Bus timing, directions
If there are any weather or other situations requiring a change in the bus departure date/time (this is rare but has happened in the past) please check the CT Valley Chapter website for any changes ( –Outreach, Bustab).
A. Departure from Penn State at 10:00 am.
Students are encouraged to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time to allow sufficient time to board all the buses. Students, please be sure to get on one of the buses that will be going to your drop off location as all the buses do not go to all the drop off locations.
Drop off point Est. Time of Arrival
Danbury, CT 3:30 pm
East Hartford, CT 4:30 pm
Newton, MA 6:00 pm
The above arrival times are estimates. Actual arrival times will depend on weather conditions, traffic and how much time is spent at the rest stop. Parents are advised to be at the drop off locations at least 15 minutes before the expected arrival time. There will be more than one bus dropping off students at each stop and they could be as much as 30 minutes apart. At the bottom of this message are directions to each of the drop off locations.
B. Return to Penn State
Pick-up point Departure Time
Newton, MA 10:00 AM
East Hartford, CT 11:30 AM
Danbury, CT 12:30 PM
Again there will be more than one bus picking students up at each stop. For Danbury and East Hartford there may be buses that start at one of the other locations and will be picking up students at these locations.
Expected arrival time back at Penn State is around 6:00 PM.
C. Miscellaneous Notes
- Buses are expected to leave at above departure times. Anyone missing the bus will have to find alternate transportation.
- No tickets are issued. The drivers will have a list of students who have reserved a seat. Students will provide their name to the driver and be checked off the list.
- Luggage is restricted to ONE large suitcase and ONE carry-on the size of a backpack; the buses cannot accommodate skis, bikes, golf clubs, musical instruments, etc. For the safety and comfort of all students, and to allow space for each student’s luggage, please be mindful of this restriction. It it is important that everyone adhere to this.
- A meal stop is planned for all trips
- On the return trip to Penn State, students should make sure they get on a bus that is going to Penn State. There have been times in the past when a bus going to another college was picking students up at one of the same locations we use.
Directions to Drop Off Points
I. Danbury, CT (Park & Ride parking lot off Exit 2 or 2B of I-84)
A. Traveling East on I-84
- Take Exit 2
- At traffic light at end of exit turn left
- At 2nd set of traffic lights (about 1/10 mile) turn right and then another immediate right turn into Park & Ride parking lot
B. Traveling West on I-84
- Take Exit 2B
- Stay left to end of exit to traffic light and turn right
- At traffic light (about 100 feet) turn right and then take another immediate right into Park & Ride parking lot
II. East Hartford, CT: Parking Lot of Hartford Hotel & Conf. Center (formerly Ramada Inn) , 363 Roberts St., East Hartford, CT 06108
A. Traveling East on I-84
- Take Exit 58
- Stay left to end of exit; at traffic light turn left
- Turn right into parking lot (about 1/10 mile). Use far right side of lot
B. Traveling West on I-84
- Take Exit 58
- Stay right to end of exit; at traffic light turn right and then take another immediate right (about 100 feet) into parking lot. Use far right side of lot
III. Newton, MA (Riverside MBTA Train Station, 390 Grove St, Newton, MA)
Traveling North & South on I-95 and Rt. 128
- Take Exit 22 (Grove Street)
- At end of exit turn right. Riverside Train Station is about ½ mile on your left (follow signs for MBTA Train Station)