STR locus / Primer Sequence (5' to 3') / Gene bank
Accession / Chromosome location / Mini STR size (bp) / Product size (bp)
in STR kits / Size reduced
(bp) / References
D7S820 / F / 6FAM-gaacacttgtcatagtttagaacgaac / AC004848 / 7q21.11 / 135-173 / 255–293 (ProPlus) / 120 / Butler et al., 2003
R / tcattgacagaattgcacca
D2S1338 / F / 6FAM -gagccagtggatttggaaac / AC010136 / 2q35 / 219-272 / 307–360 (Identifiler) / 88 / Shafique et al., 2014
R / tcctaccagaatgccagtcc
TPOX / F / VIC-cttagggaaccctcactgaatg / M68651 / 2p25.3 / 65-93 / 222–250 (Cofiler) / 157 / Butler et al., 2003
R / gtccttgtcagcgtttatttgc
CSF1PO / F / VIC - gaagatattaacagtaactgccttcataga / X14720 / 5q33.1 / 99-136 / 304–341 (Identifiler) / 205 / This study
R / ttcctgtgtcagaccctgttc
D18S51 / F / VIC- gccactgcacttcactctga / AP001534 / 18q21.33 / 142-225 / 262–345 (ProPlus) / 120 / This study
R / ttctctggtgtgtggagatgt
D13S317 / F / NED-tctgacccatctaacgccta / AL353628 / 13q31.1 / 95-123 / 216–244 (Identifiler) / 121 / Butler et al., 2003
R / cagacagaaagatagatagatgattga
FGA / F / NED-aaataaaattaggcatatttacaagc / M64982 / 4q28 / 141-282 / 214–355 (ProPlus) / 73 / Butler et al., 2003
R / gctgagtgatttgtctgtaattg
D5S818 / F / PET-gggtgattttcctctttggt / AC008512 / 5q23.2 / 106-144 / 134–172 (ProPlus) / 28 / Butler et al., 2003
R / aacatttgtatctttatctgtatccttatttat
D21S11 / F / PET-attccccaagtgaattgc / AP000433 / 21q21.1 / 155-210 / 185–240 (ProPlus) / 30 / Butler et al., 2003
R / ggtagatagactggatagatagacga
D16S539 / F / PET-aagtgccagatgctcgttgt / AC024591 / 16q24.1 / 235-275 / 264–304 (PP16) / 29 / Shafique et al., 2014
R / gcgtttgtgtgtgcatctgt
Butler JM, Shen Y, McCord BR (2003) The development of reduced size STR amplicons as tools for analysis of degraded DNA. J. Forensic Sci 48(5) 1054-1064.
Shafique M, Shahzad MS, Shan MA, Ali A, Rahman Z, Husnain T (2014) Genetic polymorphism of ten MiniSTR loci in the population of Punjab Pakistan for forensic application. International journal of legal medicine, 1-6.