Business on Broadway
Board of Directors Meeting
June 17, 2009
The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Business on Broadway Association was called to order by President Nancy Schoenle at 12:15p.m. The meeting was held at the Mad Anthony Brewing.
Members present:
Officers: President Nancy Schoenle; Secretary Barbara Schoppman; Board Members Mindy Hockaday; Dan Kensinger (attending for Steve Shine); Brian Schaper
Absent members: Vice President Tim Gouloff; Treasurer Chris Conner; Board Members Jan Bell; Chris Rongos; Steve Shine; Blaine Stucky
Minutes of the June 17, 2009 Board Meeting were approved as printed.
Nancy Schoenle reported that we now have $1015.71 in the checking account and $100 in savings for a total balance of $1115.71.
- Nancy will work with Vice President Tim Gouloff and will contact board members to create two-person teams for the purpose of canvassing Broadway for new members. We would like to have a membership drive with board members assigned to contact certain businesses along Broadway. Focus would be getting members to sign up for 2010 membership, accomplishments for 2009, zoning petitions/awareness, active involvement with BOB, patriotic Broadway flag program, holiday stroll.
Government Affairs/ Bylaws
- Board Member Jan Bell was absent.
Public Relations
- The cling designs have been presented by Mindy. Board Members were asked to vote on their preference of the two designs. A revision was suggested and Mindy will revise and forward to all board members for approval.
Broadway Corridor Project:
- It was reported that Catablu will reopen as a Jazz Club and will maintain a catering business.
Residential Neighborhood Liaison
- No Report
Neighborhood Liaison
- No Report
Miscellaneous Projects
- A discussion was held regarding a tailgate party for the last Tin Caps game on September 4. Blaine was to talk with Jim Ridley, but this may not happen this year.
- Nancy will ask Firefighters if they would be willing to make the wooden holders for the flags so that they can be placed on the street signs.
- Holiday Lighting on Broadway – No report, Barbara will contact Steve Shine regarding his annual tree lighting and see how the businesses on Broadway can participate.
Unfinished business
- Nancy Schoenle reported that the walk with the Mayor will be on September 2 and will start at St; Joe Hospital. Weather permitting; we will walk to the Shine Office, perhaps stopping at LaBaguette and Java Bean for treats and refills. Nancy will make a list of talking points for review at August board meeting.
- Nancy sent a letter on behalf of our organization thanking Shan Gunawardena and the city for marking the parking spaces along Broadway. She will also contact him regarding the possibility of a designated bike lane on Broadway.
New Business
- Brian will put together a plan for the next meeting for marketing Broadway commercial locations to retail establishments, small businesses and professional offices
- Barb stated should would be willing to take on a larger role working with Brian as residential neighborhood liason, since Brian will be focusing on commercial development for Broadway.
- Mindy stated she will assist Barb Schoppman with the minutes each month to allow Barb more time to work with residential neighborhoods along Broadway.
- Nancy shared an article about the Cruise In held in Goshen IN for classic cars to parade along a main street. Businesses would remain open that evening and citizens would be encouraged to bring a lawn chair and watch the parade of classic cars cruise along Broadway while visiting Broadway businesses. Perhaps the Cruise in anchor points could be the Tin Caps parking lots and Quimby Village.
- Next meeting: August 19, 2009 at Mad Anthony’s at noon
- Meeting adjourned at 1:30pm
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Schoppman, SecretaryNancy Schoenle, President