BBC Children in Need Appeal
3D Cryptic calendar Puzzle 2010
May 2010 with clues set by Pasquale
This puzzle notes a 40th anniversary on the 8th of May – a birth and a deathTwo words appear in the highlights in the grid to May 28/29th saying May 9th
Clues are presented so that the solutions appear in alphabetical order
1 / 8d 5 letters
Record made by gangster and hobo
2 / 11d 5 letters
Start of something starry with star wandering round
3 / 15aw 5 letters
Inspect gold and diamonds with computer technology
4 / 21aw 5 letters
Filthy dross – some extracted in power plant
5 / 6d 5 letters
Formality associated with province’s tribe
Province’s ends apostrophe-s
6 / 2aw 5 letters
Mode of expression, one that’s obscure about nothing
7 / 2d,20aw snake
read as 2-down-comma-20-away-snake
9 letters
In Rome unexpectedly loses sight of ex
Ex is spelt e-x
8 / 5ac,bar 6 letters
Tirade – girl receives one before end of romance
9 / 18ac (3,2,2)
What has been recollected as Beatles hit? _____ has!Exclamation mark. After hit there is a question
10 / 10d 5 letters
Saw maiden meeting German fellow?
Question mark. Saw is spelt s-a-w
11 / 17ac 7 letters
Feature of recording that’s finished with decibels restricting university
12 / 3aw 5 letters
Ended having a spaghetti?
13 / 3d 5 letters
Girl who is good-looking but awfully cheap
Cheap is spelt c-h-e-a-p
14 / 14aw 5 letters
Man or woman kept outside the French fold
15 / 13aw 5 letters
Man giving a lour that’s nasty
Lour is spelt l-o-u-r
16 / 4aw 5 letters
Interpret ‘yen’ as ‘money’
17 / 13ac 7 letters
Material left by worker to put into the ground again
18 / 22aw 5 letters
Hot on the outside – inside I’m frosty
19 / 4d 5 letters
Reversible component of machine
20 / 7d 5 letters
Took position in argument as a square
21 / 19ac 7 letters
Keep the lid on little son, mum!Exclamation mark
22 / 19aw,24ac
Journey carrying around item of furniture with awkward doors? Keep going, we’re doing well!
23 / 9d 5 letters
Sun’s to rise across lake
Sun’s Is spelt s-u-n-apostrophe-s
24 / 9ac 7 letters
Immediate appearance of tot with famous mother
25 / 16aw 5 letters
Piece of furniture that’s firm apart from front edge
26 / 1aw-3,5d snake
Disappointing news for ramblers? Get away!Exclamation mark
27 / 1aw 5 letters
Barriers to communication with everything beginning to slide
28 / 1ac 7 letters
How his personality can smother this rumour!Exclamation mark
29 / 1d,19aw-3,23ac snake
read as
1-down-comma-19-away-hyphen-3-comma-23-across snake
Wow! Firm’s so odd – silly advice that’s well-intentioned?Question mark
Wow! Is spelt w-o-w-exclamation mark
30 / 12d 5 letters
Amount of produce that is left in yard