Best Practices for Group Facilitation and Influence

VOLT Session

Saturday, May 30, 2015 2:00 – 2:45

Kaz Takeda and Taylor Ceithaml, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts


For leaders to ‘get things done’, they often need to call on the services of others. This session will introduce best practices to facilitate others to engage and follow-through using planning, timing, communication and action item reviews. The session will also introduce how trust is used as a cornerstone to influence others to contribute rather than sit idle in the background. IIE Assistant Senior VP of Regional Operations Kazuo Takeda and IIE member Taylor Ceithaml, will share several of their professional and volunteer experiences which have helped them in their roles to lead multiple efforts. They will provide you the foundation to turn words into action so that you can facilitate change within your local chapters and as a building block to increase your own professional value.


Kazuo ‘Kaz’ Takeda is a Manager of Industrial Engineering for the Disneyland® Resort

Since 1998, Kaz has been responsible for both strategic and tactical operational functions focused on creating and maintaining a world class theme park operation. In his role, he is accountable for planning and improving the sustainment operations for two Theme Parks, three Hotels, and multiple retail and dining locations. His experience ranges from working with maintenance, security, textiles and horticulture, to serving on various support units which orchestrate media events and drive theme park performance.

Kaz is an active member of the Institute of Industrial Engineering National Leadership Committee as Assistant Region Vice President of Regional Operations and Chapter Development Fund Committee Chair. He also serves on the National Industry Advisory Board and has been elected into the rank of IIE Fellow.

Taylor Ceithaml, Associate Industrial Engineer for the Walt Disney World® Resort

Since 2013, Taylor has supported various backstage operations ranging from attractions maintenance to environmental initiatives. She graduated from the University of Southern California in 2012 with a BS in Industrial and Systems Engineering. While in school, she volunteered her time through her sorority and as a USC Song Girl, representing the university at sports and marketing events.

Taylor has continued her career growth by being an active member of Institute of Industrial Engineering within her local area and the Young Professionals group.