World Geography Name______

Period ____

Chapter 24 & 25 Study Guide:

Be able to

1.  Define, Identify, describe the following:

§  Jati

§  Megalopolis

2.  Describe the percent of the World’s Population that lives in South Asia.

3.  Describe the diversity present in South Asia

§  Languages-

§  Religion-

§  India-descended from ______, Major Religion ______

§  Pakistan & Bangladesh-Major Religion ______

§  Sri Lanka- Majority Religion ______;minority religion ______

§  Bhutan- Majority Religion ______Ethnic origins ______

§  Nepal- Majority Religion ______Ethnic origins ______

4.  What is South Asia’s population?

5.  Describe how South Asia’s population is distributed. (Density)

6.  Where are the highest and lowest concentrations of Population located?

§  Highest

§  Lowest

7.  How are people in these regions employed?

8.  What has Bangladesh done to slow population growth?

9.  Most of South Asia’s live in ______areas of the region.

10.  What is important about each of South Asia’s major cities?

§  Mumbai

§  Kolkata

§  Delhi

§  Dhaka

§  Karachi

§  Islamabad

Section 2, History and Government:

Identify, define, and describe the following vocabulary:

§  Dharma

§  Reincarnation

§  Kharma

§  Nirvana

§  Raj

Be able to:

1.  Describe the early Indus Valley Civilization.

2.  What may have led to its decline?

3.  Who were the early invaders from the northwest?

§  What did they do?

§  Name their sacred writings.

§  How did they organize society?

§  Describe the caste system.

4.  Study your Religion Chart and read (p. 593+) to understand the two great Religions that began in South Asia. Know the majority religion for each country.

5.  Describe how Buddhism spread to other places.

6.  What happened to Buddhism in India?

7.  Other groups followed the Aryans; bring new cultures to South Asia. Describe each, including dates.

§  Mauryan Empire-

§  Gupta Empire-

§  Muslim missionaries and Traders-

§  Europeans-

§  The British-

8.  Describe the people and events leading to India’s Independence. (Review the Gandhi handout)

§  Mohandas K. Gandhi-

§  Salt March-

§  Peaceful resistance (Non-violent methods)

§  Spinning and weaving-

§  Mahatma-

§  1947-

§  Nehru-

§  How was South Asia divided at Independence?

§  1971-

9.  Why is there tension between India and Pakistan?

10.  What ethnic tensions take place in Sri Lanka?

11.  Today, India is the “World’s Largest ______“

12.  What form of government does India have? ______

§  Pakistan?

§  Sri Lanka?

§  Bangladesh?

§  Bhutan-

§  Nepal-

§  Maldives-

13.  Read the feature on pp. 598-599. Explain the controversy surrounding Jammu and Kashmir.

14.  What strategic needs does India have for Kashmir?

15.  What strategic needs does Pakistan have for Kashmir?

16.  What did both India and Pakistan do in the latest crisis in Kashmir?

Section 3: Cultures and Lifestyles:

1.  What languages are spoken in each country?

§  India-

§  Pakistan-

§  Bangladesh-

§  Nepal-

§  Sri Lanka-

§  Maldives

2.  India’s important film industry is called “ ______” and located in Mumbai.

3.  In South Asia, visual arts express their ______.

4.  Locate & identify the Taj Mahal-

5.  India’s “Green Revolution” used improved farming techniques and ______to make it possible for India to feed its people.

Chapter 25: South Asia Today-

Identify, define, and locate:

§  Cash crop

§  Jute

§  Green revolution (see also reading pp624-625.)

§  Biomass

§  Cottage industry

§  Ecotourism

Be able to:

1.  Describe the farming methods and crops grown by most South Asians

2.  What specialty crops and methods are used in

§  Himalayan highlands-

§  Bangladesh’s delta-

§  India-

§  Sri Lanka-

3.  Describe South Asia’s Cash Crops (plantations)-

4.  Describe how South Asia has used the Green Revolution to improve its crops.

5.  Have they been successful?

6.  Describe South Asia’s mineral wealth

7.  What is new about India’s “high tech” sector?

Section 2: People and Their Environment-

Define, Identify, Describe-

§  Sustainable development

§  Poaching

§  Nuclear proliferation

Be able to:

1. Describe the unique wildlife of South Asia and how traditions promote respect.

2. Describe India’s water resources and difficulties obtaining clean water.

3. What are draw backs to dams?

4. How has the conflict in Kashmir led to nuclear proliferation?