit. You will often be directed to put the assignment in your submitbox as a pdf, but follow the instructions given to you. Ifyou are absent when homework
is assigned, check the calendar on my webpage andsee me immediatelyuponyour return.
This is also true about making up labs. You must schedule a time with me to make up the lab.
If labs are not made up promptly, you will lose credit for that lab.
When no assignments are given, the standing nightly homework is to study and review.
Projects that are submitted late are penalized a letter grade each day they are late.
Make Up Work:
• Notify me in advance of upcoming trips, band lessons, or voice lessons.
• If you miss a test because of a school trip or sports event, the test is to
be taken after school on the day of the activity or the next day if the
activity runs beyond school hours. Arrange for this in advance.
• After a legitimate absence, it is the responsibility of the student to see the
teacher regarding work that was missed and make arrangements with the
teacher to complete the work.
•If you are present the day before the test, then absent the day of the
test, be prepared to take the test on the first day you return to school.
When to come for help
• When you have been absent and missed a lesson, concept, or explanation.
• When you were in class but didn’t understand the concept discussed.
• When you want to go over something in preparation for a test.