February 14, 2012

CALL TO ORDER - The February 14, 2012District Representative Meeting was called to order

by Jeanne Jeffery at 7:05pm at the Spring Mills Elementary, ArtCenter.

ROLL CALL - District Representatives present: 3, 4, 8, 10,12, 13,15, 16, 17.

GUESTS – Robert Justice

MINUTES - The January 10, 2012 meeting minutes were presented by Jeanne Jeffery. The

minutes wereamended. A Motion was made to approve the amended January 10, 2012minutes.

M/J Jeffery S/R Bierl Motion was carried.

TREASURER’S REPORT–Amy Schemerer presented the Treasurer’s Report for January 2012. A discussion followed.

A Motion was made to approve the Treasurer’s Report for January 2012. M/J Sturm S/D Hogaboom

The Motion carried.

Amy Schmerer stated that the ending balance is close to what was reported last year. She indicated that the only expenses not reported are those due in February 2012.

Tony Durand stated that he felt she did a nice job of reporting and maintaining the association expenditures.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT –Jeanne Jeffery stated that if missing street signs and/or downed street signs are found by residents they can call the Citizens Services at the Oakland County Road Commission (248-645-2000) for replacement or fixing. She indicated that there was a down sign at Vero and Apollo—it was fixed the same day. She went on to say that a 25 mph sign was sitting on the grass of a resident’s home – it was put back within a week. A discussion followed.



Easter Egg Hunt: Jeanne Jeffery stated that the Easter Egg Hunt will be April 14, 2012, 1 pm at the beach. She indicated that the Carters will continue as chairs and the Simonichs will help with the event.

Garage Sale: Jeanne stated that the Garage Sale will be held on Saturday, June 2nd. She reported that Carla will continue as chairperson. She also reported that the church plans to piggyback with our event.


It was mentioned that the entrances have looked wonderful all year.

BEACH: Tony Durand stated that he stops at the beach at least two or three times a week. He reported that the front gate has been okay, but it has been left open, while the back gate remains locked. A discussion followed.

Jeanne stated that she had called both companies, who do excavating of swim area muck problems, regarding clearing the muck at the beach. She indicated that she felt the drop off doesn’t need excavating sand—only from the shore out about 20 ft. She reported that she talked with the BayShores resident, who had this project done about 11 years ago. She reported that the resident was well pleased with how the project turned out, as there is still sand in the area and they haven’t had to replace or work on additional muck problems at this time. She feels that if we don’t do something the swim area will not be able to be used in a few years. A discussion followed.

Jeanne stated that more costly methods would be to put chemicals in the lake or harvest the weeds. She reported that the association does not have the funds to do either. She went on to say that the association doesn’t have the funds to have sand put all over the swim area and didn’t feel that was necessary.

Jeff Augustyn thought that by putting sand on the beach it will work its way out into the swim area.

The general consensus among the district representatives present was to table the discussion, bring the bids to the meeting, presenting it at the March annual meeting.





SAFETY: Jeanne stated that she wanted to thank Howard Zimmerman and Tony Durand for putting out the barrels and keeping them filled. She also wanted to thank residents for making sure sand is spread around at the intersections. She reported that a car was almost hit at Apollo. She feels that the barrels are working.

DEED RESTRICTION: Jeanne Jeffery sated that Todd is working out of state for the next 3-4 years. She reported that Jeff Augustyn has agreed to step in as a new member of the committee. She went on to say that Ann Taylor will be back in the spring.


NEW BUSINESS: Jeanne asked about refreshments for the march annul meeting—Jeanne will bring hot chocolate and Amy will provide cookies. Jeanne asked that some the district representatives bring hot water.

Jeanne Jeffery stated that there had been a sign down at Vero and Apollo. She indicated that she called the Citizen’s Services at the Oakland County Road Commission (248-645-2000) regarding the sign. She reported that they were out the same day to put the sign back up. She went on to say that a 24 mph sign was found sitting on the grass and that took about a week to put back up. She encouraged residents to call the Citizens Services when replacements, etc, are necessary—the group works quickly. A discussion followed.
A discussion regarding the 2012-2012 proposed financial budget was held. The proposed budget, which will be presented at the March annual membership meeting is as follows:
Activities / $3,200.00
Beach / 6,200.00
Beautification / 3,000.00
Communication / 1,500.00
General Fund / 3,500.00
Legal / 4,000.00
Safety / 2,400.00
Total / $23,800.00

NEXT MEETING– Sunday,March 4, 2012

ADJOURNMENT – Jeanne Jeffery adjourned the meeting at 7:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Janine A. Sturm
