Data Request Form
/Reference number: WEBSDR .
Daytime Tel:
Mobile Tel:
email: / Project title:
In what capacity are you carrying out this work?
Professional Amateur
Is the work part of a commercial study?
Yes No
If so, who is the study being carried out for?
Please give details of your study, including the analyses using WeBS data. Please also indicate if you wish to be considered for one of the following charging categories and give reasons for this*:
Discount Rate Volunteer/Personal/Unfunded Research Rate License Rate WeBS Partner
Please list sites for which data are required (with grid ref/county for small sites)* and enclose a map wherever possible:
For details of sites counted see; http://blx1.bto.org/websonline/public/
Code Years No tables
* Continue on separate sheet(s) if necessary
Core Count Data WeBS Core Counts
Please indicate data format and years required
(e.g. 1988-97 or 1998-02)
Monthly CountsTabulated five-year synopsis
most recent five yearsother (please specify) / Low Tide Data WeBS Low Tide Counts
WeBS Low Tide Count data are held from 1992-93 onwards. A variable amount of data is held for each estuary. To check Low Tide data availability please visit http://www.bto.org/volunteer-surveys/webs/taking-part/low-tide-coverage-map or contact the WeBS Low Tide National Organiser at the BTO.
most recent year availableother (please specify)
Other WeBS data, e.g. special surveys. (please specify)*
Data are normally supplied within 15 working days. Please indicate if you require data sooner (but please bear in mind the implications on the cost of supplying the data – see Guidance Notes):
Please supply data within 10 working days
within 5 working days
Data will be provided electronically via email and in word processor friendly formats (rtf, pdf, html or csv). Please indicate if you would prefer to receive a paper printout, which can also be faxed to the recipient when required within five days
The data collected by WeBS are summarised each year in an annual report Waterbirds in the UK. This includes total counts of each waterbird species in each month, long term indices, species accounts with numbers at key sites and 1% levels for national and international populations. Please tick the box if you wish to purchase a copy of this report with the data (cost £30.00 (£10.00 concessionary) incl. VAT):
I agree that all information given here is correct. I agree to abide by the conditions of data use (see Guidance Notes) and understand that these form the basis of a legally binding contract with the WeBS Partners (BTO/RSPB/JNCC). PLEASE TICK BOX TO ACKNOWLEDGE YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS------
Signature: Date:
Details given on this form will be entered onto an electronic database for the purposes of mailing and record keeping and may be copied to all WeBS partner organisations.
Please return the completed form to the addresses below;
WeBS Data Request
British Trust for Ornithology
The Nunnery
IP24 2PU
Tel. 01842 750050
Fax 01842 750030