FAX: / 810-385-8551 / PATRICK JANKS, TRUSTEE


Burtchville Township Board of Trustees

Regular Meeting

April 17, 2017

1.The Regular Meeting of the Burtchville Township Board of Trustees was called to order7:00 p.m. by Supervisor Appel. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by roll call.

Members Present: Cindy Minnie, Trustee

Patrick Janks, Trustee

Alan Briolat, Treasurer

Mike Appel, Supervisor

Robert Bailey, Clerk

2. Consent Agenda: The consent agenda includes the pre and post approval for

payment of bills totaling $ 56,001.29

Motion by Briolat, supported by Janks to approve the consent agenda.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Minnie, Briolat, Janks, Bailey, Supervisor Appel Nays: None

Motion Carries.

3. Citizens wishing to address the Board of Trustees: None

4. Agenda: Motion by Minnie, supported by Bailey to approve the agenda. Voice Vote: Ayes: 5 Nays: None Motion carries

5. Department Reports:

a. Fire Department: Mark Harrington stated they received their Medical certification back and are licensed for the next year again. Harrington stated he has the rescue truck in for spring replacements and should be back tomorrow.

b. Building Department: Briolat stated that things were running pretty smoothly.

c. Water Department: None

6. Unfinished Business: None

7. New Business:

1) Replace two outside light packs on DPW building for $850.00 Motion: by Bailey supported by Briolat to approve Olds Electric bid of $850.00 to install two light packs on DPW building. Roll Call: Ayes: Bailey, Briolat, Janks, Minnie, and Appel. Nays: None Motion Carries

2) Quote from L & J Construction for emergency water main repair and taps install for 2017-2018. Motion by Bailey supported by Briolat to table the L & J quote, until additional bids are received. Voice Vote: Ayes: unanimously Nays: None

3) Quote from DTE to replace street lighting to LED lights for $36,464.00

Motion: by Briolat supported by Minnie to accept DTE bid for street lighting update. Roll Call: Ayes Briolat, Minnie, Janks, Bailey, and Appel. Nays: None Motion Carries

4) Quotes for DPW 16kw stand by generator. Motion by Briolat supported by Minnie to approve Olds Electric bid of $5665.00 and the township to incur the cost of the gas line installed and materials. Approximately $400.00 for the gas line and installed. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Briolat, Minnie, Janks, Bailey, and Appel. Nays: None

5) Purchase of four (4) basketball backboard (2- adults & 2- children) and nets for not to exceed $1700.00. Also, Approve quote for $2000.00 from Thumb Welding and Repair LLC. For construction and installation of four (4) basketball poles with backboards and nets installed. Motion by Minnie supported by Janks to approve two basketball poles and two large 42”x 60” backboards with nets installed at the old cement pad as directed. Voice Vote: Ayes: Minnie, Janks, Briolat, and Appel. Nays: Bailey Motion Carries

6) Review Touma “Short Term Rental Ordinance”. Minnie stated that the Planning Commission was split on the Touma Rental Ordinance. Briolat stated that some of the members didn’t feel an Ordinance was required. Consensus: Not to rush into an Ordinance that can’t be defended in court.

7) Approve Resolution # 2017-04-17 Opposing the construction of a Nuclear Waste Repository in the Great Lakes Basin. Motion by Minnie supported by Bailey to Approve Resolution # 2017-04-17 opposing the Nuclear Waste Repository in the Great Lakes Basin. Voice Vote: Ayes: Unanimously Nays: None Motion Carries

8) Approve contract for fire protection between Worth Township, Sanilac County, Michigan and Burtchville Township, St. Clair County, Michigan. Motion by Appel supported by Minnie to approve contract for Worth Township fire protection. Voice Vote: Ayes: Appel, Minnie, Janks, Briolat, and Bailey. Nays: None. Motion Carries

8. Supervisor’s Report: Appel stated he had the contracts from the St. Clair County Road Commission for the fiscal years road work. Members reviewed the contracts and the following motions were made.

a) Motion by Minnie supported by Bailey to approve the first and second chloride applications to approximately 18 miles of various gravel roads at $11,255.60 each. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Minnie, Bailey, Janks, Briolat, and Appel. Nays: None Motion Carries

b) Motion by Bailey supported by Minnie to approve St. Clair County Road Commission contract for $40,310.40 for spreading 2080 tons of 22A dotomite limestone on various gravel roads. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Bailey, Minnie, Janks, Briolat, and Appel. Nays: None Motion Carries

c) Motion by Appel supported by Janks to approve 1248 tons 22a dotomite limestone and to spread it on Myron Road at a cost of $4,837.25 thru the 80/20 percent

program. Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Appel, Janks, Briolat, Minnie, and Bailey. Nays: None Motion Carries.

d) Motion by Bailey supported by Appel to return the check from George Lockwood family for the Chapel charge. Also, ALL Burtchville township residents will not be charged to use the Chapel for funeral service. Voice Vote: Passes unanimously on voice vote.

Appel closes regular meeting and opens closed session at 8:35 p.m. Motion by Bailey supported by Appel to close special session and reopen regular meeting @ 8:55p.m. Motion passes unanimously on voice vote.

Motion by Appel supported by Bailey to accept Agreement between Burtchville Township and Postill as written by Attorney Touma. Motion passes unanimously on voice vote.

9. Clerk’s Report: None

10 Treasurer’s Report: None

11. Trustee’s Report: a) Janks: Stated he had citizens asking him about having the beach at the Township Park cleaned up and sand brought in to level it out. Janks also, stated that citizens asked him about not charging for the old township hall use. Discussion of adding sand to the beach and not charging for the old town rental was met with objection, as the old town hall was recently renovated and cost the township considerable amount of funds. As for the beach it changes each year as far, as sand and beach area from the water action.

b) Minnie: None

12. Extended Public Comment: None

Motion by Bailey, supported by Appel to adjourn @ 9:00p.m.

Motion passes unanimously on voice vote.


Robert C Bailey, Clerk Date

Burtchville Township Regular Meeting

April 17, 2017

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