Time to Conceive

First Morning Urine Collection Instructions

Please store the enclosed freeze pack inside the freezer as soon as you receive this urine kit. Store the Styrofoam box with the urine bottles inside the refrigerator.

Collect the first morning urine during the second and third day of your menstrual period.

First Morning Urine

The first morning urine is the urine you void when you get up for the day. If you get up during the night it is not necessary to catch that urine, you can wait until you get up for the day.

For women who work night shift your first morning urine will be the urine you void after you slept during the day. Example, you get off work at 7:00 am, you go home and sleep from 10:00am to 6:00 pm. Your first morning urine will be the first urine you void when you wake up for the day at 6:00 pm.

If you forget to collect the first morning urine, you may collect a later sample that same day. Be sure to circle NO for first morning urine.

Circle Yes if it is a first morning sample: Circle No If it is not a first morning sample:


The second day of your menstrual period is the second day of your real flow. By real flow we mean the heavy flow or the flow when you have to use more than a pantyliner. Some women begin their period with one to several days of light flow or just spotting, then they start their heavy flow. Count the first day you start the heavy flow as the first day of your menstrual period. No matter what time of the day you start having the heavy flow, that will be your first day. The following day will be the second day of your menstrual period. This is the day you start collecting your first morning urine. Collect your first morning urine on the second and third day of your menstrual period. If you forget to collect your urine sample on that day, you may collect it the following day. Example: If you forget to collect the urine on the second day, collect your urine on the third and fourth day of your menstrual period.

Let out the first few ounces into the toilet then start collecting midstream. Please fill the collecting bottle only to about 4/5 full (or just below the top of the white label). Replace the cap tightly. After each collection, write the date on the label, indicate if it is day 2 or day 3 of your cycle, and mark whether or not this is a first morning or a later urine. Affix the label to the bottle and refrigerate immediately.

A. Supplies

1. Styrofoam box with absorbent foam insert4.Ice Pack (s)

2.Labels 5. White Cardboard Box

3.2 urine collection bottles with white tops6. Diagnostic Specimen Envelope

B. Collection

1.The night before remove one empty bottle from the styrofoam box and place in the bathroom for the next day’s collection.

2.Collect the first morning urine in the collecting bottle.

3.Fill urine collection bottle only to 4/5 full. Pour out extra if above 4/5 full.

4.Close the cap tightly and swirl the bottle 5 times.

5.Write collection date on the label, day of menstrual cycle (2 or 3), and circle if it is a first morning urine or not. Ex. If you collected this sample on March 2, 2009 and this was the 2nd day of your menstrual period, write 3/2/09 for Date and 2 for Day of menstrual Period.


6.Store the bottle in an upright position inside the box and refrigerate immediately.

7.Remove the other empty bottle from the box and place in the bathroom for the next day’s collection.

8.Collect and label the second sample on the following day in a similar fashion and place it in the sample box.

9. After the second sample is collected mail the samples back to us as soon as you are able.