CourseTitle / Honors Algebra II
Course Number / MA03
Prerequisites / Grade of B or higher in Honors Geometry or teacher recommendation
Duration / Two Semesters
Grade / 9-11
Website / Coming Soon!
Instructor / Mr. Reichmuth
Office Location / F00 – Connected to Library
School Phone / 402-829-4600
Email /
Office Hours / Daily 7:15-8:00am – F00
Teacher Schedule / 2016-2017
1 / APEX
2 / APEX
3 / APEX
4 / APEX
5 / Honors Algebra II
6 / Honors Algebra II
7 / PLAN
Course Description / Honors Algebra II is designed for students preparing for advanced courses in science, engineering, and mathematics. Major areas of study include a review of open sentences in one and two variables, polynomials and factoring, rational numbers and expressions, relations and functions, irrational numbers and quadratics, quadratic relations and systems, exponential functions and logarithms, complex numbers, and an introduction to trigonometric functions.
Class Expectations / -Show respect to your teacher, your classmates, the classroom and yourself!
-Arrive to class on time with all necessary materials (book, pencils, paper, completed homework).
-Attendance is vital for academic success. The school policy on attendance and tardies will be followed (see student handbook). Arriving late to class will be recorded as a tardy.
- If you know you will be absent(school activities, vacations, appointments, etc,), please make arrangements to get missing materials notes prior to the expected absence.
-The use of personal technology items are allowed for educational use. Failure to comply with the acceptable use policy will result in a discipline referral without warning. Please utilize your time in passing periods and lunch to take care of these items. In this classroom, silence of these items is expected. No mobile devices may be used on any quiz or test.
-If a cell phone or iPod is out during a test or quiz, you will automatically receive a zero.
-Take pride in your work – copying assignments/cheating will not be tolerated. All members involved in copying/cheating will receive a zero for that assignment, quiz, or test.
-Come in for extra help when needed.
Knowledge Prerequisites / -Basic right triangle trigonometry, special right triangles (30-60-90 and 45-45-90)
-Understand how to use a scientific calculator
-Be familiar with graphing linear equations and inequalities
-Be familiar with factoring quadratic polynomials
-Have a basic understanding of laws of exponents and simplifying radicals
Textbook / -Larson & Boswell. Algebra 2. Big Ideas Math, 2015.
Technology / Students will need a scientific calculator for the course. I recommend TI 30X IIS ($12-15).
Required Materials / -3-ring binder with loose leaf OR 3-subject notebook + folder
-Covered textbook
Grading Procedures / Updated grades are availabledaily at 9:30 PM and can be accessed on the Parent Web (see parent link at The course grade is weighted 30% formative (homework and quizzes) and 70% summative (tests, midterm, and final) and are broken down as follows:
Homework / Homework is an important aspect of the class. It will be collected and graded regularly throughout the course. Unexcused late homework will be accepted for a grade of 70% to replace the zero.
Quizzes / Quizzes will usually be given after 2 or 3 sections and will always be pre-announced. Students will be allowed to retake any quiz only if they have completed all daily work for sections covered on the quiz. Students are only allowed to retake a particular quiz once and the retake quiz score will be used regardless if it is lower than the original score. Retakes must be completed within one week of receiving the original graded quiz. There is no limit to the number of different quizzes students may retake.
Tests / Tests will be given at the end of each chapter. Students will be allowed to retake one chapter test per semester and only if the original score is less than 70%. In order to be eligible for the retake, students must do formal corrections on their original test. The two scores will average together for a final test grade. Retakes must be completed within one week of receiving your graded test.
Make Up Work /
  1. All daily work and assessments must be completed in a timely fashion.
  2. Students who do not complete daily work/assessments will be assigned detentions and/or Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday school. If a students does not complete the work during the assigned Tue/Thu/Sat school session, a zero will be entered in the gradebook.
  3. Students should complete all major assessments (tests, quizzes, CSAs, projects, etc.). Any assessments missed due to an absence on test or quiz day will be made up in class time when the day the student returns to school. Next day make-ups are subject to change under special circumstances and with advance email or phone contact with Ms. Kroenke.

Final Exams / PLSHS Final exams will be held on December 19th and 20th as well as May 23rd24th.
Please do not schedule vacations or appointments to conflict with final exams.
PLS Grading Scale / A+ 100.00 - 96.50B+ 89.40 - 86.50 C+ 79.40 - 76.50 D+ 69.40 - 66.50
A 96.40 - 92.50B 86.40 - 82.50 C 76.40 - 72.50 D 66.40 - 62.50
A- 92.40 - 89.50B- 82.40 - 79.50 C- 72.40 - 69.50 D- 62.40 - 59.50
F 59.40 - 0.00
Parent Web Access / Grades are updated daily at 9:30 PM and can be accessed on the Parent Web at or go directly to
If you do not have your password, you may click on the “forgot password” link.