Robert F. Flider, Director


Bureau of Land and Water Resources

State Fairgrounds $ P.O. Box 19281 $ Springfield, IL 62794-9281 $ 217/782-6297 $ TDD 217/524-6858 $ Fax 217/557-0993

March 2013 – BLWR Report

FY 2010 Bond Funds

A good, make that a great news story is that every cent of FY 10 Bond Funds has been spent on conservation practices; no dollars were returned to the Department. This illustrates excellent program management on the part of Districts and great communication/cooperation between the Department’s Regional Representatives and District Employees. Let’s collectively accomplish the same thing with FY 11, 12 and 13 CPP funds.

Illinois Conservation Partnership 2012 Annual Report

An email was sent out to Districts on February 5 asking you to complete the annual survey of activities for FY 2012. The information is included in the Annual Partnership Report that outlines all of the broad accomplishments of Districts and our partners in conserving our natural resources. This information is provided to policy makers and the public. It is also used to help secure sustained funding for Districts. Please take a few minutes and complete the survey and return it to us by February 28. Also, the FY 2011 Report has been placed on DARTS. Thank you!

FY 2014 Partners for Conservation Program

Cost-Share Program Guidelines and Application Forms

The BLWR is in the process of reviewing guidelines and forms for the next fiscal year. SWCDs may send any suggestions, comments or ideas for improvement of the FY 2014 program in writing to your Regional Representative by May 15, 2013. As always, we thank you for your input into improving Department programs!

Partners for Conservation Fund

Deadlines for Expenditure:

FY11 CPP / TMDL account April 12, 2013

FY12 CPP / TMDL account Dec 28, 2013

FY13 CPP / TMDL account November 8, 2014

FY 2013 Streambank Stabilization and Restoration Cost-Share Funding Available

FY13 cost-share funds are available for streambank stabilization projects. The deadline for submitting SSRP applications for FY13 funds will be May 1, 2013. The stream specialists are available to provide technical assistance needed for site inspections, evaluation and project cost estimates. Contact the specialist assigned to your district to schedule appointments for assistance. The Bureau will notify SWCDs with projects that are approved for cost-share funding by June 15, 2013.

2013 Transect Survey

This year’s survey will mark the 14th survey that Districts and the Bureau have cooperated on to complete. As in the past, all information Districts will need to conduct the survey will be posted to DARTS. This includes each district’s previously ran data base, data entry program and instructions for downloading and uploading data from DARTS. The information will be posted to DARTS by April 1, 2013.

Summer Conference

Please mark your calendars for July 22 and 23 at the Northfield Inn in Springfield. If you have ideas for training topics for employees or directors please send them to your Regional ISWCDEA representatives or to your BLWR Regional Representative.

Statement of Economic Interest Forms

All SWCD Directors must file an annual Illinois Governmental Ethics Act, Statement of Economic Interest Form with your County Clerk. The Illinois Governmental Ethics Act, Statement of Economic Interest Forms (being sent by the County Clerk's Office) must be completed and filed with your County Clerk's Office by May 1, 2013 to avoid a penalty. Contact your County Clerk's Office for more information.

Transmittal Checklist Items

Please make sure the following items are completed and sent in to Carrie Tisckos at the Department by April 1, 2013.

Annual Report and Annual Meeting Minutes (signed by chairman)

Organization of the Board Form

Election Counting Record

Acceptance of Office Forms (signed)

Quarterly Reports

If you have not already done so, please send in your quarterly reports to Carrie Tisckos for the period ending December 30, 2012. Several Districts still have not submitted their reports. You should submit both the FY 12 (6th quarter) and FY 13 (2nd quarter) reports unless you have completely spent all of your FY 12 allocation in a previous quarter and sent in a signed copy.

Vegetative Filter Strip Report Due

If you have not already done so, please send in your vegetative filter strip report to Carrie Tisckos that was due January 31. Thank you so much for your cooperation!

Cover Crop Initiative

As announced last fall, the Bureau is continuing to work on the development of a cover crop initiative that includes 3 phases. The first phase of the initiative consists of working with districts and farmers to establish 15 highly visible cover crop demonstration plots of 20-40 acres along Interstates/highways throughout the state. The purpose of the demonstration plots is to bring attention to the use and benefits of growing cover crops. Signs erected along highway right-of- way will bring attention to the plots and their purpose. The three year project will feature cover crop species that are well adapted for the local growing conditions in that part of the state. The site locations will be announced in March.

The second phase of the initiative is a grant provided to SWCDs to work with a producer that would like to conduct small scale replicated research trials on 4 to 6 different cover crops over a three year period. The SWCD research plot grants would be for 3 years and provide $250 each year to the District to administer the education and promotional effort (i.e., field day, meetings, etc.) for the plot. It is the goal of the Bureau to work with the District to locate a vendor to provide the seed for the plot at no cost to the producer. Additional details on the District research plot grants are expected to be made available in March.

The third phase of the project is the development of a website called that will be posted on the highway demonstration plot’s signage. The site is expected to serve as a clearinghouse for information on cover crops. It will provide information on upcoming events, research data and resources about cover crops. It will also include links to many agencies, organizations as well as some commercially based sites that pertain to cover crops (i.e., seed vendors, seeding applicators, specialized equipment). The site is expected to be launched this spring.

Ag Areas Annual Report Available on DARTS and BLWR Webpage

The 2012 Agricultural Areas Annual Report is now on DARTS and the BLWR webpage. We experienced one addition to the Effingham Ag Area in 2012. If anyone has an interest in establishing an Ag Area in your county, please contact Terry Savko for assistance.

New Director Training

Please make sure to inform your Regional Representative of all new Directors elected at your annual meeting or District election so they may coordinate with the Directors on New Director Training. As in the past, we plan to offer the New Director Training on a local level in small groups or individually to anyone that would like to receive the training.