August 20, 2013

Dear Parents,

Your child has expressed an interest in joining the White Marsh Elementary Orchestra this year. Students will have the opportunity to learn how to play the violin or cello. There are several supplies your child will need to help ensure a successful year in Strings classes.

Most importantly, your child will need an instrument. I recommend renting an instrument, at least at the beginning. This makes it easier to trade to a different instrument if you child changes their mind about what instrument they wish to play, or need to get a different sized instrument as your child grows. If you decide to purchase one, I recommend doing so from a music store. There are many instruments sold elsewhere that is in poor condition, in need of repair, or of poor quality. If a deal seems too good to be true, it usually is. A reputable store/dealer should allow you to try the instrument before purchasing it. I would be happy to help evaluate an instrument before you make the commitment to purchase it.

Supplies for Strings Class

♫  Book- Essential Elements 2000

Grade 3 and 4 - Book 1

Grade 5- Book 1 and 2

Shoulder Pad (Slim and Softie), 5th grade may try a shoulder rest.

♫  Soft cloth to clean violin (a small one to fit in case) Please don’t forget this…. The violins get very messy and sticky with rosin if they are not cleaned every day. Those free shoe polishing clothes you get at hotels work very well!

♫  Rosin (light)(4th and 5th… if your old rosin is broken and cracked.. get a new one)

♫  Don’t forget to get a good Name tag for the case. After spending all that money on an instrument, you want to be sure to have a good strong tag

♫  A folding music stand makes practice at home much easier!

♫  Students playing cello or string bass will need an endpin stop or “rock stop.” Your child should also bring ½” 3-ring binder and pencil to strings class.

Students will come to strings classes twice a week during the school day, for 35-40 minutes each class. A schedule will be sent home soon, after registration is completed. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

JC Guy


Local Instrument Resources: Greater Washington Instrument Resources: Internet Resources

Keiffer Violin Shop, Waldorf, Brobst Violin Shop, Springfield VA

Allegro Music, Hollywood Potter’s Violin Shop, Bethesda, MD

Bullock’s Piano Salon, La Plata Lash of Violins, Gaithersburg, MD

Hot Licks Guitar Shop, Waldorf Jan Hampton Violins, Richmond, VA

Nanbo’s Guitar Emporium, California

Island Music Company, La Plata

The String Family


The violin is the smallest and highest sounding member of the string family. It has a bright sound, and is the same instrument as a fiddle.

It is played on the shoulder, under the chin.


The viola is slightly larger and lower than the violin. It has a mellow sound, and is also played on the shoulder, under the chin.


The cello is much larger and lower than the violin and viola. It is played sitting down, with the cello placed between the knees, resting on the ground.

String Bass

The string bass is the largest and lowest of the string instruments. It is played standing up, with the instrument resting on the ground.